Chapter Three: My Big Mistake

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"So, Michael, is what I heard true? Are you and Lindsey broken up?" Gus asked me. How'd I know this was coming?
"Uh... Yeah. We decided long distance wouldn't work out so we just went our separate ways," I told him. Gus nodded and Burnie started talking.
"She seemed pretty pissed off. But whatever, that's none of our business," Burnie muttered. "Edit that out when you get the chance."
I sighed and watched the people behind the cameras nod and continue shooting.
The conversations went on but I wasn't very involved with them. Gavin nudged me a few times, in which I would say a quick answer and then continue looking down and thinking.
To be honest, it wasn't that I was upset that Lindsey and I broke up. I mean don't get me wrong, I was kinda sad and stuff. But I was just thinking about how I'm gonna be all alone in my apartment with Mavrick. I'm gonna get so lonely... I've always lived with someone. I've never not had someone living with me. It was gonna be so quiet.
"Mi-cool? The Podcast is over you know," Gavin nudged me. I nodded and stood up. Burnie and Gus came over to me.
"Hey, don't let this destroy you, Michael. You'll have someone else in no time," Burnie told me. I nodded and let Gavin lead me out of the studio.
"Mi-cool, are you alright? You're so quiet. At least yell at me or something," Gavin asked. I just shook my head and continued walking in step with him.
"You do realize that was the last Podcast we'll be apart of for a long time, right?" Gavin asked. I nodded.
The Achievement Hunters had to start watching the job application Let's Plays we asked the fans to do. Yeah, it wasn't exactly the smartest idea but we decided that we should be a little less careful. We had over two hundred admissions and each one was over a half an hour long. It was gonna take us weeks to watch all of them. Of course, we weren't doing each one individually. We were all just sitting down and opening the Let's Plays and watching them. If we found some that we liked we'd put them in a separate group and then all the guys would watch them as a group.
Gavin and I walked into the office. Everyone was setting up the Let's Plays on each person's computer. I sighed and sat at my desk and put my headphones on. Gavin gave me a small smile before putting his headphones on and starting to watch a Let's Play.

I've watched about ten Let's Plays by now. I was so exhausted and it was going on seven pm. The guys all decided we'd stay until ten.
I hadn't found a single Let's Play that could compare to any of ours. Basically the fans would just say things like how much they loved us or reference every Let's Play we've done. They were far too over dramatic and hyper.
I took off my headphones and rubbed my eyes. Gavin looked at me and paused the Let's Play he was watching.
"You want some coffee? I was gonna go grab some for myself," Gavin offered. I nodded gratefully and he got up and left.
I looked through the Let's Plays and clicked on one. It started off with the guy introducing themselves and saying why they would like to work as an Achievement Hunter. He sounded pretty young so that was plus one.
Gavin returned with my coffee and I took my headphones off.
"Thank you," I mumbled quietly. Gavin smiled and crouched down next to me.
"That's the first thing you've said in about six hours," He told me. I nodded and Gavin did something I wasn't expecting. He hugged me. Tightly. I found myself hugging back just as tightly, not wanting him to move away from the embrace.
After a few more seconds, we both pulled away and Gavin lifted my chin with his finger.
"Don't let this bring you down, Mogar. I've seen the things you can do. Be the strong little Mogar I know you can be," Gavin told me. I smiled at the pet name and he went back to his desk and sat down.
I put my headphones on and started listening to the Let's Play again.

Holy fuck, this guy was perfect. I was actually quiet entertained throughout the entire video. He was funny and when he was interrupted by his little sister I couldn't stop laughing. He can work with others, was hilarious, and knew a lot about the games he was playing. After the video I put it in the group of good Let's Plays, which with all the guys combined, there was only about two in there. I really hoped we were going to hire him. He wasn't like the others. He didn't try to be funny, he didn't try to make us flattered. He just did what he wanted.
At ten, all the guys packed up and we headed out. I walked with Gavin to his car and we started back to his apartment.
"Did you find any good videos?" Gavin asked me. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah. There's this one guy, Jesse. He actually kinda acted like Ray and I really think he has a pretty good chance at being the newest Achievement Hunter," I told Gavin. Gavin smiled and nodded.
"Well... That's great! I can't wait to watch it then. I didn't find any good ones," Gavin muttered. I shrugged and looked out the window.
When we got inside the apartment, Mavrick happily jumped at me. Gavin went to the fridge and pulled out a couple of bevs, handing me one. I took it gratefully and we sat on the couch and popped them open.

The night went on, and more and more bevs were drunk. Gavin started stumbling to the fridge every time we both drained the bottles. I felt myself getting dizzy but I didn't let up on the drinks a bit. I was starting to actually feel a little bit better about this whole Lindsey thing.
Gavin tripped and fell over the couch. I laughed at his drunken state. Gavin nuzzled his head into my lap and looked up at me.
"You look reallyyy sexyyy right now, Mogar," Gavin told me. I giggled and started petting his hair.
"Oh yeah? How sexy?" I asked him. Gavin shrugged and hiccuped.
"How about I show you," Gavin muttered. He sat up and slammed his lips against mine in a rough kiss. Strangely enough, I found myself kissing back.
Gavin and I ran our hands over each other. Before I knew it, Gavin was leading me to his bedroom. He dragged me in and pushed me down onto the bed. He pulled his shirt over his head and did the same with me. He climbed on top of me and kissed me hungrily.
Slowly, things escalated and we found ourselves under the covers, completely naked, making out roughly. I knew what was going to happen next. I've been through it all too many times. But, the thing is, I didn't stop it. I don't know if it was because of my drunken mind not allowing me to pass good judgement and making me more horny than usual, or because I actually wanted to do this, but I did it.
And the thing that scared me even more;
I actually enjoyed it.
Whoa! What? Haha anyway, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! And if you like this story, give me some feedback! I'd really appreciate that. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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