Chapter Forty-Two: The Mavin Wedding (Part One)

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"To Michael and Gavin who are gonna find out being married isn't as great as it seems," Geoff said, raising his glass. Gavin and I giggled slightly, along with the rest of the group.
I took another sip of the beer Geoff had handed me at the start of the party. I was pretty set on not getting drunk since I didn't feel like waking up with a massive hangover on my wedding day. Gavin on the other hand wasn't really paying attention to how much he had drank.
I thought over the past month and all its events. Gavin and I had began fixing our trust issues with each other through counseling. We were still pretty far from trusting each other, but we were making pretty good progress.
"What's up, Michael. You look kind of out of it," Ray asked, bumping me slightly in the shoulder.
"Just thinking," I told him, still sort of out of it.
"About?" Ray prompted, sitting next to me.
"Ya know... Everything," I told him, looking at him and smirking.
"If you're worrying about the wedding, it's gonna be fine. Great even! You and Gav are gonna have a great time. Everyone's gonna be happy for you guys. And if you get nervous, just remember I'm right behind you and I'll do something stupid to cover up any mistake you make," Ray told me, bumping me in the shoulder again.
"Thanks, Ray," I told him.
I was still pretty relieved Ray told me he wanted to be my best man. Originally, Gavin and I both wanted him to be our best man, however he could only be one of ours. We left the decision up to Ray and he ended up choosing me, with the explanation that Gavin could ask Dan to be his best man. He also said he didn't think I had any other friends other than him but I didn't really care too much for that explanation.
Ray got up and left me alone with my thoughts again. I sighed and swirled my beer around in the bottle again, thinking about every possible outcome of the wedding.
"You okay, love?" I heard the sweet British voice of my fiancé say.
I looked back at him and smiled, turning around in my seat and grabbing his hand. Gavin blushed, letting me pull him over to me. I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him onto my lap, holding up his legs with the other arm.
"I'm just fine," I told him, pressing my forehead against his.
"Are you nervous?" He asked me, rubbing his nose against mine.
"Fuck yeah," I whispered, hearing him let out a tiny giggle.
"Same here. I know I'm gonna fuck something up," Gavin told me.
"Well, for one, make sure your phone is off. It'd be really awkward if someone texted you in the middle of the ceremony and that stupid as fuck text tone of yours went off," I told him, hearing him let out a laugh.
"Okay, I will triple check that it's off before the ceremony. And then we'll have a moment in the ceremony for me to check my phone to make sure it's still off," Gavin giggled, which made me giggle as well.
I sighed in content, pulling away from Gavin slightly and staring into his eyes. Gavin did the same, smiling broadly and wrapping his arms around my neck.
"I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow," Gavin whispered.
"Me either," I whispered back.
I slowly pressed my lips against Gavin's, feeling him quickly kiss back. I heard a throat clear and I blinked open my eyes, looking over the crowd that gathered around Gavin and I. I noticed Barbara with her phone out, making a hand motion to continue kissing.
"What do you want?" I asked, letting a playful hint of annoyance seep into my voice.
"The last kiss before the wedding. How sweet," Meg said, making Lindsay and Barbara agree.
"Who said this was the last kiss?" Gavin asked.
"All of us. Come on, Gav. If you're staying with me tonight, you'd best hurry your ass up and get in my car," Barbara said, handing her phone off to Meg.
Gavin got off my lap and gripped my hand. Everyone that came to the party type thing filtered out of the room, saying their wishes of luck and what not. Eventually, the room only held Lindsay, Meg, Barbara, Michelle, Ray, George, Dan, Gavin and me.
"Hey, guys, guess what," Lindsay said excitedly.
"What?" Gavin and I said in unison.
"It's exactly eleven hours until the wedding," Lindsay said, smiling and giggling slightly. Gavin and I rolled our eyes and I pulled Gavin closer to me.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I told him. Gavin smiled and nodded.
"I'll miss you," Gavin whispered, making me roll my eyes.
"Gavin you'll be fine. It's not even twelve hours without me," I told him, smirking. Gavin smiled back and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me as tightly as he could.
"Let's go, Gavin!" Barbara called. Gavin and I pulled away from each other, looking at Barbara and Meg waiting at the door. Gavin kissed me gently on the cheek, walking towards them and smiling slightly at me.
Once they left, I sighed out and stretched. The remaining people, Lindsay, Michelle, and Ray stretched as well and made their way to their respective sleeping quarters.
I walked into Gavin and I's bedroom, stripping down to just my boxers and slipping into the bed. It felt strange without Gavin cuddled up in my side like he usually slept, but I reminded myself that it'd just be for tonight.
"Michael?" I heard Lindsay say.
I sat up in bed and looked over at her. Lindsay smiled gently and walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge of it. She gave me a dazzling smile and took my hand gently, squeezing it.
"I'm so happy for you and Gavin," She told me.
"Thanks. I'm really happy for you and Arron," I told her, reminding her of her new boyfriend.
"Thanks," She said, blushing.
"You know, I always thought you and I would get married. When we broke up I kind of slowly made that realization that we'd never get married and it kind of upset me. I mean, even when I accepted that you and Gavin were dating and were planning on getting married, it still hurt. But, seeing how happy you two are now, I know I would've never been able to make you that happy," Lindsay told me.
"I'm sure you would've made me happy," I reassured her gently.
"Maybe, but Gavin obviously makes you much happier, and that's all I really wanted for you," Lindsay told me, smiling slightly.
I smiled back and she got up, kissing my cheek gently. She pulled away and smiled again, leaving the room and letting me fall asleep.
And so I did.

