Chapter Sixteen: Uh, What Just Happened?

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Hi again guys! I'm once again truly sorry for not updating. I've been caught up in school, soccer practice, doctor appointments, youth group, babysitting, etc. I hope you guys understand how busy I am right now. I know I'm letting so many of you down and im sorry. :(

So, I reached more than 5.2k reads on this story! That totally made my day! Thank you so much guys for reading! I'm glad you all are enjoying this story like I am writing it. This really means a lot to me. :)

If you guys wanna incorporate some ideas into this story, I'll be willing to work some out with you guys. :)

Okay now im probably annoying you guys right now, so I'll just stop talking. Here's Chapter 16! Enjoy! :)


Katniss' POV:

*17 weeks*

It's been two weeks since we found out the sex of the babies. Me and Peeta we're beyond excited when we found out we we're having a girl and a boy.

Im three days away from being 18 weeks, almost halfway there. Me and Peeta have done absolutely nothing at all to prepare for these babies. And that's what scares me.

In a matter of months, me and Peeta will both be holding our children in our arms. What worries me the most is that I won't know how to raise my children and that they'll hate me for it.

Peeta keeps telling me that I'll do fine and that they will love me always. It will take some time for me to believe that.

"Hey Katniss. You okay?" Peeta says, breaking me out of my thoughts. I look at him and nod. He knitts his eyebrows together and says,"Are you sure?"

I nod and say,"Yes Peeta, im fine." He sighs and kisses my forehead. He lifts up my shirt and kisses my stomach. He's been doing that a lot lately. I think it's cute.

"What do you want for lunch?"

I take a minute to think about it. "Um can you bake some cheese buns please?" He sighs and I pout a little.

He smiles and kisses my nose lightly. I smile and laugh a little. "Sure. Get washed up while I make them." I smile and nod. He gets up off from the bed, kisses my cheek and leaves the bedroom.

I change into some shorts and one of Peeta's t-shirts. I put my hair in a braid and slip on some slippers. I walk downstairs and I smell the aroma of cheese buns.

Just smelling them makes my mouth water. I enter the kitchen and I see Peeta put another tray of cheese buns in the oven. He's definitely a quick worker.

I lean on the counter and watch him knead the dough. Just watching him knead dough turns me on. This pregnancy is making a sexually active hormonal psycho person.

Well, Peeta doesn't seem to mind. He likes this side of me. The freaky side.

Peeta's voice snaps me back to reality. "Like what you see?" I smile and roll my eyes. He laughs a little and rolls the dough into buns.

I knit my eyebrows together and say,"Why are you making so much Cheese Buns? We're only two people."

He says,"I want to have extras just in case you want some more later or tomorrow." I nod. Peeta. Always thinking ahead.

He takes out two trays of cheese buns from the oven and adds the last tray in the oven. He sets the trays on the counter in front of me. They look and smell delicious.

My mouth is watering so much. I just want to shove all of them in my mouth. Oh forget it. I grab one from the tray and take a big bite of it.

It was probably a bad idea because I burnt my tongue. I quickly spit out the bread in the trash and grab a cup of water and drink it quickly.

Were All In This Together- Hunger Games Fan Fiction (Slowly Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now