chapter one

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Selena's POV

"Demi, quit unpacking my suite case"

"Sel, you ARE NOT leaving me!" Demi demanded. 

"Dems, if I could stay, you know I would."

"Maybe we can ask Mandy and Brian one more time if you could come live with me and my family."

"We already asked. 9 times." I laughed

"And a tenth would do no harm." Demi smiled.

My bestfriend, and my real only friend, was trying her best to get me to stay. I mean yes I had other friends but Demi was the only one I connected with, opened up with, and trusted. 

I looked up and saw Demi was still throwing my clothes out of my bag, and throwing them across my room.

"Dems, stop." I sighed. I walked over to the other side of my used to be bed, that was now only a matress, and picked up my shirts throwing them back in my bag. 

"Sel, please don't leave me" Demi pouted. I ran over to her and hugged her to what seemed like hours.

See my dad Brian, got a new job offer in L.A. Yes it's a better job and pays twice as much whats he's getting paid now, but it means our family would have to pack up, move from Texas and settle in  L.A. Which basically ment I would have to make new friends. And I'm not very social.  It's hard for me to build up my self confidence. I mean yes, I consider myself "average looking" but not "the hottest and most popular girl" (thats my sister). I mean guys did think I was hot, but they really only liked me for my body and thought I was "bangable". Whatever. 

"SELENA!!!" My moms voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "TIME TO GO"

This was it. I was leaving. For good. Leaving Texas. And most important Demi. I realized me and Demi were still hugging, and we both began to cry. We pulled away from each other and walked downstairs hand and hand, while my bag was in my other hand. We got to the front door and turned to each other.

"Promise you won't forget me," Demi said holding out her pinky finger.

"Promise" I said wrapping my pinky around hers. We smiled and hugged one last time. We walked to my dads van (well really my moms) and hugged one last time. "Bye Dems" I said. "Bye Sel" Demi croaked. I got and the car and my dad pulled out the driveway, leaving Demi in our empty drive way. We got further and further down the street and Demi got smaller and smaller until I couldn't see her again. My phone beeped and saw I had a new twitter notification. I had only like 200 followers. But I still loved twitter.

@ddlovato: so sad my bff had to leave :( miss you already @selenagomez!! be safe." I cried a little. I pushed "compose new tweet" and typed "@selenagomez: @ddlovato miss you too!! bestfriendsforever #promise"

I never did get alot of RTs, or tweets toward me. Gosh I really was very unpopular. I turned my phone off, and cried myself to sleep all the way to L.A. This was gonna be a long drive.

Justin's POV

"JUSTY WAKE UP!!!!!" I heard my little sister, Jazzy yell. Yes I heard her yell, but I didn't move. Not one inch. 

"JUSSSTYYY" She yelled again, and began poking my nose. I opened my right eye, and saw my beautiful little sister with a smile across her face.

"Well goodmorning Bieber," Jazzy smiled

"Goodmorning princess Jazzy." I smiled back. I was now fully awake. I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost 11:30a.m. I groaned, sat up and stretched.

"Bieber," Jazzy began


"Can we go out and get some ice cream??" Jazzy asked innocently. Gosh she was adorable.

"Why yes we can," I kissed her forehead and she smiled.

"YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYY" She screamed. Jazzy ran out my room and downstairs. I could here her telling mom and dad we was going to get ice-cream.

I got up and went to my bathroom. Man I was tired. I didn't get home until 3am. Not to mention still hungover. But hey, it was worth it. My friend Ryan always throws the best parties. I hopped in the shower (not literally, cause if we literally hopped in the shower we would slip) and no more than 2 mintues later, I heard a knock on my bathroom door.

"Yes??" I yelled. 

"Sweetie," I heard my mama's sweet voice, "Can we talk?"

"Mom, I'm in the shower" 

"Oh honey, I've seen ever inch of you!"

"MOOOOOM" I can't believe she just said that.

I heard my mom come in and sit on the toliet seat. "What time did you get home last night?" 

"Midnight," I lied. I hated lying to my mom, I do respect her, but she was always up my case. She never did like me going to parties, or staying out late. My dad on the other hand told me to have fun, live my life, but just know my limits. 

"Justin, tell me the truth." Dammit. My mom always knew when I was lying.

"Okay, fine, 3 am." I finally said. I heard nothing.

My mom finally sighed, got up and left me alone. Shocking. Usually I would have gotten a lecture. But this time I didn't. Weird. 

After my shower I got out, put on some black skinny jeans, a white v neck shirt, some black supras, and a black snapback and tweeted 

@justinbieber: spending the day with my little sister (: #icecreamtime 

no later than a minute I had already over 50+ retweets. I really am popular. 

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