Chapter Twenty: Michael's Flash to The Past

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I sat up straight in the bed, sweat dripping down my face. My breath came in short, rapid breaths and I felt myself getting light headed.
I rubbed my eyes and wished that the events of my dream would go away.
Ever since I returned from England with Gavin, I'd been having terrible nightmares about my childhood. It wasn't a very happy one making the dreams much more terrifying.
I didn't know why I suddenly began having these dreams so frequently. Usually I'd get one every few months but now I was having numerous nightmares a night.
Anyway, enough about this. Gavin and I were doing great. Ever since we told each other we loved one another, I'd become very protective over him. If someone insulted him, I'd glare at them until they apologized. This obviously happened numerous times a day so Geoff decided he needed to have a talk about it to me. Basically he told me that they never meant any of the insults and stuff like that and that I needed to calm down and become less protective. I did, but I still was overly protective of him.
I think he liked it though, especially when I'd get after someone. He would blush and rest a hand on my shoulder until I calmed down. Yeah... He was pretty great.
I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked so tired.
I sighed and walked back to my room. Mavrick whimpered at me when he noticed I was a bit uneasy. I just pet him and crawled back into bed, drifting off to sleep.

"Gavin, you little fuck! Stop!" I yelled at Gavin as he continued to mess me up as I was playing a game for a Rage Quit. Gavin just giggled and watched as I lost, yet again.
"I'm so fucking done!" I screamed. I shoved the keyboard forward and threw my headphones off my head.
Gavin giggled and shut the camera off. He shut the audio off too and reached forward towards me.
"Does my boi need a hug?" Gavin cooed gently. I smiled a little. He knew exactly what to do after a Rage Quit.
I nodded and Gavin came to sit in my lap while he wrapped his arms around me. He gave me a big kiss on the cheek and rested his head on my shoulder, humming slightly. I smiled and held his legs up and wrapped my arm a little tighter around his back.
"Mi-cool?" Gavin purred.
"Yes, Gavin?" I asked him.
"I love you," Gavin whispered gently. I smiled and rubbed my cheek in his soft hair.
"I love you too, my boi," I whispered back to him, not feeling a trace of anger left in my body.
"Put your pants back on guys!" Geoff called to us. Gavin and I exchanged a look of embarrassment while the guys walked in, laughing.
"Where! I wanted to catch Mavin in the act!" I heard an achingly familiar voice say.
"Ray!" Gavin and I both shot up and embraced the Puerto Rican.
"Mavin! Wassup Vav, Mogar?" Ray laughed. Gavin and I both shrugged and smiled at our friend.
Ray talked with us, informing us that he would be in Austin doing things for X-Ray and Vav and stuff. Gavin was happy about that. I was just glad that I had my old friend back.
"Anyway, Ray, wanna head over to my apartment and hang out after work? Drink some bevs, play some COD?" I winked at him. Ray rolled his eyes.
"I don't drink that shit that you call a drink. But sure, sounds awesome. Is Vav going?" Ray asked. I looked over at Gavin curiously.
"Are you?" I asked him. Gavin smiled and nodded.
"Sweet! Team Lads is back in business!" Ray wrapped his arms around both Gavin and my neck and pulled us into an awkward hug.
Yep, it's nice to have Ray back.

"Here Lads," I handed Ray and Gavin their drinks. Gavin smiled and kissed my cheek. Ray smirked and did the same, causing him and I to laugh.
I caught Gavin giving Ray a glare after that. I smirked and sat next to him, wrapping an arm around his slender shoulders.
"Lighten up Gav, it was just a joke," I smirked at him. Gavin rolled his eyes and just clinked his beer with mine.
"Anyway, Lads, how's Mavin been?" Ray winked. I smirked and tightened my arm around Gavin.
"Good, I guess. It got a little rocky a few months ago but we're good now," I told him. Gavin blushed a little and nodded in agreement.
"Hey, Mavin is strong. You guys will probably stay together for a while," Ray winked. I rolled my eyes and handed him a controller.
"Shut up, Ray."

Ray went back to his hotel at around eleven. Gavin decided to stay the night, since he didn't feel like driving this late.
I settled in bed and Gavin crawled in next to me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. Gavin smiled and rubbed his nose against mine before pushing his lips against mine. I smiled and wrapped my arms a bit tighter around him.
Gavin pulled away and rested his head on my chest. I stroked his hair until he fell asleep, leaving me to drift off into darkness.

I blinked open my eyes to a dark room. I felt rope around my wrists, a bag over my head, and duck tape over my mouth. I heard laughing, and recognized it as my dad and a few of his friends.
"Do whatever you want to him. He can't do a thing," I heard my dad say.
I felt pain race through my body. I felt knives poke at my skin, cigar butts burn though my shirt, pinches and prods landed in sensitive places on my body. I couldn't move. I couldn't fight back. All I could do, was cry.
"Oh, is little Michael gonna cry like the baby he is? You little fucker," My dad taunted me.
Suddenly, the bag was thrown off my head. I looked up at my dad with hope and begging but all he did was shatter a bottle over my head.

"Michael!" I heard Gavin scream. I shot my eyes open and started shaking. Gavin gazed at me curiously as I tried to regain my composure.
"Michael... You were crying in your sleep. What was happening?" Gavin asked me. I shook my head and sat up.
I suddenly felt a sob rake through my body. I couldn't hold back the tears that were coming and I hunched over and cried out. Gavin instantly sat up and hugged me, making sure I was alright. I gripped onto him, trying to forget about the scars my dad inflicted on my body.
My dad... My nightmare that never seems to go away.
Yay! Ray's back! Anyway, I hope this isn't too confusing. I hope you guys enjoy this. I have some great ideas for this part that I think you guys will enjoy. Anyway, please leave feedback and thanks for reading!

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