Chapter Thirty: Decisions

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Please read the AN at the end!

The next day my mom was quick to bring me breakfast in bed. My brother apparently told her what I did last night and she insisted that I stay another day in England.
I really didn't want to, but I agreed. Besides my dad wasn't supposed to be home for a few more days which gave me all the time I needed to reconnect with my brother.
But all that morning my brother acted strange. He was very quiet and distant, which scared me since usually if he was acting like this, it was because he was thinking about something. Something that wouldn't turn out good for him in the end.
I shrugged it off, thinking he was just worried about me.
I kinda wish I didn't.

"Hang on, I have to get this," My brother told me. He patted my leg and got off the couch that we were sitting on.
I sighed and turned my attention back to the screen on the wall. My brother and I were watching some old cartoons we used to watch when we were little. Nostalgia took over all my other senses and I was beginning to think like the child I was when I was younger.
Well, until one of my senses decided to come back.
"What do you want," I heard the muffled voice of my brother growl. I hadn't heard him use such a tone in forever, so it was quite strange to be hearing such a voice come from him.
"I told you it's my decision. I'm allowed to decide my life," He growled again.
Curiosity took over and I hopped over the couch, waddling over to the other room my brother had went to. I pressed my ear against the hard wood and listened as best I could.
"You know what, maybe I will. America is sounding like a better future for me by the second."
"If you go, then you won't be able to crawl back and take back the job," I heard another voice say. I gulped when I recognized it as the deep and threatening voice of my father.
"I never wanted the job in the first place. I would rather do something I love and be poor, then do something I hate and be rich, which is something you'd never understand."
"George, think about what you're doing. You're giving up on a great life. Do you really want to do that?"
I heard my brother pause. I gulped and wondered what made him rethink his life. He always seemed to be the sturdier out of the two of us and I couldn't imagine him being uncertain now, especially with his entire life planned out in front of him.
"You know, the moment you struck Gavin in the way you did, I began rethinking everything. Now that I've had time, I realize who you truly are. You are just a backstabbing, cold, heartless businessman who could care less about family and love then anything. You completely abandoned one of the two sons you had because he was making something out of his life. And you know, I know why you say you hate him so much. Because he became even more of a success then you did, just by being himself, and that makes you despise him because you are a terrible, terrible man," George spat. My eyes widened at his words and I found myself just as surprised as my father probably was.
"I hate you, George. Good bye," Was the last thing my dad said before hanging up.
I stood there in awe at what just happened. What did just happen really? Did my brother quit his position at the company? If so, what was going to happen to him. He was, without a doubt, done there.
I heard the door open and I jumped backward, only to fall hard on my arse. My brother raised a questioning eyebrow at me and broke into a smirk.
"You alright there, mate?" My brother chuckled as he hauled me up.
"What just happened?" I asked him.
"You fell," My brother told me. I rolled my eyes and hit him gently.
"I mean, in there. Did you just quit your job?" I asked him. George sucked in a breath of air and rocked back and forth on his feet.
"You still eavesdrop, don't you?" My brother asked, looking down.
"George, why did you quit? You had your entire life planned. You could've became one of the most wealthy beings in the world," I reminded him.
"Have you ever stopped to wonder if that's what I really wanted?" George said. When he looked back up to me, I noticed tears forming in his eyes.
"I never wanted that kind of life. I always wanted a life where I had freedom. Where I could be who I was. Like what you get to do everyday," George told me. He blinked letting the tears fall.
"I was forced into that stupid business. I never got to experience what high school was like, or college. I never got to mess around and be a kid. I never got any of that. And neither did you," He continued.
"But now, you get to make up for it by playing video games all day and asking idiotic questions that would only ever be uttered by the dumbest of children," My brother laughed a bit and I smiled, realizing how right he was.
"Now, I finally get to make up for it as well. I get to be the child I always wanted to be," He finished. I nodded and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Good. And if this means I get to see you more often, then I'm on board with it," I whispered to him, smiling.
My brother smiled too and we continued to hug.

Later that night, I was on the phone with Michael, talking about the usual things. I had informed him that I was coming home tomorrow and I'd be home later that night. He had agreed to come and get me and stuff so that was sorted out.
"Oh yeah, an intern for Achievement Hunter got fired today. Stealing from one of the equipment rooms. Geoff caught him and he reported it to Burnie so they're firing him... Tomorrow I believe," Michael told me.
An idea popped into my mind. It was crazy, and I didn't quite know if it would work, but it was worth a shot.
"Have they filled the position yet?" I asked him.
"Gavin, the guy isn't even fired yet," Michael reminded me.
"Tell Geoff I know someone that can take the job. He's experienced with interning and he's already had an inside view at what goes on in the crew," I told him.
"Who's this guy?" Michael asked. My heart fluttered when I heard a twinge of jealousy in his voice.
"Don't worry, Michael. It's my brother," I told him, smiling.
"Wait, I thought he was working for your dad's business or whatever. Isn't that the whole reason you went to England," Michael asked me.
"Well, to make a long story short, he realized he didn't want that type of life so he quit earlier today." Michael was silent for a moment before sighing and understanding.
"What's the matter, love," I asked him.
"It's nothing," Michael told me.
"Mi-cool, I know you better than anyone. What's wrong," I asked him again.
"It's... Michelle. I fucked up with her and now I'm too late to fix it," He told me.
"What do you mean?" I asked him, sounding genuinely confused.
"I told her to get out of the apartment and leave and I came to my senses a little too late. She's gone, Gav."
Hey! So, sorry for not updating in, like, forever. I've been becoming very busy with school and personal issues (I actually have a boyfriend now XD), so I've been struggling to find time to update stories. Unfortunately, this story isn't one of my top priority and favorite stories so it probably won't get updated a lot (I'm sorry!), but I will defiantly put the effort to continue updating!
Thanks to those who are patient for the updates and are enjoying this stories and leaving me feedback. I really appreciate it. I've been having some thoughts about this story (basically of discontinuing it or putting it on hiatus) so please let me know what you guys would like...
Thanks for reading and j hope you enjoy.

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