Chapter Four: Good Bye, Lindsey

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I woke up the next morning, having a terrible headache and feeling slightly nauseous. I moaned and rolled onto my side laying my arm on something warm and fleshy.
Wait a second...
I burst my eyes open to find the sleeping face of Gavin. What the hell am I doing in his bed? Wait... I'm shirtless, he's shirtless, I'm pants less... He's... Oh fuck no.
I sat up so quickly I felt my head rush. I felt a lump in my throat and found myself screaming. Gavin flew up after me and looked at me in confusion. He, surprisingly quickly, made the same conclusion as me and screamed as well.
I rolled out of bed and started slipping on my clothes. Gavin pulled the covers up a little more and looked away as I pulled my pants on.
"This didn't happen, okay. We do not speak of this, ever, got it?" I told him sternly. Gavin nodded quickly and looked back at me. I pulled my shirt over my head and sighed.
"I think I'll be staying in a hotel until Lindsey leaves," I muttered. Gavin nodded slightly. I looked at my phone.
"Fuck, we're late anyway. I'll see you at work. If I show up after you, do not say anything for why you're late. I don't trust you to make up a convincing lie," I told him. Gavin nodded again and muttered a quiet 'bye'.
I left the apartment, calling Mavrick to follow me. He did and jumped into my car as I made my way to work.

Thank God, Gavin's not here yet. I came up with a lie that should convince the guys for why we're late. 
I quickly walked into the AH office and watched all the guys stare at me.
"You're late, Michael," Geoff told me. He didn't seem mad, but he was never mad if one of us were late.
"Uh, yeah, Gavin woke up late and didn't wake me up. He should be here soon," I explained. The guys looked at me in confusion.
"Gavin called in sick saying he didn't feel well," Geoff told me. God dammit, Gavin, you had one job.
Geoff pointed to my desk, telling me to get to work. I quickly sat down and sighed. I took pain medicine for my headache but it was still there. Today was gonna be a long day...

Lunch came around and I quickly grabbed Gavin's laptop and left the building, going to Gavin's apartment.
I pulled into the parking lot and ran up the stairs, knocking on his door. Wait, why am I knocking? I opened the door and walked in. Gavin was standing by the couch and sighed when he saw me and sat back down.
"What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to be working," I told him. Gavin looked at me and shrugged.
"I figured it would be easier to just take the day off. I've got plenty to spare," Gavin muttered. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"That's not the point. You made me look like a liar. I told you not to say anything," I told him.
"Well, I couldn't just tell Geoff that I was taking the day off cause I felt like it," Gavin argued. I decided to tone it down. I have to record a Rage Quit later so might as well save it for then.
"Okay... I get it. Just... Next time, don't say a word, okay?" I told him gently. Gavin laid back and nodded.
"Kay," He muttered.
"Alright. I grabbed your laptop for you. Geoff said you had a couple videos to edit. And he wanted you to watch a couple more Let's Plays," I told him. Gavin nodded and I handed him his laptop.
"Thanks, Mi-cool," Gavin thanked me. I nodded and stood there awkwardly for a few moments.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go," I told him, pointing to the door. Gavin chuckled and nodded. Waving to me from the couch.
I got down into my car and wondered why Gavin was taking the day off. Was his hangover really bad or something? My headache was almost gone but Gavin seemed to be acting strange. Like quiet strange. Like how I was acting yesterday. That's weird... I was acting like that because I was lonely and heartbroken. Gavin didn't have a girlfriend so why the hell was he acting like that?
I shrugged it off and drove back to the building. Maybe a family member died or something. That was probably it. I walked back into the building and sat down at my desk. Film the Rage Quit and then watch another ten videos with the guys. My job was getting so repetitive.

It was around nine when I finally got out of work. The guys waved to me and I got into my car. I pulled my phone out and looked at the message that was sent to me about an hour ago.

Can you stop by the apartment for a minute. I want to talk to you.

