Chapter Nineteen: The Waiting Game

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Hi guys! So I just came up with a new idea of this story. You guys will probably hate me for what's gonna happen in the next few chapters. Hopefully you dont. But you will.

I'm also sad to say that the story will be ending soon. It kills me just saying it. But there is good news to this. This is book one of the sequel im writing.

Book Two to this sequel is coming soon! I haven't figured out a title but hopefully you'll love the second story just like you did with this story.

Anyways here's Chapter 19! xx :)


Katniss' POV:

*28 weeks*

It's been 3 weeks since the incident in Prim's room. I finally decided to change Prim's room into the nursery. Tomorrow Peeta is gonna be in there painting all day.

He doesn't want me to see until he finishes. He wants it to be a surprise.

I lay in bed looking at the ceiling. It's almost midnight and I still haven't managed to fall asleep. The twins are keeping me up with all of their kicking.

One of them kicks me so hard I kinda yell,"Owww!" Peeta wakes up and turns to me. "Katniss. What are you doing up?" he asks me in a raspy voice.

I sigh and say,"The twins are keeping me up. They keep kicking." One of them kicks me hard again and I wince in pain. Peeta moves closer to me and puts his hand on my stomach.

"Hey babies. It's your daddy." Peeta says to my stomach softly. He continues and says," It's time to go to sleep. Let mommy rest." He kisses my stomach several times and I smile.

"I think they settled down." I say softly. He smiles and says,"Good. Get some rest Katniss." I smile and nod. He gives me a quick peck on the lips and then we both fall asleep.


I wake up to the aroma of pancakes and bacon coming from the kitchen. I smile and slip on my slippers. I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth.

I take out my hair from it's braid and leave it in it's wavy form. I head downstairs and go into the kitchen. I see a plate of pancakes and bacon sitting there.

I lick my lips and put syrup all over my pancakes and bacon. I grab a fork from the drawer and take a huge bite of my pancake. I smile and let out a moan. This is so so good.

I take a bite of my bacon and moan again. I love Peeta so much for making me this. "I thought I was the only one who can make you moan?" I hear Peeta ask from behind me.

I turn around and I see him with no shirt on and paint all over him. He looks so sexy without his shirt on. I look down at his abs and I bite my lip.

I really want him right now. Dr. Shields says it's normal for me to be acting this way. She says it happens during the third trimester, my hormones will act up once in awhile.

"Like what you see?" Peeta asks me with a smirk on his face. I bite my lip and nod. He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him.

I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him hard. I slip my tongue into his mouth and I move my hand down to his abs. He runs his fingers through my hair and we pull away to catch our breaths.

He rests his forehead on mine and breathes heavily. I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips. I turn around and continue eating my breakfast.

"That was my way of saying thank you for breakfast." I say to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and he kisses my neck. I smile and giggle.

He lets go and I finish eating my food. I put my plate in the sink and say,"Hey Peeta."

Were All In This Together- Hunger Games Fan Fiction (Slowly Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now