Chapter Thirteen: Im What?

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Hi again! So sorry I didn't update when I said I would. I'm so late on my update and once again I'm sorry. I'm just busy with school stuff, since I started school. Yeah so I'm pretty busy.

I'll have to change the days I update because of my schedule. I know I said I'll update every 7 days, but I can't. I'll have to update whenever I'm not busy. So sorry. :(

So I can't stop obsessing over the show 'Baby Daddy'! It's so hilarious and cute, ahhhh! I keep re-watching the same episodes over and over again. Ugh I need help! Haha. I seriously want Jean-Luc to be the father of my children. Haha oh gosh, I should stop.

So I don't really have much else to say. Oh well, here's Chapter 13! Enjoy! :)


Katniss' POV:

I wake up to the sun shining through the window. I look to my left and Peeta's not in bed. And of course that means that he's at work.

I get out of bed and take a quick shower. I head downstairs and make myself some breakfast. I check the.time on the stove and It's 10 til 12.

I slip on my shoes and head out the door. Might as well go to the Bakery to see Peeta, Violet, and James. I arrive at the Bakery and I walk in to see it mostly empty. Well that's a shocker.

Then I see Violet come out of the kitchen with a plate of food. She walks right past me and gives a customer the plate. I'm surprised she walked past me.

Then she turns around and sees me. She smiles and squeals. "Katniss!" She says excitedly. She runs up to me and hugs me tight. "Violet... Can't.... Breathe." I say between breaths.

She lets go of me and says,"Sorry. I missed you so much! How's everything?" I sigh and sit down on a chair. She sits in a chair in front of me and folds her hands on the table.

I smile and say," I missed you too Violet. Everything's been great so far. It's like nothing happened but I'll always remember what happened."

"I know honey. That was the past. You need to forget what happened and continue living your life. You and Peeta are still young. Live life to the fullest." She says softly.

"I know. That's just something I can't forget. It's burned in the back of my mind. I have lots of nightmares of those horrible memories." I say.

"I know. But if you don't forget, then you're gonna keep reliving those memories in your dreams. And I know you don't want that." She says.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll try. Anyways, enough about me. Let's talk about you. How's everything?" I say.

She sighs and says," Everything's fine. Joseph and Owen miss you so much. You should come by and visit." I smile and nod. I say," I think I will."

She smiles and I say," You should probably get back to work. I'll go see Peeta and leave." I start to get up but she stops me. "Sit." She says in a low voice.

I slowly sit back down and say," Is everything okay?" She sighs and smiles. She says," Katniss, I'm pregnant." My mouth drops and soon enough I smile wide.

I pull her into a hug and laugh. "Congratulations Violet!" I say happily. "How far along are you?" I ask excitedly.

She smiles and says," Im 14 weeks."

"Oh Wow. Almost 4 months. Are Joseph and Owen excited?" She smiles and nods. "They can't wait!" she says excitedly.

I smile and ask," When do you find out the sex of the baby?"

"Next week. Me and Joseph can't wait to find out. I'll be sure to tell you after my appointment." She says.

I nod and say," Does Peeta know?" She shakes her head and says," Not yet. I was gonna tell him today. Before I get any bigger. Luckily you can't see my baby bump under this baggy uniform. So he hasn't suspected anything."

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