Chapter Seven: Why me?

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I'm extremely sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been absolutely busy. Hope you guys can forgive me! Anyways I can't believe I have 91 reads! That is amazing! You guys have no idea how much this means to me. So thank you! Don't forget to comment your opinions. It would mean a lot. Anyways heres Chapter 7. Hope you guys enjoy.


Katniss' POV:

I felt like 50 knives just stabbed me in the heart. I just felt like the air in my lungs was sucked out of me. Tears started forming in my eyes.

I looked at Peeta and I see tears escaping his eyes. He covered his face with his hands. I lifted my knees to my face and cried. "I'm so sorry Peeta!"

"I Killed Him! I Killed Him!" I cried out. I felt his arms wrapped around me."Shhh. Katniss. You didn't kill her." He said, softly.

"It's....All.....My....Fault!" I said, in between sobs. He continued rubbing my back. "Katniss it's not your fault."

I shook my head. "Yes it is! I'm a murderer!"

"Shhhh. Look at me." He said, quietly. I slowly turned my head to him. He gently placed his hand on one of my cheeks. "Listen to me. It's not your fault. You didn't kill her. It just happened. Alright? Anyways, we could always try again."

I nodded. He kissed my forehead, pulling me closer to him. He grabbed my hands gently, he stared down at them. I quickly remember about the bruises on my wrist. I quickly yanked my hands away from him.

I couldn't let him know about Gale. Not now. Not yet. I looked at Peeta and by the look on his face I know I'm already too late. He grabbed my hand and looked at my wrist. Confusion and worry was written all over his face.

He looked up at me. "How did you get these bruises?"

"Umm. From when I fell on the steps." I lied. He knew I was lying. "Katniss. I need the truth." He said, slightly irritated. I sighed. Tears began forming in my eyes again.

Why now? I wanted to tell him everything when I was ready. But it's now or never. "Galedidthis." I mumbled real quiet.

"What? I couldn't understand you." Peeta said, confused. "Gale did this." I said, in a soft voice. I saw his muscles tense up.

I could see the anger in his eyes. He was beyond furious. "Gale?" He growled. He had so much anger in his voice. I looked down at my lap, nodding slowly.

"Gale hurt you?" I nodded. "Yes." I whispered.

"What is he doing here in District 12? He's supposed to be in District 2! Not here." He said, angrily.

"He's supposedly on some business trip. So, he found out I was pregnant. He told me to run off with him and we'll raise the baby together and I told him that I would never do that because I love you and only you. And that I only want you to be the father of my children. He got mad so he hurt my wrist and then he kissed me. Right when he did that, I pushed him away, slapped him and kicked him." I quickly explained. Peeta's muscles were still tensed.

"He... kissed you?" God, he was so angry. I've never seen him this angry, besides his attacks.

I nodded. "He also..," I stopped speaking. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him about Gale's threat.

"He also what Katniss? I need to know. Did he do something to you? You know.." I quickly shook my head. He let out a small sigh of relief. "Then what?" He asked.

"He threatened me."

"What did he say?" I looked down at my lap. "He... he said exactly this."

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