chapter ten

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Selena’ POV

After I got home I told my family about me joining the volleyball team and they were really excited. I went up to my room throwing my bags on the floor and changing into some sweats and a t-shirt. It was only 2:20 so I had 4 hours before I needed to get ready for my date with Ryan. I also needed to get my mind off what I saw between Jasmine and Justin so I decided to long onto twitter. Haven’t been on there in a while, I thought. I logged on seeing I had some new followers.








I cannot believe Jasmine followed me. Being how nice I am, I followed them back. I had some new followers too, but I didn’t follow them. Now I had over 500 followers. Wow. I decided to “spy” on their profiles too. I clicked Justin’s first.

“Justin Bieber - @justinbieber” Following 125 Followers 36,000

Wow Justin has 36,000 followers? He must be super popular. I looked at everyone else’s and of course, they didn’t have as many followers as Justin, but they were sure close. Well except Ariana and Beth. They were like me. Not many followers.

I decided to tweet.

@selenagomez: today was an okay first day. Made new awesome friends @arianagrande & @macbarbie07 (:

I was about to put my phone down, when my phone ringed. I look at is and saw I was getting a call from Demi.

{selena talking, demi talking}



“Oh my gosh, Demi, I miss you so much!”

“I miss you too Sel! How was school?”

“It was okay. I made some good friends, and this one girl her name is Ariana. Dems, she cuts, like how you used to.”

“Did you ask her whats wrong?”

“I tried. But she just ignored me. Dems, I’m really worried about her. I think I’m her only friend.”

“Well, Sel, don’t give up on her.”

“Don’t worry Demi, I’m not. I didn’t give up on you so I’m not giving up on Ariana.”

“Good. Now tell me. About the booooooooys.”

I just laughed at Demi. I told her about the rest of my day, me joining the volleyball team, and the incident I saw behind the school building.

“Ew that’s gross.”

“Haha I know right!” Gosh, I missed Demi so much. While on the phone, I was still logged onto twitter looking on my timeline.

@jasminevillegas practice was great!! Now spending time with my special boy (;

I clicked on the instagram link and saw it was her and Justin. Wow. Wait, if Justin was out of practice….I turned looking at the clock seeing it was already 6:10. I would have only 50 minutes to get ready. Shit.

“Hey Demi, I totally lost track of time.”

“Oh yeah, you have to get ready for your date. Oooooohh.”

“Oh Dems, stop. But before you go, do you have an instagram?”

“Yeah Sel. A lot of people have them. You should make one! Follow me on there!”

“Haha. Okay I will. Bye Dems, love you!”

“Love ya to chica.”

I hung up and quickly picked out an outfit and jumped in the shower. Maybe I should get an instagram? Acacia had one and she was like majorly popular on there. I knew she had over like 400,000 followers. I bet I could barely get 3. Once out the shower I blow dried my hair, and put on my outfit. I decided that I would make an instagram. I took a picture of my outfit and uploaded it on instagram. I had already followed Acacia, Demi, Bethany and Ariana on instagram and they followed back. I was thinking about messaging Ariana when I looked at my phone and saw it was already 6:50 and I still hadn’t done my hair. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair went to its natural wavy texture.

“Ehh, I’ll leave it as it is.” I thought to myself. I put on some light make up when I heard a knock on my door.

“COME IN” I yelled.

“Hey Lena,” Acacia said.

“Hey Keesh, what’s up?”

“Oh nothing,” she began, “I saw you made an instagram account.”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Well I gave you a shoutout.” Acacia smiled.

“Aww thanks Keesh. But how did you do that?”

“Well I upload a picture of us when we were younger saying “everyone follow my big sis @selenagomez.”

“Thanks Keesh.” I went over giving her a hug.

“Have you checked your followers?”

“No. I doubt anyone followed me.”

“Go check.” She smiled evily. I logged onto my phone and saw I had already over 12,000 followers.

“Wow, that’s a lot of people.”

“Yep, they all think you’re a cutie. Well, I’m gonna go so you can continue getting ready for your date. Bye Lena.” 

With that Acacia walked out my room. I looked through my comments on my picture and saw a lot of people were calling me “pretty”, “gorgeous”, and of course “nice body can I hit that?” I just laughed it off and took one last look at my outfit. I heard the door bell ring down stairs knowing it was Ryan. I ran down the stairs quickly greeting Ryan.


“Hey, you ready?”


“Let’s go then.” Ryan said.

My parents already knew I was going out so I didn’t have to say good bye to them.

“So where are we going?” I said, as Ryan was driving down the road.

“Are you in the mood for some shakes?” He asked. Oh gosh, I think we were going to that diner again; which I didn’t mind, because I can eat burgers anytime.

“Are we going to the diner that I loooooooooove?” I asked.

“Yes we aarrrrrrrrrrrre.” Ryan joked.

Justin’s POV

After practice I went over to Jasmine’s house to spend time with her, since she is my “girlfriend”. Even though we just recently broke up after I caught her cheating on me with some random guy, I decided to give her a second chance. Well also, because I was using her to get my mind off Selena.

“Hey Justy I’ll be back. I’m gonna go pop some pop corn for the movie.”

“Okay.” I said back. I logged onto twitter seeing I had new followers. I looked through them and saw Selena followed me back. I smiled too hard. Then I saw she had a link on her twitter account. It was her instagram. I clicked it and saw she had 12,000 followers. Whoa. And it looked like she just made it. I saw her first picture she was getting ready for her date with Ryan. Yeah Ryan told me about their little “date” and how she got accepted on the volleyball team. I saw another picture it was of her and Ryan at the diner.

“Great congrats dinner from the boyfriend :)”

Wait. Did she say BOYFRIEND?!?

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