Chapter Fifteen: You Have Mono

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I awoke the next day feeling absolutely terrible. I groaned and looked at my phone. It was about the time I'd usually be getting up and going to work. Today, I wasn't really sure if I could get out of bed.
I called Geoff and explained that I wouldn't be coming in. He understood and was quick to allow me to take off. He told me I should probably call Gavin and tell him I wasn't feeling well. Like that would happen. He'd end up freaking out and worrying over me.
But that didn't stop me from texting him.

Gav, I'm not coming into work today. Maybe you could grab my work for me? Pwease?

I leaned back and closed my eyes again. Mavrick jumped on the bed and started clawing at me impatiently. I groaned, knowing exactly what he wanted. After a bit of a struggle, I got out of bed, shakily, and made my way over to the kitchen to get him his food.
Once I got it for him I made my way back to my room and curled up under the covers. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at it.

Okay... You feeling okay though? Do I need to come over?

Aww... He's so sweet. Although, personally I would love for him to come over, he couldn't because of work.

No, it's fine. I can take care of it. But I want to see you after work.

Okay, no problem. I gotta go. I'll text you later.

I turned off my phone and leaned back against the pillow again. My throat was killing me and I was afraid to even try to talk. I felt really tired and Mavrick laying next to me was kinda nice.
I fell asleep again in a few minutes.

I awoke again to myself sweating my ass off. I felt it dripping down my face and felt my clothes stick to myself because of it. But, I still continued to shiver.
I looked at the time and realized Gavin texted me. I sat up a little, feeling my head spin and looked at his messages.

Are you feeling okay? I'm leaving in about an hour so I can be over.

He sent that to me an hour ago. Which meant he should be here...
I heard knocking on the door. I texted him and told him to just come in. I leaned back under the covers and willed myself to stop sweating. Of course I didn't.
"Hey, Mi-cool. You feeling okay?" Gavin asked me, when he came into my room. Mavrick growled at him a little but I patted him, signally it was just Gavin.
I looked at Gavin with a pleading look. He came over to the side of the bed I was on, and felt my sweat covered cheeks. He sighed and left the room, returning with a damp towel and thermometer. He stuck the thermometer in my mouth and placed the towel over my forehead. The coolness felt great but I still continued to shiver for absolutely no reason.
When the thermometer was done, Gavin pulled it out of my mouth and looked at it.
"You're running a pretty high fever. Do you need some medicine or anything?" Gavin asked me. I nodded and asked for some ibuprofen for my headache and sore throat.
Gavin nodded and walked out once again, returning with the bottle of ibuprofen. He took two pills out and handed them to me, which I took slowly due to the pain in my throat. Gavin sat down on the bed and pet back my sweaty locks of hair. He gave me a worried look before kissing my nose and standing up again.
"Mi-cool, will you let me schedule you a doctors appointment?" Gavin asked me. I quickly shook my head.
"Why not? There's obviously something wrong with you," Gavin said. I sighed and shook my head again.
"I'm sure it's just a cold or something. It's probably nothing," I tried convincing him. Of course, it didn't work.
"I don't think so. I'm calling the doctor," Gavin told me. I didn't get another chance to protest before he got up and left the room.
I leaned back against my pillow again. I guess it wasn't all bad. I'd get to find out what I had. I sighed and figured I should probably take a shower. I got up shakily and made my way to the bathroom, slowly undressing myself and getting into the shower.
I washed away the sweat that covered my body and quickly washed my hair. I felt lightheaded and I knew I needed to get back to bed. I shut the water off and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself and made my way back to my room.
I quickly changed into sweatpants and a hoodie and Gavin came in when I laid back down in bed. He gave me a small smile and brushed back my damp curls. I smiled back at him and pressed his hand against my cheek. It was cold and it felt nice to my fevered skin.

Gavin continued to take care of me. At around nine he went home and gave me a quick kiss on the head before leaving. Without him here, it felt kinda lonely. I curled up in my bed and whistled for Mavrick to come in. He trotted in happily and curled up next to me. I sighed and pet his rough fur back a bit.
I started drifting off to sleep and before I knew it, I was out.

The next morning, Gavin reminded me of my doctors appointment at eleven. I groaned and sat up, starting to get around. I fed Mavrick and made my way to the shower, washing away the sweat that once again built up around my body.
When I got out, I realized I had about half an hour before I had to leave. I ate half of an apple, but ended up throwing it away after a few bites.
I looked at my phone and grabbed my keys. I made my way down to my car and got in, starting it up. I rubbed my eyes, really not wanting to go to the doctors. I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way to the doctors.

So, the doctor did the normal thing. The throat swab, checking my chest, shit like that.
I, now, sat in the room, the doctor looking into my eyes. He wrote things down on his little clipboard and eventually sat in his little spinny chair and looked at me.
"Alright, Michael. I have a diagnosis for you. You have mono," He told me.
"Wait, what? How?" I asked him.
"Well, who've you been kissing?" He joked. I rolled my eyes and sat back a little farther in the chair.
How the fuck am I gonna explain this to Gavin? He most likely doesn't have mono, otherwise I probably would've gotten it a lot earlier. It was pretty obvious Lindsay gave me it. She was the only person I've kissed other than Gavin.
I thanked the doctor and left the office. I got in my car and drove back to my apartment. Gavin was gonna want to know what's wrong with me. The moment I tell him I have mono he's gonna get upset and angry and then I'd be screwed.
I walked back into my apartment, Mavrick jumping at me as I walked in. I pointed away and he waddled away and started playing with his toys. I walked back into my room, curling back up in my bed. I felt my phone go off and I dragged it out of my pocket and looked at it.
It was Gavin. And just as I knew he would, he asked what's wrong with me. I didn't want to lie to him, I really didn't. Our relationship just started and if he found out I'd been lying to him, he'd get pissed.
But at the same time, I figured he'd probably never find out. I'd tell him I had strep throat and he'd never know the difference.

It's just strep. The doctor said it should clear up soon.

Hopefully that'll be enough. I leaned back in the bed and sighed. He wouldn't find out. I was a pretty good liar. It's saved my ass quite a few times in my life. I just wish I didn't have to to Gavin. He deserved the truth.
And hopefully Lindsay would keep quiet.
Okay! I hope you guys enjoyed. I kinda find it funny how my brother is watching a Let's Play and all I hear right now is Michael screaming at Gavin. It's pretty funny at the moment. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying. I wanted to know of you guys wanted a longer story though. Because I could literally end this story in the next five chapters. But... I really like long stories so I don't know. Anyway, thank for reading and please leave some feedback!

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