"Michael! Wake up! It's your wedding day!" Michelle screamed excitedly, jumping up and down on the bed.
I quickly blinked open my eyes and sat up, feeling my head spin. Michelle, jumped down on the bed and sat in front of me, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with her.
"You have to take a shower, shave, and then I'll fix your hair. Then we'll eat breakfast and then you'll get dressed into your suit!" Michelle told me excitedly. I groaned and let her drag me to the bathroom.
"Take a shower! A good one too," She told me.
I smirked and pulled off the one article of clothing I had on. I turned the water on and stepped into the shower, washing my hair and then scrubbing my body. Once I was satisfied, I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and bringing out my razor and shaving the slight stubble I had.
"Michael! You done yet?" Michelle asked me.
"Yeah," I responded, unlocking the door. She handed me some random clothes to wear until I had to put on my suit and I slipped them on. Afterwards she came in and started playing with my hair, combing through it gently.
"What are you gonna do with it?" I asked her, slightly worried.
"Well, I'll probably try to soften the curls so they don't look frizzy. Stuff like that," She told me, grabbing the blow dryer and beginning to blow dry my hair.
When my hair was dry, she grabbed a curling iron and fixed any curls that were stubborn. She spritzed the finished product with a bit of hair spray and smiled at the me.
"You look so handsome already!" She squealed. I smiled and stood up, pulling her into a hug.
"Thank you," I told her.
She grabbed my hand and led me out into the kitchen where Lindsay was already handing me a plate of food. I smiled and took the plate, sitting on the counter and beginning to eat the food.
"Alright, we're gonna go get dressed. Once you finish eating Michael, go brush your teeth and start putting on your suit," Michelle told me, making me roll my eyes.
"Okay," I said through a mouthful of food.
Michelle and Lindsay went into the guest room, shoving Ray out of it. Ray groaned and finished tying his tie, smiling at me and walking over to me while he fiddled with his tie.
"Yo, Michael. You nervous?" Ray asked me.
"Don't remind me. I have to get some food down," I told him, smirking.
Ray smirked too and continued struggling with his tie. I set the plate down and jumped off the counter, brushing off my hands and quickly tying his tie with ease. Ray groaned and gave me a frustrated look.
"I could've done that," Ray complained, playfully.
"Yeah, after how many tutorials?" I asked, teasing him.
"Go brush your teeth, lover boy," Ray said, smirking.
I put my plate away and walked into the bathroom, brushing my teeth before leaving and going into the bedroom. I walked over to the closet, pulling out my suit and setting it on the bed.
I pulled the pants off the hanger and set them on the bed, along with the collared shirt, vest, tie and suit jacket.
I slipped off my basketball shorts and slipped on the dress pants. I grabbed a black belt and slid it on, tightening it. I pulled my shirt off, putting on a white t-shirt before pulling on my collared shirt and beginning to button it up.
I heard the door to my room open and Michelle and Lindsay walked in. Michelle took over the buttoning and Lindsay fixed the collar, pulling it up and sliding the tie around my neck. Michelle stepped out of the way while Lindsay tied my tie for me, clipping it down to my button up.
Michelle slipped on my vest, buttoning that up as well. She straightened it out and then slipped on the suit jacket, buttoning that up as well. Lindsay and Michelle both straightened everything out before pushing the flower into the pocket of my suit jacket.
Lindsay and Michelle both stood back, covering their mouths and gasping. Tears came to Michelle's eyes and she brushed them away, pulling me into a hug.
"Mom would be so proud of you," Michelle whispered into my ear. I smiled and felt a slight pang of sadness at the mention of mom.
"Are you guys ready to go or what? The ceremony starts in half an hour," Ray poked his head into the room and said. Lindsay and Michelle nodded to him, grabbing my hands.
"Let's go get you married," Michelle said.
Part one of the wedding! I apologize if this chapter was kind of boring since it's literally just Michael getting ready.
Anyway, if you like this chapter, please leave me a comment and let me know! This story is quickly coming to an end and I'd love to know what you guys thought of it.
Thanks for reading!

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