Chapter Six: Bad News

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Katniss' POV:

There was so much anger and tension in me. What was he doing here? He was supposed to be in District 2 not here in District 12. "What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped.

"I'm here on a business trip. Anyways I was just going to your house to see you but someone told me you were walking aro...." He cut himself off. He looked down at my stomach as I was rubbing it. "Are... Are you pregnant?" He asked, in disbelief.

"Yes! Now excuse me. I'm walking back home." I said, in a rude tone. I walked past him but Gale stopped me. He grabbed my wrist, turning me around, so that I was facing him.

"Who did this to you? We need to get that thing out of you!" He said, angrily. I yanked my wrist away from him. I looked at him with anger and disgust.

"You know exactly who did this! And who the hell do you think you are!? I'm having this baby with Peeta whether you like it or not!!" I spat at him.

I start walking away again but he grabbed my wrist again with much more force, causing me pain. "Did he force you into this!? Because if he did I'm going to kick his ass!!" He said, with rage in his voice.

"HE DIDN'T! I CHOSE THIS! AND IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HIM, YOUR ASS IS GOING TO GET GET KICKED!!!" I yelled at him, with so much venom in my voice.

"What happened to the Katniss I knew!? The one that said that she didn't want marriage or kids! The one I used to go hunting with! My best friend! WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!?" He yelled at me.

"SHE'S GONE!!" I snapped. He tightened the grip on my wrist making me yelp in pain. "Katniss, you're not going back to him! I love you! You belong with me! You love me! I know you do!! Leave him and come to me! We can raise the baby together!!"

My hand quickly connected with Gale's cheek. My hand began throbbing from slapping him so hard. He put his hand on his face, looking at me with fury in his eyes.

"What the hell!? I would never leave Peeta for you! I would never let you near my child! I would never let you near Peeta! I will never love you! I DESPISE YOU!! I--" He interrupted me by kissing me.

I quickly pushed him off of me, punching him in the face after. He let go of my wrist , holding onto his cheek with his hand. I kicked his leg twice, making him fall to the ground.

"Don't you ever do that again!! I want you no where near me Hawthorne!!" I growled. I spit on him, running away after.

"I will get you Katniss Everdeen!! You'll be mine!! I will hurt you and break you!! I will get what I want! I will hurt your precious little family! Just watch out! I'll be coming for you!! AND I WILL HURT YOU BADLY!!"

Just hearing him say those threats sent chills down my spine. I continued running back home. I was so scared that he was running after me, trying to kill me. I finally got to the house, as I got there I tripped on on the steps, making me hit my head on one of the steps.

I screamed in pain. The tears start pouring out of my eyes. I being feeling sharp pains in my lower abdomen. The first thing I thought about was the baby. I immediately started panicking.

I touched my head and looked at the blood that was on my hands. Blood was dripping everywhere. I tried to get up but the sharp pains in my abdomen stopped me. I let out another scream.

"PEETA! PEETA!" I yelled. I see Haymitch come out of his house. He was running towards me. He finally got to where I was, noticing all the blood.

"Katniss! What happened!?" I tried to speak but nothing came out. So I began patting my stomach softly.

"What is it? Is it the baby?" He questioned. I nodded. He quickly got up and went inside my house. Several minutes later he came out with a towel with Peeta behind him.

Peeta rushes to me. "Katniss! Honey, what happened!?" Haymitch put the towel on my forehead. Haymitch began yelling at him to take me to the hospital.

I was loosing so much blood that I began loosing consciousness. Their voices started becoming faint. My eyes started shutting slowly, making everything go black.


I found myself sitting in a big white room. My hands were handcuffed to a chair. My mouth was covered in duct tape. I struggled to get out of the chair but I noticed my ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.

I tried screaming for help but no one could hear me. Tears started escaping my eyes. I tried escaping again but I just couldn't escape. Gale walked in with Peeta and a baby. MY BABY! I started screaming.

Peeta was handcuffed and pretty beat up. Tears continued to come out of my eyes. Gale left my baby next to Peeta. He came over to me, taking off my duct tape. I began screaming.

"NOOO! Please don't hurt them! Please! Take me! Hurt me!" I cried. Gale slapped me across the face, I let out a cry of pain.

"I will let you suffer! And both of them will too. This is what you get! You don't deserve them!!" He grabbed my baby, took out a knife and stabbed her. I screamed, new batches of tears came out.

"NOOOOO! PLEASE! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? KILL ME! KILL ME!" I screamed at Gale, while tears continued to escape my eyes. I let out several more sobs.

"Katniss. Shhh." I refused to stop crying. He just killed my baby! "It's time for Peeta to pay the price." He said, with an evil grin spread across his face.

"NOOO PLEASE! NOT HIM TOO! JUST PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM! KILL ME, GALE PLEASE! KILL ME!" I cried out desperately. Gale laughed and shook his head.

"No! I want you to see them suffer! You don't deserve happiness!" He growled.

He took out his knife and wiped the blood off, using his shirt. He started walking towards me. I started screaming again. This is it. This is it. I'm going to die. Before Gale could get to me, I yelled,"Peeta I love you!!"

"I love you too Katniss." I heard Peeta's weak voice say. Instead of Gale stabbing me, he kisses me. He pulled away and said,"Katniss, I'm doing this for us. We'll be together... forever!"

"NEVER!" I spit back at him. Anger was written all over his face. He clenched his teeth, jamming the knife into my stomach, twice. I screamed out in pain.

He went over to Peeta, stabbing him in the head. Peeta and my baby are gone from me. Forever. Gale turned to me and started making his way to me. I screamed once more as Gale got to where I was and jammed the knife into my skull.

I wake up screaming. I feel arms wrap around me. I think it's Peeta but a voice tells me otherwise. "Katniss, shhhh... you're safe. You're okay." It was Haymitch's voice.

"I want Peeta! NOW!" I yelled at him. Tears continued to escape my eyes. Haymitch let go of me, leaving the room to get Peeta.

I let out a couple of sobs. Peeta quickly rushed inside the room. "Katniss! You're awake!" He wrapped his arms around me. I dug my head into his shoulder, staying there as I cried.

"Katniss.. shhhh. I'm here. You're safe. I'm safe." He said, soothingly. He started rubbing my back gently. Then I remember about the baby.

"Peeta the baby! Is he okay?"

Peeta sighed. "I don't know. The doctor hasn't said anything to me yet." A second later, the Doctor walked in. "Katniss! You're awake! How are you feeling?"

"Fine. How's the baby? Is my baby okay!?" She sighed as she rubbed the side of her temple.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry Katniss. But no. The baby didn't make it. You guys could try again. I'm sorry." She walked out the door with her hand on her forehead.



Bet you guys didnt see that coming! Please give me your opinions! It would mean a lot! Don't forget to vote and follow me! Also ill be posting Chapter 7 tomorrow. I l promise. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter. Im also sorry for all the typos!

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