Chapter Fourteen: Telling The News

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Hi guys!! I updated sooner than I thought! :) So I hope you guys we're shocked at the news in Chapter 13. I bet nobody expected that. Hopefully. Haha.

I'm so happy right now! I have more than 3.5k reads, 140 something votes and 46 comments! This is absolutely amazing! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you so much! You guys are awesome, so thank you! :)

I can't wait for you guys to read the rest of the story! So many things happen throughout the story. There's gonna be more drama, some comedy, and definitely some more romance. New characters will be introduced, etc. So be ready! :)

Anyways Here's CHAPTER 14!!! :)


Katniss' POV:

What did she just say? Did I hear right? Am I dreaming? I have to be! The doctor told me I was unable to have a child! And now... And pregnant?

It's not that im upset or anything, im just shocked. One minute I was not able to have a child and having a baby.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just can't be pregnant. I can't get pregnant! How did this happen? Well, I know how it happens but how am I suddenly able to have children?

Everything just happened in slow motion. Like the world just stopped moving and time froze. "Katniss!" My whole body is paralyzed. I can't move or speak. "Katniss."

Dr.Shields voice brings me back to reality. "Katniss? Did you hear me?" I just simply nod. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. My mind still isn't functioning right. I still need a little time to think.

I put my finger up, signaling for her to hold on. I swallow hard and sigh. "Are you playing some kind of prank on me? Because if you are, it's absolutely not funny!" I say.

"Katniss I will never joke around with stuff like this. Being a doctor is not a joke. I'm a very honest person." she says a little offended.

"Katniss, you are pregnant. You have a little miracle living inside of you. You and Peeta are finally having the family that you guys wanted." She says softly.

She's right. I'm finally having a baby. And with Peeta. Just like I wanted it to be. I smile so big and laugh. "I'm having a baby..... Im finally having a baby!!" I say excitedly.

Dr. Shields smiles and laughs. "If you wanted to know. You're 12 weeks."

"Oh wow. Im almost 4 months! Holy Crap!" I say surprised.

"Well Katniss, I need to do a ultrasound. So follow me to the back room." She gets up and I follow her to the back room.

"Okay Katniss, Lay down and lift up your shirt." I lay down and lift up my shirt. "Okay, this gel is gonna be cold, alright?" I nod. She squeezes the gel on my stomach and I shiver a little.

She wasn't kidding, it was cold. She moved the wand around my stomach and she looks up at the computer. Her face looks blank, so I don't know if there is anything wrong. She knits her eyebrows together and moves the wand further down my stomach.

"Is there something wrong with the baby?" I ask worriedly. She shakes her head and laughs. "Actually, quite the opposite." she says smiling.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused. She looks at me and smiles. "Congratulations Katniss, you're having twins!"

Once again, the world stopped and everything just frozed. Not only was I pregnant, but I was pregnant with two babies. It was more than I could ask for. This was truly a blessing. I have two miracle babies growing inside me.

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