Chapter Twenty-Nine: Regret

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I was throwing stones into Lake Austin. Each throw was getting more violent as I persisted to get the bad emotions out of my head.
It wasn't working.
I shook my head and threw my last stone. It splashed in the water with a tiny drop and I leaned back against the rock I was sitting on.
I scanned my surroundings for the hundredth time, seeing family's swim in the water about a hundred feet from me without a care in the world. I envied them.
They had such easy lives. They didn't have to worry about pleasing millions of fans. They didn't have to worry about a childish British man that seemed to be falling into depression. They didn't have to worry about their sisters being apart of a horrible business.
I sighed and rested my head on the rock, letting the sun beat down on face. I probably looked like a ghost to the family's. Nothing but a nuisance.
I heard a gasp and blinked open my eyes. When I looked to my left, I saw a girl that seemed to be around fifteen and boy that seemed to be sixteen or seventeen run up to me. I sighed quietly and rolled my eyes. Great time to be seeing fans.
"You're Michael Jones, right?" The girl asked me. I smirked a little and looked up.
"I'd hope so. Otherwise people have been getting my name wrong for twenty-seven years," I smiled and reached out my hand for them.
They both shook my hand excitedly. The girls smile never left her face and the boy broke out into a light smirk.
"My names Shiloh and this is my brother, Ryder. We've been fans since, like, 2012. It's such an honor to meet you," Shiloh said. I smiled and nodded.
"Wow, that's really nice to hear. I'm glad people can watch that long and not get bored, ya know," I smiled and Shiloh and Ryder giggled.
"Anyway, we were wondering if we could have a picture? It's okay if you don't want to, we understand," Shiloh smiled, bringing her phone out. I smiled and nodded, standing up and doing the picture with them.
"Thank you so much! This really means a lot. Anyway, mind if we talk for a while. Our family is that cliche, want to do family shit type of family so it's nice to have a breather once in a while," Ryder muttered. Usually I wouldn't grant fans this type of request, but right now, I didn't really care. I smiled and nodded and we went right into a conversation.
They asked me what it was like to work for RoosterTeeth and what we did all day. I told them the truth, that it's mostly just editing and papers and stuff, but once in a while, we'd do pranks or an RT life that we'd record for the fans enjoyment.
I couldn't help but notice the slight disappointment on their faces. I gave them a lob sided smile, which perked them up a bit. Funny, just by smiling I can brighten someone's spirits.
"Anyway, I have a question for you, Michael," Shiloh asked me. I nodded and she smiled at me, blushing all the more.
"So, this is probably a stupid question, but, have you ever thought of Gavin as anything more than friends?" Shiloh asked me, giggling slightly. Her brother elbowed her harshly and she smiled, hitting him back.
I blushed, watching their moment and remembering times that my sister and I used to do that.
Just like them...
"Well, I'm gonna be honest with you, Shiloh, I have. In fact, I do all the time," I smirked, winking at her. She gasped and squealed a little.
"Really?" She asked, still squealing.
"Yeah. But, if I tell you why, you've gotta keep it a secret, ya hear?" I asked them both. They nodded excitedly, leaning in. "Gavin and I have been dating for the past... Oh, three or four months now."
Shiloh stood back and jumped up. Ryder looked at me with a surprised expression and laughed a little.
"Wow, my sister's gonna have a fan girl attack now," Ryder laughed a little while Shiloh elbowed him.
"Oh, shut up. You love it," Shiloh smiled at him. Ryder rolled his eyes but smiled all the more.
For some reason, watching them behave like this brought back memories of Michelle and I doing this. Back when we could act like this. I remembered her as a little girl, always trying every trick in the book to get me to play with her. Tricks that I once taught her. I remembered messing with her in a way only brother and sisters could. I remembered those sleepless nights I had when dad was raging and I had to hold her close while she cried the night away.
Regret came over me in a wave and I instantly knew what I had to do.
"Hey, guys, I really hate to cut our conversation short but, I've got some business I need to attend to," I smiled, trying to sound polite. Shiloh and Ryder both nodded and smiled at me.
"Thank you so much for talking to us. You're, like, the first famous person we've ever talked to," Shiloh said, happily.
"Yeah... And thank you," I smiled and began walking away. I knew they were looking at me with confused expressions but right now, I didn't worry about it.
I got into my car and silently hoped I still had time. I had made a mistake and, now, it was my duty to redeem it.
Please let there be time...
I am so sorry for this shitty as fuck update. I'm seriously trying with this story. I'm trying to wrap this part up so I can continue onto the next one cause that one is gonna have lots of Mavin, and that would be my forte. I'm sorry for not updating I'm forever and I'm sorry this update is really short.
Anyway, please tell me how I'm doing. It means so much when someone takes the time to tell me how I did on the story. It takes a second and it can brighten my day.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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