Chapter Eighteen: A Trip Through Memory Lane

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Hello guys! So who's excited to see Catching Fire???? OMG IM BEYOND EXCITED! All these trailers are just making me fangirl like crazy! ASDFGHJKL!! Haha oh well.

I saw a preview of the beach scene! ASDFGHJKL IT'S SO PERF. All of these trailers are so perf! Ahh im in love.

Anyways this Chapter might be short, it depends. Yeahhh.

Here's Chapter 18. Enjoy! :)


*25 weeks* 

Its been 8 weeks since Violet gave birth to Logan. He is such a joy to have around and he is such a cute baby. He definitely looks like Violet and Owen looks like his Dad.

Im already 6 months pregnant. Just 3 more months to go. 3 months until Peeta and I meet our son and daughter. I smile at that thought.

"What are you smiling about?" Peeta asks me while serving us dinner. I shake my head and smile. "It's nothing." I say to him.

"No tell me." he says putting our plates on the table.

I sit down and say,"Nothing. I was just smiling at the fact that we get to meet our son and daughter in 3 months. We're gonna be parents soon Peeta. Can you believe it? It's finally gonna happen, just like we wanted it to."

He smiles and nods. "I know. I'm beyond excited to be a father. It's a dream come true. I definitely can't wait to meet them." I smile and nod.

"So. I know you hate when I ask you, but this is the last time I'll ask." Peeta says to me. I sip my water and say,"Okay? Ask away."

"Have you honestly thought of any baby names for the twins? Remember, be honest." he asks me. I take a bite of my food and stare at him for awhile.

I swallow my food and say,"Honestly?" He nods and I wipe my mouth with a napkin. "Yeah I have." I say to him.

His face lightens up and he says,"Really?" I nod and he smiles. I take another sip of my water and say,"Tell you what."

He leans in a little and says,"What?"

"Since I'm being a little bitter about this, how about I choose our son's name and you choose our daughter's name. Then a few days before my due date, we'll share the names. Kinda like a little surprise." I say to him.

He sits there and then nods. "I'll take the offer, but I have one question."

"And I have an answer. Lets see if they match." I say to him.

He smiles a little and asks,"What if we choose a name and one of us doesn't like it?"

"Well in that case, we'll compromise. We'll find a name that we both love." I say to him. He nods and continues eating.

We finish eating and we clean up the kitchen. Peeta puts the last plate away, he turns my way and says,"We should think about what we need for the babies before they come."

I nod and say,"Okay. Well we need clothes, cribs, diapers."

"Well yeah. We definitely need those things. What about the nursery?" he tells me.

"We have to choose one of the rooms upstairs." I say to him.

"Okay. Let's go upstairs and choose one." he says. He grabs my hand and walks upstairs. We stop at one of the guest rooms and Peeta opens the door.

We look around and Peeta asks," What do you think of this one?" I purse my lips and shake my head. "No. It's too small. I also want the nursery close to our room." I say walking around the room.

Were All In This Together- Hunger Games Fan Fiction (Slowly Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now