I decided I probably should. I had to pick up Mavrick anyway.
I drove to the apartment in complete silence. I felt my mind beginning to drift to strange places, but I didn't stop it.
I finally started to think about last night with Gavin. The only thing I could remember was drinking a bunch of bevs and getting completely wasted. But I wasn't one of those people who accidentally slept with people when I was drunk. In fact, I've never done that before, and I've gotten drunk with numerous girls around that were willing to sleep with me. Maybe something was different with Gavin and I. Maybe I felt something...
No! No, Michael, no! I didn't feel anything. I just got drunk and slept with Gavin on accident. Nothing more.
I pulled into the parking lot and took a deep breath as I walked up to my apartment. I knocked on the door slowly and heard feet shuffling to the door to open it.
Lindsey opened the door and stepped back for me to walk in. I noticed all her things were packed into neat little boxes and stuff. Now it was just my stuff...
"Hi, Michael," Lindsey muttered. I looked at her and smiled a little.
"Hey," I muttered back.
"Look. I'm sorry. I really don't want to leave with you and I being mad at each other," Lindsey started. I nodded and looked at her fully.
"So... You're actually leaving," I said. She sighed and nodded, looking around.
"I guess so. I'm gonna miss it though. Our... I mean, your tiny little apartment," Lindsey said. I nodded and sighed too.
Then, Lindsey said something I wasn't expecting.
"Michael, this is gonna be a weird request, but, can I have one last kiss before I leave and we're broken up for good?" Lindsey asked politely. I looked at her again and nodded.
I bent down and pulled her in for a long kiss. Might as well make the last one count, right? The moment our lips touched, I realized something. I didn't feel anything during that kiss. Like, nothing at all. No sparks, no feelings, no anything. It was just two people touching lips and nothing else.
When I pulled away Lindsey had tears streaming down her face. I wiped them away gently and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you, Michael," She sobbed into my chest. I pet her hair back and placed my head on top of hers.
"I'm gonna miss you too, Linds," I told her bravely. She pulled away and wiped away the remaining tears.
"You know, I'm leaving pretty early this morning. You can sleep in your bed if you want. I'm not getting any sleep anyway," Lindsey said. I smiled and nodded, starting towards my bedroom.
When I walked in, I noticed how empty it was. I hadn't realized how much of the stuff was Lindsey's until after she packed it all. I sighed and grabbed some sweatpants and slipped them on.
Lindsey walked in after I got changed. She sat down on the bed next to me and sighed.
"Look, I also want to apologize for what I said about you and Gavin. To be honest, I was always jealous of your friendship. I couldn't ever have a friendship like that with anyone," Lindsey muttered. Oh Linds, you have no idea.
"I get it... I guess it's understandable. I would be upset too if I saw you acting like that with Barbara or something," I told her. She giggled and smiled, the first genuine smile I haven't seen from her in a while.
"I'm gonna get some sleep. Wake me up before you leave, okay?" I told her. She nodded and got up and turned out the light.
I laid down in bed and curled up under the covers. They were just washed, I could tell that. All scents of Lindsey or me were gone. I clutched onto the pillow and closed my eyes, willing sleep to come.

I woke up to someone shaking me. I blinked open my eyes and looked up to see Lindsey standing over me. She gave me a sad smile and allowed me to sit up.
"It's time," She mumbled. I nodded and stood up.
I followed her out to her car. Mavrick followed closely behind me until we got outside. He quickly ran toward the grass and did his thing.
I turned to Lindsey and watched as silent tears fell from her cheeks. I pulled her into a tight and long hug.
"I'll miss you, Linds. But, you said it yourself, you have a great opportunity. I'm glad you're taking it, even if we had to break up for it," I told her. Lindsey sobbed into my chest at that.
"I'll miss you too, Mikey. I'll always cherish the time we spent together. You'll always have a special place in my heart," Lindsey told me. I smiled and pulled back. I kissed her cheek gently and opened her car door for her.
"Good bye, Lindsey," I said. Lindsey nodded and got into her seat. She started her car and pulled away, waving to me as she left.
Good bye, Lindsey...
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please leave some feedback and tell me how I'm doing. I'd really appreciate it. Once again, thanks for reading!

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