Chapter Two: Always There For You

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Katniss' POV:

Peeta hasn't had an attack in months. I know Dr. Aurelius says not to get near him during an attack, but who am I to follow rules. I walked slowly towards Peeta. "Peeta?" I said, carefully. He's breathing was heavy and he looked so vulnerable.

"You.... You MUTT! YOU KILLED THEM! YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!" Peeta yelled, with anger and venom in his voice.

I swallowed the lump in my throat to keep me from crying. "Peeta. Not Real. You know who did it. It was the Capitol. Gale tried--"

"Liar! You don't love me! You love Gale!! You would leave me for him!" Tears are began to form.

The last sentence was more of a statement than a question but I managed to say,"Not Real Peeta. I love you and only you! I would never in a million years leave you for him." Why would Peeta say that? Yet again that's not him talking.

"You're lying!! You're just using me! All you did was hurt me! You tried killing me!" He yelled.

"Peeta. Not. Real." I sobbed,"Please believe me Peeta!" He let go of the chair and started walking towards me. I try not to act scared because I know Peeta would never hurt me, but part of me is scared that he will hurt me.

He stopped halfway and ran out the front door. I ran after him, yelling his name but he was long gone. I fell to the ground and continued to cry.

I got up from the ground and ran to Haymitch's house. I started slamming on the door. "Haymitch!" The door opened, revealing a surprisingly sober Haymitch. "Katniss, whats wrong?"

"Peeta! Hes having an attack." I let out a sob. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. "Where is he?"

"I dont know! He started yelling things at me and then he ran out the door. I couldn't stop him." I explained. "Go home. I'll find him and take care of it." He said, walking out the door.

"Haymitch wait!" He turned and faced my direction. "Be careful." He nodded and ran off.

I kept wiping my tears away but they just continued to come. I walked back home and sat down on the couch. I couldn't stop thinking of Peeta. I can't lose him. I can't survive without him. I can't be without my Boy with the Bread. Just the thought about losing him brought more tears.

The Capitol did this to him. I feel the anger starting to boil inside of me. They tortured him, they hurt him in any possible way. They took him away from me and changed him forever.

He will always be controlled by the Capitol. All of these tears had made me so tired. My eyes started shutting slowly. I rested my head on the couch cushion, falling into a slumber.


I see Peeta running away from something. I can't really see what it is. Then I see it clearly. The pack of wolf-mutts are chasing Peeta. The muttations from the First Games. Peeta yells at me to run and I do.

I climbed onto a tree and tried to help Peeta up. He can't move very fast because of his artificial leg. The wolf-mutts are getting closer and closer. I try to pull him up but I can't. Then before I could even blink, the wolf-mutts take him.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. The pack of wolf-mutts leave and Peeta's mangled body is left there. I climbed down the tree and ran towards Peeta's body. I screamed and cried, begging him to come back to me.

In the corner of my eye, I see a figure walking towards me. I turn my head in the direction of the figure and see President Snow.

He smiled and shook his head. "Tsk tsk tsk. I told you what would happen if you messed with me, Miss Everdeen." I clenched my teeth and looked at him with disgust.

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