Chapter Eight: Feelings? Or Not?

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I snuggled deeper into the warmth that was next to me. Whatever it was, it was warm, and comfortable. I felt myself wrap my arms around this thing and pull it closer to me, sighing in content. I opened my eyes just slightly to realize the thing that I was hugging was living.
I pulled away instantly and looked into Gavin's bright eyes. I could see he was holding in a laugh.
"Fuck! Sorry, Gav. I guess, I was cold," I muttered. Gavin laughed and shrugged.
"Fine by me. Are you gonna punch me still?" Gavin asked. I smiled and punched him gently in the nose. I turned over and looked at my phone.  It was four in the morning... And I had to drive all day.
"I'm taking a shower," Gavin told me. He got up and went to the bathroom.
Almost immediately after he left my phone started going off. I looked at it and realized Lindsey was calling me. I had talked to her a little since she left but not as much as I would've preferred. I answered it and held it to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked, drowsily.
"Hey, Michael! What's up?" Lindsey asked cheerfully. Wasn't it like.. One there?
"Do you realize it's four in the morning here?" I asked her. Lindsey laughed but stopped immediately.
"Four? But, it's three is Austin," Lindsey said. I sighed and rolled onto my back.
"I know. I'm not in Austin," I told her.
"Wait, why? Where are you?" She asked me, confused.
"I'm in Kentucky with Gavin at the moment. I'm going to New York to help out the new Achievement Hunter and stuff," I told her. Lindsey muttered oh.
"Yeah, I saw that. Congrats! Must be really exciting." Lindsey said. I smiled and sighed in content.
"I guess. But, anyway, why are you up? Isn't it late there?" I asked her.
"Yeah, but I just couldn't fall asleep yet. I can't get over the amazing views here," She told me.
"I figured you'd probably be up all night for the first few weeks. Just don't get used to it. I like to actually sleep at night, Lindsey," I joked. She laughed and sighed a bit.
"I miss you, Michael. But, I'm glad you're moving on," Lindsey suddenly said. Wait, what?
"Moving on? What do you mean?" I asked her. Lindsey chuckled nervously.
"I'm guessing you haven't checked Twitter?" Lindsey said. I instantly put her on speaker and went to Twitter. Gavin posted a picture of me cuddling up next to him. God dammit, Gavin!
"Gavin is so dead," I growled. Lindsey simply laughed at that.
"Michael! You can't kill him! He's your lover!" Lindsey complained. I sighed.
"No he is not. I'm not gay," I told her sternly.
"Michael, look into your heart for a moment and be honest with yourself. Do you even have the slightest bit of attraction to him? Even just a little?" Lindsey asked me. I thought for a moment. Should I lie or not? I didn't get the chance when I guess my heart decided it was time to be truthful.
"I guess... I do kinda think about him more than I probably should. And he does look irresistibly adorable when he sleeps," I said truthfully. Lindsey squealed slightly.
"See! You do like him!" Lindsey exclaimed.
"Whatever you say, Lindsey," I muttered.
"Well, I've gotta go Mikey. I'll talk to you later," Lindsey said. I sighed and sat up.
"Alright," I muttered to her.
"Alright, bye Michael. Love you," She told me. Wait... What?
"Wait... What?" Speaking my mind... Wow.
"Just because we aren't together doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. It's just a friendly love you, Michael," Lindsey explained. Oh... Good.
"Oh, okay. You scared me there for a second. Well, I guess, I love you, too. Bye," I told her. I hung up after that.

Gavin's POV: (I haven't done this yet XP)

Was I hearing correctly? Did Michael just say he was attracted to me? Maybe it was time I came out...
Yes, I'm gay. I've been gay for basically most of my life. I didn't say anything out of fear the guys would shun me. The only people who knew were Meg, Barbara and Geoff.
Meg knew because I dated her at one point. I felt so bad about using her as a cover up that after three months of dating her I decided I should tell her. She was upset but she understood and we decided to stay friends.
Barbara knew because she was my best friend other than the Achievement Hunters. I trusted her with anything and she had kept this a secret for almost a year now.
Geoff knew because one night I was so upset for basically no reason. I was bawling and I had no idea what I was saying and I kinda came out to Geoff on accident. He accepted me, of course.
It's also the reason I'm so quiet about my relationships. I never really felt like the world should know about my personal relationships I had with people, and if they did know, they'd probably suspect something. I only had two girlfriends in my entire life span and I was, not to be cocky, quite attractive. The guys often said that I could pick up any girl I want with just a glance to them. And I knew the fans felt the same way about it. So them knowing I didn't have a girlfriend for about a year now, would rise suspicions.
But now... I feel like I should come out. Especially to Michael. He was the one that I, primarily, liked. I mean... After everything that we do on camera, who wouldn't be attracted to him.
I heard Michael get up and start moving around, probably putting on new clothes. I quickly brushed my teeth and combed out my hair before walking back out.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Michael asked me. He slid on a t-shirt which made me look at his exposed torso for a few moments to long. When I finally pried my eyes away from his muscular body and to his face, he was already giving me a weird look.
"Uh, yeah. But can we stop somewhere cause, I'm starving," I told him. Michael nodded and went into the bathroom for a few minutes. I checked my phone, seeing that Meg texted me.

So, Gavin... How's this trip with just you and Michael. ;)

I rolled my eyes at the fact that she thought I was actually gonna try something. I giggled a little to myself and texted her back.

It's fine. We should be in New York by this afternoon.

I set my phone down and grabbed my pillow and blankets. She texted me back and I looked at my phone.

That's not what I meant, dummy! You and Michael, ya know. Your crush and stuff.

I blushed slightly and quickly picked up my phone and turned it off when Michael returned. He looked at me weirdly but, nevertheless, grabbed his phone and backpack and led me out of the room.

We went through the drive thru at McDonalds, cause we're so badass. I ate my food quickly, not realizing how hungry I was. Michael kept eying his food, which he didn't touch for some reason.
"Why aren't you eating?" I asked him when I finished my food.
"Did you forget I was driving?" Michael asked me. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I picked out his food and held it for him.
"Then, I'll feed you," I muttered. Michael gave me a look of gratefulness before taking a bite. He quickly finished and took a drink of his coffee.
"Thanks Gavin," He told me. I nodded and pulled out my phone.

Gavin! Hellllllooooo!

What? We were getting food.

Oh. Anyway, why don't you ever try something. Michael's single now so I think you should.

Cause he's not gay!

You never know until you try.

Alright, Meg. Since your pestering me about this, I'm gonna tell you something that happened a couple weeks ago.


You can't tell anyone.


Okay... So while Michael was still staying with me... We got really drunk one night. And I guess my feelings for him made an appearance... And we... Uh... Sleep together.


No it's not! We promised each other we wouldn't say anything about it.

Whatever. Michael isn't one of those drunks that does stuff like that. So he had to of felt something to do it!

I don't know... But anyway, he was talking to Lindsey a little while ago and... I think he said he was attracted to me.


Meg, stop fangirling. You're going to blow up my phone.

Do you realize how great this is! You should tell him how you feel about him!

Maybe... I'll think about it.

We stopped texting after that. Meg was probably gonna tell Barbara and then she'd be just like Meg was.
But, one thing was on my mind. I should tell Michael how I feel about him.
But, how?
Yay! I threw some of Gavvy Wavvy's POV in there. Tell me if you like his POV and I'll put more of it in this story. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Please leave feedback, it'll he greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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