Chapter Sixteen: What If I Didn't Come Back?

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Gavin's POV:

I walked around the halls to the building. I was pretty bored. Without Michael here, I didn't have much to do. I finished all my videos because I wasn't getting distracted by Michael every two minutes. I wasn't scheduled for another video until two for a podcast. Lindsay and Barbara were in it with me, along with Gus and Burnie. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but whatever.
Two came around slower than I would've appreciated it. Meg fixed my hair one last time while Barbara straightened my shirt. I rolled my eyes at how much they cared about my appearance.
Barbara and I took our seats next to each other while Lindsay took the other side of the couch. Gus and Burnie sat in the two chairs, obviously, and we began the podcast.

Everyone brought up random topics to talk about. I was called an idiot numerous times, like usual. I noticed Lindsay sneaking numerous glances at me and I wondered why she was doing that.
I caught her looking at me and I kept eye contact with her. She gave me a sad look and let out a long sigh.
"I'm sorry, Barbara. But I need to say something," Lindsay cut Barbara off from her story about her dog. Barbara nodded and waited for Lindsay to bring up what she was about to say.
"Gavin, I'm pretty sure Michael's already told you this, but... I kissed him when we out for bevs. I'm so sorry, Gavin," Lindsay told me.
I felt my heart shatter and mouth drop open. Michael didn't tell me that. And I also found it strange that he would get sick shortly after that as well. He told me he had strep, but, as much as I didn't want to admit it, it didn't seem like strep.
"You... Kissed him?" I choked out. Lindsay nodded and got up to come towards me but I got up and walked away from her.
"Don't talk to me. I knew something was gonna happen," I growled at her.
I gave Gus and Burnie a look that told them to finish the podcast without me. Burnie threw his papers and smiled into the camera, waving me off.
I went back to the AH office. Geoff and Jesse were in there. I looked at Geoff and I literally broke from there.
"Gav? Gavin, what's wrong?" Geoff asked me. He pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back while I cried.
"Michael. He lied to me," I choked out. Geoff pulled back and got an evil look in his eyes.
"How," He growled.
"Lindsay and him kissed and he never told me. And now he's sick with 'strep' but I doubt that's what it really is," I told him. Geoff nodded thoughtfully.
After a couple seconds of thinking, Geoff grabbed me my laptop and shoved it into my hands.
"Go interrogate him. Don't give away that you know. Just give subtle hints and see if he picks up," Geoff told me. I sighed and nodded. I tucked my laptop under my arm and walked out of the office.

I knocked on Michael's door and waited for him to either tell me to come in, or come to open it. I heard him walking to the door and finally open it up.
"Oh, hey Gav. Works not over for a few more hours?" Michael asked curiously. I nodded and pushed past him.
"Geoff let me take the rest of the day off. I already finished all my work," I told him. Michael nodded slowly and made his way to his room.
I followed him and watched as he laid down in his bed. Mavrick crawled over to him and Michael wrapped an arm around him. He looked up at me expectantly and I sat down next to him.
"So... You have strep?" I asked carefully. Michael nodded and placed a hand on mine, gently leading it up to his cheek. He pressed it against his skin and I could feel how fevered he was.
"So, you wouldn't mind if I looked at your throat, would you?" I asked him. Michael's eyes widened but he quickly covered it up.
"Why?" Michael asked me.
"Cause, I want to see," I told him.
I waited for him to finally open his mouth. I looked at his throat, noticing that it wasn't patchy. He didn't have strep.
"If you had strep, wouldn't your throat be patchy?" I asked him. Michael eyed me for a moment.
"Um, I guess it cleared up?" He told me.
I stood up. He was actually gonna try to protect himself from this. How dare he! He's lying right to me and he thinks he'll be able to get away with it.
"You can stop. I know you kissed Lindsay and I know you don't have Strep," I told him.
I watched as Michael leaned back into the bed a little more and pulled the covers up. His eyes told me he was, in fact, lying.
"Look, Gav, I didn't tell you because I figured if you didn't know, it wouldn't hurt you. I didn't like the kiss for that matter. She was drunk and I was almost drunk. A drunk kiss means nothing," He told me.
I shook my head. To be honest, the kiss wasn't what I was upset about. I mean, yeah it made my blood boil to think they kissed again. But the fact that Michael lied and thought he would get away with it hurt me more than anything. What if he was lying about this whole relationship?
"I don't care about the kiss. What I do care about is the fact that you lied to me Michael. How do I know you're not lying about everything else?" I asked him. Michael glared at me for a moment.
"I don't lie as much as you think Gav. Only when it's necessary," He growled at me.
I had enough.
"You know what? Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Don't even bother to text me. I'm done, okay? Good bye, Michael," I snapped at him. I walked out of the room and the apartment.
I got into my car and I finally let my anger and sadness out. How dare he! He thinks he could get away with lying! I trusted him. I had faith in him. I loved him.
Did I love Michael? I had liked him for a while now, and now that we are in a relationship maybe I did love him.
Were in a relationship.
I looked at my phone and noticed Geoff calling me. I picked it up and answered him.
"Yes?" I sniffled. I heard him give a slight intact of air.
"I'm guessing it didn't work, did it?" Geoff said.
"Nope. I broke it off. I can't date a liar, you know?" I told him.
"Yeah, I understand, Gav. I'm sorry. I know you really liked him," Geoff said.
"Geoff, can I ask you something?" I asked him.
"Yeah? What is it?" He asked.
"Can I take some time off? I kinda want to go to England. You know, until this whole thing blows over. I don't think I could stand being near Michael after this," I told him.
"Of course, Gavin. How much do you want?" He asked me.
"I don't know... I guess we'll go with two months. I'll call you if I need more," I told him.
"Alright, do you need help packing?" Geoff asked.
"I think I'm good. I'm gonna go now. Bye Geoff. Thanks... For everything," I told him.
"No problem, Gavin," He told me.
We hung up and I headed back to my apartment.

I finished packing one of the bags I was taking. I wiped away the tears that still streamed down my face. It was around eleven at night and I had already called my mom telling her I was coming back to England for a little while. She was quick to welcome me back and she told me she would be there to get me.
I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't stay. I felt like I needed to get away for a little while. Besides, I hadn't visited England since Easter and my mom was pretty excited when I told her I was coming back.
I heard a knock on my door and I went to go answer it. I opened the door and I was surprised to see Geoff and Millie there.
"Millie wanted to say bye before you left. She wouldn't go to sleep until I brought her over," Geoff told me. I nodded and bent down to Millie's level.
"Hey, love. You wanted to say bye?" I asked her.
She cupped her tiny hand around my cheek. I smiled and pressed my hand against hers and I felt a whole new wave of tears come over me.
"Uncle Gavin, don't cry," She whispered to me. She pulled me into a long hug and I held onto her tightly, imagining she was Michael.
She pulled away and kissed my nose gently. She gave me a smile which caused me to smile back. She placed her hand on top of my head while she placed her other under my chin.
"You're coming back right?" She asked me.
I looked at her in confusion. Why wouldn't I come back? I still worked with Achievement Hunter. I wouldn't just give up my position that easily. I had to do some crazy things to get where I was today, and there was no way I was gonna go back on that.
"Of course, love," I told her. She smiled again and hugged me one last time before Geoff led her off.
As I closed the door, a thought came to my mind.
What if I didn't come back?
Okay! So I was wondering how long you guys wanted this fic to be? Cause to be honest, I could end it in the next four chapters. And to be honest again, I don't want to but it's what you guys want. Anyway! I really appreciate all the love you guys have been giving this story (you know who you are). So please keep up that love! It's my motivation to continue writing. Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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