chapter three

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Justin’s POV

Jasmine was seriously getting on my nerves. First off she interrupted my time with my little sister, and then she sends Jazzy off with Miley and Barbara? What the fuck?

Jasmine was just about to say something else, but I got distracted. By the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen. (Well Beyonce is first..always). And I thought Jasmine was gorgeous. This girl was twice as gorgeous. She has long brown wavy hair that reached down her back, her cheeks looked kissable (don’t judge me), and her lips, I wanted mines against hers. And not to mention her body was….woah. She was wearing some shorts that showed off her amazing legs, and she had on an oversized sweater that her stomach was peaking out a little bit. I was admiring her beauty hard core. I didn’t even realize I was full on staring until I heard Jasmine say something, and I saw Miley, Barbara and Jazzy coming back towards the table. The girl shifted uncomfortably and broke eye contact.

Well way to go Justin. Now she thinks you’re a creep. “Fuck,” I mumbled to myself.

When Jazzy came back to the table her ice cream cone was already more than half gone.

“Who was that girl talking to Jazzy?” I asked.

“I dunno?” Barbara replied.

“What did she say?” I asked wanting more answers.

“Just saying ‘hi cutie’ to Jazzy.” Miley answered. I sighed. I never seen this girl before and for some reason I wanted to know her.

I happened to look up seeing the girl smiling. Wow her smile is beautiful. I couldn’t help but smile. She was smiling at her phone, which I’m pretty sure was a text message. Must be texting her boyfriend, I thought.

Then she moved. She was getting up. Her and I’m guessing her little sister? They were walking towards the restroom, which meant she had to pass me.

Okay Justin, calm down, I thought to myself. Then it hit me. I had the perfect plan to get her to talk to me.

Selena’s POV

After the weird staredown from that guy we finally sat down at table. But the guy still had easy access to stare. He was hot, but creeped me out. So I tried my best not to embarrass myself. When I looked up I saw he was surrounded by a table full of very pretty girls. He must be popular, and and a player. He would never talk to an un-popular like me.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating. I had a text from Demi. I instantly smiled.

            From Dems: heeey girl! Imysm <3 skype later ?

I replied

            To Dems: YES OF COURSE!! TTYL <3

Acacia tapped my shoulder saying she had to go bathroom. Even though she’s 14, she didn’t wanna go alone cause, well we’re new to this town. We told Mandy and Brian we would be right back.

“Okay sweetie. We’ll be in the van waiting.” Mom said.

We nodded and walked towards the bathroom. Oh and did I mention, I had to walk past that dudes table to get to the bathroom? Yeah. Awkward.

Stay Calm Selena, I mentally kicked myself.

Me and Acacia made it to the bathroom with out me being clumsy. We got in the bathroom but Acacia didn’t go in the stall. Instead she gave me the “look”.

“What??” I asked annoyed. She KNOWS I hate that “look.”

“Don’t what me, you know what!!”

“Acacia, you’re confusing me!!” I whispered yelled.

“Lena,” she began. Lena was the nickname that only she calls me, “I know you was nervous to walk past that guys table.”

“And?” I asked wanting more.

“Annnnnnnnnd, I saw him staring at you.” She said wiggling her eyebrows.

“Acacia stop it!” I said blushing. “Come on, mom and dad is waiting for us.” I said changing the subject.

We walked out the bathroom and I saw that the booth was empty. *sigh*

I kept my head down low walking with Acacia until my clumsiness took place and *SMACK*

I ran dead into someone and their drink spilled on me causing me to crash to the floor.

“Are you okay?” a guys voice asked.

I looked up and holy Jesus this boy was fine as hell.

“OHMYGOSH I’M SO SORRY I AM SUCH A CLUTZ.” I blurted out without even thinking.

“Haha, it’s okay.” He said re-assuring. He leaned his hand out to help me up, and I kindly took it. I looked over to Acacia and saw her smirking. I gave her a nudge and she got the hint. “Okay I’m just gonna go wait in the car.” She said.

“I’m so sorry,” I said again. Wait, why am I saying sorry? His drink spilled on me. Well maybe cause I wasn’t watching were I was going.

“It’s okay, seriously.” He said with a big grin. I couldn’t help but blush.

“So what’s your name?” He asked.

“Selena, Selena Gomez. I’m not from here.” I said. He laughed. Wait why did I give him my last name? I finally managed to say,

“What’s your name?”

“Ryan. Ryan Butler.” He said.

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