Chapter Twenty-Two: Labor, Katniss Mellark Style Part 2

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING MY AMAZING READERS!! Hope all of you guys have a wonderful thanksgiving!  I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for life, family, friends, and having such amazing readers! ;) What are you guys thankful for?

So this is the Chapter that Katniss has the twins! :) There will be a lot of drama coming your way, so be prepared.


Okay. I'm done fangirling. Lol. Now I absolutely can't wait until Mockingjay Part 1 comes out! I was bawling when I saw Catching Fire! Ahh.

Haha. Anyway, Here's Chapter 22! :)



"Peeta." I say quickly. He looks at me and says,"What?"

"I.. need.. to.. push." I say between breaths. He nods and runs out the room. I move around in the bed trying not to push yet.

Dr.Shields comes running in with Peeta following behind. Peeta rushes by my side and holds my hand. Dr.Shields checks and says,"Okay your 10 centimeters."

I look up at her and she smiles. "Katniss? Peeta? You two ready to become parents?"

*End of Recap*

Me and Peeta are finally going to become parents! Peeta and I look at each other and smile. I look at Dr.Shields and nod.

"We're more than ready." Peeta says to Dr. Shields. She smiles and says,"Okay let's get you prepped."

She has a nurse come in and help her get me prepped. "Okay Katniss, we're going to have you pushing on your next contraction. Push as hard as you can everytime a contraction comes. Understand?"

I nod and she says,"Okay. Let's get started." I get into position and she says,"Start pushing once your contraction starts in 3.... 2..... 1. Push!"

I squeeze Peeta's hand tightly and push with all more force. "ARGHHHHHH!!!" I yell. "THIS HURTS!!!!!"

"I know Katniss. I know." Dr.Shields says. I stop pushing and breath heavily. I shake my head and say to Peeta,"I can't do this. It hurts too much!!"

"Yes you can Katniss. I know you can do this." he says to me. He wipes my forehead with a cloth and then kisses it.

"Alright Katniss let's push again." Dr. Shields says to me. I throw my head back and whine. "C'mon Katniss." Peeta says to me.

I push again but much more harder than before. "ARGGHHH GET THESE BABIES OUT OF ME!!!!" I yell. "The baby is crowning! C'mon Katniss. You can do it!" Dr. Shields says smiling.

I give one more big push and squeeze Peeta's hand so much tighter than I did before. I'm pretty sure I broke his hand. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I yell again.

Then I hear the wail of my baby. The best sound I've heard ever in my life. Tears are streaming down my face. "It's a boy!" Dr. Shields says smiling at Peeta and I.

Peeta has tears in his eyes and he kisses me on the lips. "You did it Katniss." I smile and cry.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord Peeta?" Dr.Shields asks Peeta. He smiles and nods. He goes over to where Dr.Shields is and cuts the cord.

Dr. Shields carefully gives my son to one of the nurses. The nurse quickly leaves with my son and I quickly say,"I wanna see him! Where is she taking him!?"

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