Chapter Nineteen: I Love You

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I ran through the airport in England. Yeah, I was in fucking England. Surrounded by British people. It was my worst fucking nightmare.
But, I was doing it for a good reason. I was getting Gavin back. I had too. I already felt like I was gonna fall apart and I remembered the crazy looks I got from the guys when I told them my plan.
Jesse texted me telling me he was watching the SloMoGuys channel to make sure no announcement came up about Gavin staying with SloMoGuys for good.
I felt like I was on limited time. Of course, I kinda was. I had to get there in time before the video went up, and I had a feeling it was going up soon.
I got into a cab and gave the guy the address to Gavin's old house. He looked at me like I was crazy. He probably knew Gavin's family was richer than the queen.
I looked out the window and watched the numerous British people walk around town, going about there lives. I envied them, most of them probably have such a simple life. They probably didn't even give the can a second glance to even wonder where I was going. This place was so different from Austin, or America for that matter.
My phone started going off.
"Hello?" I answered it.
"Michael, hurry. Gavin just texted Geoff. It wasn't good," Jesse told me.
"Fuck! Okay, I'm already heading that way. I'll be there in like, I don't know, twenty minutes," I told him. The cab driver gave me a look at my outburst but I just ignored it.
"So what's Geoff supposed to tell Gavin?" Jesse asked me.
"Um... Tell him to tell Gav not to make a decision for another twenty minutes," I told him.
"Don't you think he'll be a little suspicious?" Jesse asked.
"I don't give a fuck! I'll be there soon," I told him and hung up.
I felt my heart pounding. I had twenty minutes. Twenty minutes before Gavin announced that he was quitting Achievement Hunter and staying with SloMoGuys. I started tapping my knee and my breathing quickened.
Not now...
I felt a panic attack creeping up on me. I tried to think of good things. That only made it worse. I squeezed my eyes shut and willed my breathing to slow down.
"Hey, you're not gonna, like, murder one of the Free's, are you?" The cab driver asked.
"What? Of course not. I'm good friends with one of their sons," I told him.
"Ah. Which one? George or Gavin?" He asked me. Wow, they were so well known that even the taxi driver knew about them.
"Gavin," I answered. I felt my panic attack going away.
"Oh. He's the one that went to America, right? A little quirky?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah. That's him," I responded. He smiled at me.
"I figured. You have an American accent," He told me.
"Oh, I didn't realize Americans had accents," I muttered, mostly to myself.
I looked at my phone and realized fifteen minutes had already went by. I had five minutes. I felt my panic attack come back and before I knew it, the cab driver announced that we were here. I threw a bunch of money at him, knowing it was more than he needed. I didn't really care. I had five minutes. Actually four now.
I dashed up to the door and knocked swiftly on the door. I bounced on the balls of my feet, muttering 'come on' to myself.
The door opened and an older guy wearing a suit smiled at me.
"Who are you, sir?" He muttered.
Fucking butlers.
"My names Michael Jones. I'm friends with Gavin Free. Look, I have three minutes to tell him something. I need to see him now," I begged him. He gave me a crooked look and I noticed a woman going down the stairs.
"Robert, who is this?" The woman asked.
"He introduced himself as Michael," Robert the butler said.
"Michael?" The woman breathed in disbelief.
"Look, I really need to talk to Gavin. I have two minutes to tell him something important. Please, let me talk to him," I begged her.
"I understand. Right this way," The woman led me down a couple hallways. She walked quickly and I looked down at my phone. One minute.
"He's in there," She told me.
I stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. This was it. It was make or break time. I heard talking on the other side and I knew they started the video.
I burst in.
"Gavin! Stop!" I yelped.
Gavin and I assumed Dan spun around and looked at me. Gavin gaped at me in disbelief. I noticed that his hair turned darker and it was styled upwards in it's usual messy style. I felt myself melt just looking at how incredibly handsome he looked in this moment.
"Gavin, please. Don't go. Don't quit Achievement Hunter. I've been a mess without you. These three months have been the hardest of my life, even harder than getting over Lindsay. Achievement Hunter needs you. RoosterTeeth needs you. I... need you. I know you hate me because I lied, and I'm sorry. I know you don't trust me, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being the mistake I am. But please, don't leave Achievement Hunter because of it. If you honestly can't be around me, then I'll leave. I love you too much to let you leave the place that you belong," I finished.
Gavin just stared at me. He was gonna say I was too late. He was gonna say I shouldn't have came. Maybe I shouldn't of. I did just fly a quarter of the way across the world just to say that. He probably thinks I'm crazy.
But all he said was;
"What did you just say?"
I looked at him in confusion. I just said a lot of things.
"What?" I mumbled.
"Did you... Did you just say you love me?" Gavin asked slowly.
I suddenly realized I did say that. I just told Gavin that I love him. I didn't even think about it before I said it. Of course, Lindsay always told me that my heart did the speaking for me, even before my mind caught up to itself. But, as I thought about it, I realized that I did, in fact, love Gavin. I love Gavin!
"I... I guess I did," I stumbled about for the right words.
Gavin stepped closer to me and lifted my chin up with his fingers.
"I love you too, Mi-cool," Gavin purred before he pressed his lips against mine.
I felt tears spring to my eyes. How I've missed this feeling. I wrapped my arms around Gavin's waist while he wrapped his hands around my head, cradling it slightly. Oh god, this felt amazing. I felt my heart beating a million times faster and I had a feeling Gavin knew.
He pulled away and stared into my eyes. I noticed his eyes had teared up as well and the moment he saw my tears, his own fell.
I pulled him into my embrace and held him as tightly as I could without breaking his ribcage. We sobbed with each other. I didn't know if it was for the same reason but I hoped to god it was.
I noticed Dan had the camera turned to us. I didn't bother to comment on it. This was a moment I wanted to remember. Being reunited with Gavin after months of being away.
"Gav, does this mean you'll stay?" I asked him. Gavin pulled away and smiled.
"Of course, Mi-cool. I couldn't ever stay away," Gavin told me.
"And... What does this mean... For us?" I asked him. Gavin smiled and shrugged.
"I don't believe I ever officially broke up with you," Gavin smirked. I glared at him playfully and pulled him down for another kiss.
My boi was coming home.
And all it took was a couple months to realize that I wouldn't be able to live without him. My best friend, my boyfriend, my boi, loved me. And I loved him.
And I couldn't be happier.

Okay! So, as I said in previous chapters, I could end this story here. It's left off on a good and happy note. So please tell me if I should continue or not. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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