Chapter Thirty-Seven: Cheater

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I always thought people joked around whenever they called me an idiot. I didn't see how they saw me as an idiot because I myself didn't see it.
Now I see it quite well.
I am the biggest idiot in the world.
Not only that, but I'm also the biggest asshole in the world.
I paced around my apartment, biting my knuckle and looking at my laptop worriedly. Why the hell did I do something this stupid? Everything was going great in my life and then I had to do something like this.
I heard the little noise that occurred when I got a new message. I turned to my laptop and saw the little red 1 sign next to the messages icon.
I sighed and made my way over to my laptop, clicking on the message and reading it over and over again in my head.
Come on, babe. Just one more night. You and I both know you need it.
I felt tears come to my eyes at the message. How am I gonna get out of this?
I flung myself down onto the couch and let my tears overwhelm me.

I sipped at my beer, finding the flavors to be quite soothing, especially when I had so much on my mind.
Michael actually proposed to me and I ran out without giving him an answer.
God, he must be so pissed at me right now. I didn't even want to check my phone out of fear that he might've broken up with me.
I sipped at my beer again. Why was it that I was able to say yes to Michael the first time he 'proposed', but the second time I couldn't even give him an answer?
Throughout the night I slowly became the slightest bit tipsy. A guy came up to me and made conversation with me. We talked throughout the night and got to know each other.
Eventually I found myself feeling lustful and needy. I tried to shake the feelings off but they wouldn't go away. The guy, who introduced himself as Darin, noticed this and became very touchy, placing his hand on my thigh, running his hand over my cheek, even grabbing my hand and holding it.
This felt wrong. So wrong. I was still dating Michael, and could even quite possibly be engaged to him soon.
But the lust driven part of my brain told me to keep going. To let go and let this go where I knew it was gonna lead.
And so, I let it. I allowed Darin to take me back to his apartment and we did... Things that had pleasured me, yes, but things that felt unbelievably wrong.

After that I had felt as though I couldn't face Michael. I betrayed him in ways that nobody would understand unless they themselves had gone through that.
I blinked open my eyes, scrubbing my cheeks to rid them of the tears that streamed down my face.
I looked at my phone, noticing Michael had texted me. I felt a smile appear on my face. Even though I wanted to avoid him, just so he didn't find out, I still loved it when he gave me attention and worried about me.
I grabbed my phone and read through the text Michael sent me, smiling at his protective nature.

Hey.. I know you probably want to think without me interrupting you but I was just wondering if you're okay. I never got a chance to ask you and it seems like something's been bothering you. I'm still here for you, you know. Anytime you need someone to talk to or if you're feeling cold at night, I'm literally a five minute drive away. I really love you, Gav. I love you...

I smiled at the text and quickly started typing out a response to his text.

I'm coming over.

And with that, I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out the door.

I knocked on Michael's apartment door and smiled when he opened it. I walked in, letting him close the door behind me. I sighed out in content, feeling safer here than at my own apartment.
"So, is there something you need?" Michael asked awkwardly. I never thought the day would come that Michael and I would awkward around each other.
"I just need you. I miss you, Michael," I told him affectionately. I walked back over to him and wrapped my arms around him, holding him as close as possible to me. Michael did the same, wrapping his arms securely around my waist.
"I missed you too, Gav," Michael purred in my ear, sending shivers up my spine.
When we pulled back, I quickly pressed my lips against his. I felt him get taken back by surprise but quickly melted into the kiss.
The kiss turned into several more deeper ones. Within five minutes, I found myself getting picked up and brought into Michael's room. He threw me down on the bed playfully and removed his shirt, with me following closely behind.
Michael crawled on top of me, pinning my arms above my head and kissing me, hard. I moaned out at this, feeling him continue to go lower as we continued.
"Oh god, Michael, please," I moaned out. Michael smirked and stopped kissing me for a moment.
"Please what?" He encouraged, finding my need amusing.
"Fuck me," I groaned, causing Michael to smash our lips back together.
I felt him reach for my pants and begin undoing them. My breath hitched and suddenly, I wasn't in Michael's apartment anymore.
"Come on, baby. Faster," A voice that wasn't Michael's said. Darin...
"Stop!" I yelped out.
Michael stopped immediately, looking at me in worry.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
I almost spilled the truth out to him. I quickly caught myself and came up with something that he'd believe. Something simple.
"I'm really tired, Michael. Can we just cuddle, please?" I asked him.
Michael quickly nodded and got off of me. He pulled up the covers to his bed and let me crawl into them. I did and he crawled in next to me. I immediately latched myself to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on chest. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and laid his head on mine, sighing deeply.
I clutched onto him for god knows how long. I had glimpses of my time with Darin as I laid there with Michael. I willed them to go away, reminding myself that I had Michael, that he was going to be fiancé soon.
I eventually fell asleep.

The next day, I walked into the RT building, holding Michael's hand. I swung them back and forth, making Michael's laugh a little and squeeze my hand. I smiled at him, pressing my side against his.
When I walked past Barbara and Meg they immediately pulled me aside, away from Michael. I waved Michael off, telling him I'd catch up.
Barbara immediately grabbed my left hand and searched it.
"Well, where's the ring?" She demanded.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"Don't play stupid, Gavin. You obviously spent the night at Michael's apartment. I thought you were avoiding him until you gave him an answer," Meg answered me.
"Well, Meg you're right. I did spend the night at Michael's last night. But that's it. I didn't give him an answer yet," I told them.
"Why? Gavin you said you wanted to marry him. Why can't you just say yes already!" Barbara complained.
I looked around quickly, making sure nobody was in the room with us. I gulped and looked both of them in the eyes.
"Can you guys keep a secret for me?" I asked them nervously.
"Yeah," They both said giddily.
"I mean it guys, this is top secret," I told them. They both nodded.
"Okay, so the night Michael proposed to me, I went to a bar to try and clear my head and... I..." I choked up. Meg and Barbara instantly surrounded me, putting their hands on my shoulders.
"I cheated on Michael."
I am actually really proud of this chapter. So much happened.
So, thanks for reading. I really hope you guys have been enjoying. Please, leave your thoughts or feedback for me cause I love to read them. It really helps me to become a better author.
Anyway, thanks for reading!

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