Chapter Eleven: Everything Will Get Better

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Hi again my lovelies! <3 So I have a question for you guys. Which choice would you like better? Me posting every 3-4 days but the chapters are shorter or me posting every 8-10 days but the chapters are longer. Comment what choice you want. :)

Anyways I have more than 1.2k reads! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Thank you so much you guys! It absolutely means soo much to me! I love you guys and thank you so much for reading! I'm really happy you guys are enjoying the story. So thank you!

Anyways I'm probably boring you guys right now soo here's Chapter 11. Sorry for any typos, it will all be fixed once I finsh the story. Enjoy my awesome readers! :)


Katniss' POV:

No no no. Not again. I have to get everyone out of the room. Now!

I look at Dr. Stone and say,"All of you guys need to get out now. Except Haymitch."

Dr. Stone shakes his head and says,"I'm sorry Mrs. Mellark but I have to-"

"I don't care! All 3 of you guys need to get out now! It's for your own safety! Just please get out now!" I say panicking. Haymitch nicely escorts them out of the room and closes the door.

Haymitch walks over to Peeta and sees his eyes. "Shit." I hear him mumble. I am beyond worried. But also confused. Why hasn't he started yelling?

"Mutt! That's what you are! An evil mutt who killed my family!!"

"Peeta. Not Real. Please believe me." I say softly. Peeta grits his teeth and yells,"Never! I would never ever believe you! I hate you! I despise you! You DISGUSTING MUTT!"

He starts taking off the cords attached to his body and gets off the bed. "Peeta No!!" I hear Haymitch yell.  

Then Peeta's hand grabs my throat tightly and starts choking me. I try to gasp for air but his grip is too strong. Haymitch tries to get him away from me but Peeta punches him with his other hand.

Haymitch stumbles back and falls to the ground. Peeta slams me to the wall. "MUTTS LIKE YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!! Especially ones who killed my family!"

I see Haymitch get up from the corner of my eye and he grabs Peeta's arms. Peeta lets go of my neck and I fall to the ground. My neck is throbbing and in so much pain. I take huge deep breaths. Then I hear Haymitch yell,"Katniss go! Leave now!!"

I look at him and get up. I stare at Peeta who's struggling to escape Haymitch's grip. "Hurry up Katniss! Leave!" Haymitch yells at me.

I look at the door and run out. I put my back on the wall and slide down to the floor panting heavily. I see Dr. Stone, Thom and Iris standing there. Iris looks horrified. She's hiding behind her dads leg, and she looks like she will cry any second.

Dr. Stone comes over to me, crouches down and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Mrs. Mellark, what's happening in there? Can you breathe?" I shake my head and start gasping for air. I really need more air.

Dr. Stone gets up and leaves running. Thom crouches down next to me and rubs my back. "Breathe, Katniss. It's okay" He says soothingly.

Dr. Stone comes back with a breathing mask that's hooked up to a machine. He puts the mask over my mouth and turns on the machine. "Now Katniss, I need you to breathe in and out slowly. Okay?"

I nod and do what he says. I inhale and exhale slowly four times. He smiles and says,"Good Job. You feeling better?"

I nod my head slowly. "Okay. Do you think you can breathe on your own now?" He asks me. I take 2 more deep breaths and nod. He takes off my mask and sets it on the machine.

"Now you wanna tell me what happened in there?" He asks. I shake my head vigorously. Then I yelp in pain and put my hands on my neck. My neck was absolutely hurting like crazy.  

 Dr. Stone takes my hands away from my neck and touches it gently. "Katniss how did this happen?" He asks me, genuinely worried.

I open my mouth to speak but I get interrupted by Haymitch. "Katniss. I need you." I shake my head slowly so my neck won't hurt. He sighs and says,"Katniss please." I swallow hard and nod.

I get up from the floor and walk towards Haymitch. "Is it bad?" I croak. He purses his lips and guides me inside. I slowly walk in and see Peeta's eyes red and puffy. He's breathing heavily and letting out quiet sobs.

I swallow hard. "Peeta?" I squeak.

He looks at me and says,"Katniss." I run up to him and hug him. His arms wrap around me and I run my fingers through his hair. "I missed you so much." I whisper in his ear. I pull out of the hug and kiss him.

This is what I've been waiting for, for so long. This is what I've been craving for. His lips on mine. It's so passionate and honestly, hot. His soft lips on mine make me feel warm and gooey inside. He makes me feel like the only girl in the world and I don't deserve him. He's too nice to me, when sometimes I'm mean to him.

And I honestly don't know how he deals with me. But all I know is that I am absolutely, crazy in love with Peeta Mellark and nothing can change that. All I know is that from here and on, everything will get better.



So sorry it's short, but it's all I could think of. And I'm extremely sorry if this chapter sucks. I'm on writers block for both stories and I'm losing it. So please forgive me!

Anyways im reading an awesome story by my best friend @nathalyx3_ily and it's called 'Me and The Love Triangle'. She just started it but it already sounds good. Haha.

I also decided to name this Chapter 'Everything Will Get Better' instead because it fits the ending of this chapter. Haha. And Now Chapter Ten will be called 'Another Attack?' It's lame but oh well. Well until next my lovely readers! :)





All rights go to Suzanne Collins. :)

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