Author's Note

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Hiiiii guysss! :) So I'm so so so so sorry to say that Chapter 22 was the last Chapter. I was going to write one more Chapter but I decided against it.

Don't be sad though! :) I'm writing a second book to the sequel im writing. I don't have a title for the second book yet but I will post the first chapter soon. :)

There will be 3 stories to the sequel. I really hope you guys enjoyed this story like I did. :)

Tell your friends about my story, keep voting! I promise I will post a preview of the next story very soon. Just be patient. :)

Hopefully you guys will love the second story as much as the first one. :)

I also wanted to say that heaven has gained another beautiful angel. Rest In Peace to Paul Walker. He will definitely be missed. He was the only reason why I love fast cars and why I watched the Fast N Furious movies. The movies will never be the same without him. You will forever be in our hearts. <3

I'll talk to you guys very soon. Goodbye my amazing, kind, generous, readers. Love you guys! xxx

xxxxx infinity_and_beyond3 xxxxx

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