Chapter Fifteen: The Aftermath

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Hello again guysss!! :) So sorry for the really long update. I've been absolutely busy with school its not even funny.

So im guessing you guys enjoyed the last chapter? Haha. I got some wonderful comments saying how much you guys loved it. Thank you for commenting! It means so much to me. :)

So as you know Peeta and Katniss are finally having a baby, which are twins. Im sooo excited for this Chapter! In this Chapter you find out what happens after Peeta's reaction, and the sex of the babies! :)

Sorry if there are any typos. Well I really don't have anything else to say, sooooooo.... Here's chapter 15! :)


Katniss' POV:


He finally takes off the tissue paper and flips over the frame. He just stares at the picture for a while. For what seems like forever he finally says,"Katniss? What is this?"

I swallow hard again and say,"Our babies. Peeta, im pregnant."

*End of Recap*

He just stays there looking at the picture. Why won't he say something already? He's just sitting there. I know this is a huge shocker but I still want an answer.

I hear gasps and whispers from the guests. Im pretty sure all of them know what happened to me a long while back. I know this a huge shocker to them too.

Yes, I was the woman who couldn't have a baby with Peeta. And yes, now im pregnant with Peeta's babies.

"Your.....Your pregnant?" Peeta says turning towards me. I roll my eyes and say sarcastically," No Peeta, Haymitch is Pregnant! Yes im pregnant! Goodness Gracious!" Im so moody right now it's not even funny.

He just rolls his eyes and fake laughs. I smile a little and look at the crowd. All I see are big smiles.

"Katniss. How did this happen?" I roll my eyes and say,"Peeta you know how it happened. When two people love each other, they decide to have-"

Peeta cuts me off and says," Katniss the children." I look around and see Annie, Delly, and Violet covering their children's ears. I mouth sorry to them and Peeta continues,"I know how it happens. I just thought we couldn't have children. And now your pregnant?"

"I know. I was just as shocked as you are and everyone else here. But you know what? When I found out I was pregnant, I was the happiest person alive. I cried so much. I never thought I would have a child with the man I love ever again. But now. Look at me. Im almost 4 months pregnant with my husband's babies. And I couldn't be any happier." A tear slips out of my eye.

Peeta stands up and pulls me into a hug. He puts a strand of my hair behind my ear and whispers,"Katniss, this is the best present anyone has given me in my whole entire life. And I am the happiest man alive knowing that the woman I love more than anything is carrying my children. I love you so much Katniss." I smile and pull him into a kiss.

I'm so lucky to have Peeta in my life. He is the most sweetest, compassionate, loving, honest, kindest man I know and I love him more than life itself.

We both let go of each other and look at everyone. Annie smiles and yells,"Congratulations both of you!" Then everyone joins in on the congratulations.

Annie comes up to me and Peeta and hugs us both. Effie comes squealing towards us and says,"Congratulations! I'm totally planning your baby shower." I smile and shake my head. "Yes Effie. Thank you." She hugs me and leaves.

"Well, well brainless. Bread boy finally knocked you up. Congrats." Johanna says to me. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Typical Johanna. I smile and say," Thank you."

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