Chapter Six: Fucking Finally

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"Okay! Pros and cons! Go!" Geoff yelled. All of us laughed, expecting someone to flash out a camera.
That's basically how the entire morning went. We sat in a circle and listed the pros and cons of each Let's Play. Now we were doing Jesse's and I was really hoping that he was gonna get more Pros then Cons.
"I really liked how he wasn't all overdramatic and shit," Jack said.
"Yeah, I liked that. But, I feel like his sister was the only thing that made him funny," Ryan said. I quickly retaliated.
"Yeah, but before and after she wasn't there he still made funny jokes and stuff," I told them. The guys nodded.
It basically went like that. If someone brought up a con I would always retaliate and make it sound like it was actually a pro. I said I was gonna do everything in my power to get him this job.
"Okay, I think that wraps it up. You guys ready for a decision?" Geoff asked. All of us took a deep inhale and nodded.
"Alright, you have one vote. Whoever wants wants Will, raise your hand," Geoff announced. Nobody raised their hands.
"Okay, Jared?" Geoff announced. Nobody raised there hands again. I felt myself get excited.
"So, everyone votes Jesse?" Geoff asked. Everyone shared looks and nodded.
"Alright. Let's give him a call!" Geoff said, whipping out his phone. He called Jesse and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" The slightly familiar voice said. But, what caught me off guard was how broken it sounded. Geoff sent me a look but went back to the phone.
"Um... We wanted to tell you that... You got the job, Jesse. You're gonna be the newest Achievement Hunter!" Geoff cheered. The guys cheered with him but I just sat there. What happened?
"Really? That's fantastic. But, I don't know if I can accept right now," Jesse said. We suddenly heard a high pitched sob in the background. I instantly became defensive.
"What's going on? Why can't you take the job?" I asked curiously. Geoff handed me the phone.
"I... My dad left the family about a week ago. And... My mom... Committed suicide last night," Jesse explained. I heard the sobbing in the background get louder.
All of the guys just looked at each other for a few moments. Speechless wouldn't even be able to describe them right now. I stared at the phone for a moment before deciding on what to say.
"I am so sorry for your loss. We understand if you don't take the-," I was interrupted by what I presumed to be Jesse's sister.
"Wait, you're not taking the job? What the hell, Jesse? You always told me if you were offered a job at RoosterTeeth you would take the job in a heartbeat and wouldn't look back once. You're being offered the greatest position there and, you're not gonna take it?" The girl asked.
"Molly... What about you? You'll be all by yourself," Jesse muttered. Molly was her name. Nice.
"I'll end up being adopted, Jesse. You can't be my legal guardian yet anyway. And Mom always said she wanted you to do big things. This is your chance," She told him. Jesse sighed.
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Jesse said after a long period of silence. I think Molly nodded because Jesse spoke up again.
"I guess... I'm taking the job," Jesse announced. We all cheered but quickly stopped when we realized how inappropriate that was for the moment.
"Can't wait to have you here, Jesse," Geoff told him. They conversed for a while longer about business shit while the rest of us got prepared to record the news.
Geoff hung up and joined us. All of us stood in a tight group, with Geoff and I in front. Geoff turned the camera on and smiled.
"Hello! And welcome to... What would we call this shit?" Geoff started. All of us looked at each other.
"Fuck it, welcome to this fucking video we decided to make. We have some great news involving Ray's replacement. Michael, would you like to say the rest?" Geoff asked. I nodded.
"Okay, so after about a weeks worth of watching Let's Play after Let's Play we decided on the Achievement Hunter that will be replacing Ray," I started. All the guys started chanting random things.
"But first, I think we should thank everyone for applying," Gavin muttered. All the guys looked at him for a moment without saying anything, then back at me.
"Anyway, we'd like to announce that our newest member will be here shortly and when he gets here we shall introduce him on camera. So, that's it fuckers," I finished. Geoff shut the camera off and we all looked at each other.
"Well, it's seven thirty on a Friday night. Who wants to celebrate?" Geoff asked. All of us cheered and Geoff led us out of the building.
Okay! Thanks for reading! I really hoped you enjoyed! Sorry for the boring chapter. I know it's not very long either, but things are picking up next chapter, I promise. I will hopefully post the next chapter soon since this chapter was shitty. Anyway, please leave some feedback. I will appreciate it more than you probably would think. Once again, thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed!

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