Chapter Three: New Beginnings

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Katniss' POV:

I said it. I didn't choke. I say it again without hesitation. "I wanna have a baby, Peeta." He stared at me with a shocked face, he also looked a bit confused. Was I wrong to tell him this?

Does he not want kids anymore? Maybe I've said no so much that he gave up on his dream of having kids, so now he doesn't want any. Or maybe he's thinking the time isn't right. It's still silent and I desperately need an answer.

"Peeta I need an answer." I said, breaking the silence. "You want a baby. Real or Not Real?"

"Real." I whispered. He looked down at his hands that were folded on the table. "Peeta do you not want kids? Because I need to know."

"I'm just letting the information settle in."

"That doesn't answer my question." I said, annoyed. There's a bit of anger and sadness in my voice. He walked up to me and gently grabbed my hand. "Of course I want kids." He whispered.

"Katniss are you sure you want this? I don't wanna push you into something your not ready for." I let his words sink in. Maybe I wasn't ready. I let go of his hand. I pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.

Peeta sat in the chair next to me. "Katniss. Let me know what you're thinking about." I looked at him and said,"I'm just scared." He took my hand and held it. "What are you scared about?" I sighed. Tears began welling up in my eyes.

"I'm scared I'll lose the baby. I'm scared that they'll bring back the Games. I'm scared that our children will get reaped and killed in the Games. I'm scared that I'll fail my kids just like I failed Prim and Rue." Tears are pouring out of my eyes as Peeta pulls me in for a hug. I cry onto his shoulder.

He put his hands on my shoulders and said,"Katniss, there are no more Games. They'll never come back. I know from the bottom of my heart that you would be a wonderful mother to our children. And you didn't fail Rue. She trusted you, you protected her, you sang to her, you covered her with flowers. I know she would never say you failed her. You also didn't fail Prim. You took care of her, you fed her, you did everything you could to protect her and give her a good life. She would be so proud of you."

Peeta was right. Prim and Rue would have never said I failed them. He wiped away my tears and gently kissed me. He pulled away, gently caressing my cheek.

"We'll have kids when you're ready, Katniss." He said, quietly. I sighed and nodded. But then I remember what Peeta said. There are no more Games. Our country is safe. Safe enough to raise children. "But I do want children." I whispered to him.

"Katniss, are you really sure you want this?" I nodded. "Absolutely." He smiled and kissed my hand, then my neck and then my lips.

"Let's go upstairs." I smirked at him. He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs, to the bedroom.


Me and Peeta sit in the meadow watching a little boy about 3 years old running around. He has Peeta's beautiful ocean blue eyes and Peeta's blonde curls. He began running up to us with flowers in his hand. "Mommy look. I picked some flowers for you." I smiled as he placed the beautiful yellow daisies in my hand.

"Thank you honey." I said, smiling. He let out a small giggle as I pulled him into a hug. "I love you mommy."

I smiled at him."I love you too honey."

I'm awaken by the urge to throw up. I kick the covers away, kicking Peeta in the process and run straight to the bathroom. I reach the toilet and retch into it.

All the food from last night comes up. I feel a hand pick up my hair and feel another hand rubbing my back. I know I've woken up Peeta.

"Peeta go away! I don't want you to see me like this." I say with a scratchy voice. I retch into the toilet again but he continued to rub my back.

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