Something Like Fate

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Selena POV

I'm not perfect. I'm far from perfect. When I was born my birth mother was only 14 so she gave me up for adoption. Ever since I've been from foster home to foster home until I was 5 when my adoptive mom, Mandy Teefey and her husband, Brian Teefey took me in permanently. Now I'm 16, soon to be junior and I live with them, and my little sister Acacia. I have never been the popular kid. I really only had one real friend, Demi, and one real boyfriend, Nick. But my world turns upside down, when I have to move. From the heat waves of Texas, to the Beverly Hills of L.A. Starting over. Something I'm not used to. The only thing that can take away my stress and my mind from this is DANCE.

Justin POV

Everyone thinks they know me, but they don't. I'm the most popular junior at  Lawndale High School. I'm captain of the football team, well a major jock in general, I get all the girls attentions, plus I sing. BONUS. Buuuuuuuut, no one knows I sing. Not even my two bestfriends, Ryan and Chaz. The only people who knows is my family. Music is the one thing that I can really express my self through. I haven't found that right person that gets me. 

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