Chapter Twelve: Back To Normal

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Hello again! :) Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just decided that I'll post every 7 days. It gives me time to write a chapter and come up with ideas for the story.

I wanna know what my readers think of my story. Is it bad? Is it good? Do I need to improve the story? I don't know. Please comment your opinions! It's okay, you won't hurt my feelings. I need constructive criticism. Your opinions and suggestions will help me be a better writer, so don't feel bad. :) I really want to know what you guys think. So comment! :)

As for those who are reading my other story 'The Good Boy or The Bad Boy'. I'm putting that story on hold. I wanna finish this story first and then continue the other story. I wont have time to write two stories at once. So I wanna finish the one I started first.

Im probably boring you so here's Chapter 12! Let me warn you that this Chapter has some sexual content. If you don't feel comfortable reading that part then skip it. Enjoy my amazing readers! :)


Katniss' POV:

*3 1/2 Months Later*

I walk out of the house with my game bag. The sun rays touch my skin, warming me. I look up at the sky and it looks beautiful. The sun shining bright, few clouds here and there. It was a perfect day to go hunting.

Everything was finally back to normal. Peeta goes to work, I hunt. We try to spend every minute together, afraid that we might lose each other. Afraid to be without one another. Because we both know that we can't stand to be without each other.

I go under the fence and into the woods. I love being in the woods. I feel like I'm myself in the woods. The woods is my second home. I can spend hours and days, and not get tired of being here.

I grab my stash of arrows from my hiding place and continue on. The warm summer breeze hits my skin and it feels nice. Being in early June, it's perfect.

A few hours later, I finish hunting. I'm proud of how much I caught. I caught Eight Squirrels, and 1 deer, freshly cut. As I'm walking I stop and pick some Rosemary, Thyme, and Oregano for Peeta.

I reach the fence and go under. I walk past the meadow and walk back to the Victor's Village. I enter the house and put my game bag on the table. I take of my father's hunting jacket and place it behind the chair. I kick off my boots and place them next to the door.

"Peeta?" I call out. No answer. I call his name again and still no answer. He's probably working late today. I carry the game bag to the kitchen and open it. I take out the meats and put them in the freezer. I leave two squirrels out so I could cook them.

I skin them and cut the fat off. I take a pan out of the cabinet, turn on the stove and place the pan on the stove. I go back to the meat and clean it. I wash my hands and season the meat with and salt and pepper. I place them on the pan and sear them.

An hour later, I finish cooking dinner. I look down at the two plates and I have to say, I'm very pleased with my work. Pan-seared squirrel with baby potatoes and salad. I smile and suddenly I hear the front door close.

I walk to the door and I see Peeta putting his shoes next to the door. I smile and say," Hey. You're finally home." He looks up at me and smiles.

He says," Hey. Yeah. Sorry I'm late. I had to finish a customers cake order. It was for a baby shower tomorrow."

"It's fine honey. I'm just glad your home." I go up to him and place a gentle kiss on his lips. He smiles and asks," What smells really good?"

I look at the direction of the kitchen and say," Uh nothing. I just cooked dinner." I look back at him and he has one eyebrow raised. I put my hands on my hips and ask," What?"

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