chapter twenty-two

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Justin’s POV

Selena wouldn’t talk to me. She ignored my phone calls and texted me back saying “leave her alone” and then didn’t answer me after that. I laid in bed the entire night thinking about her. Her seeing Jasmine kiss me really hurted her. Maybe she did have feelings for me, and when she saw Jasmine kiss me, maybe she thought I didn’t feel the same way? I laid in bed until like 1:30 and I told myself I needed to see Selena and tell her Jasmine kissed me. There was no way I was losing the girl of my dreams. So I got up, slipped on some sweats and drove towards Selena’s house. When I pulled up to her house, I only saw her car. Her parents must be out, I thought.

I went under her window, and started throwing rocks at her window. It was 2am, and I was hoping she would answer. I saw a dark figure stand by her window after about 5 minutes of me throwing rocks at her window. She opened the window.

“JUSTIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” She whispered yelled. Luckily I could hear her.

“I need to talk to you Selena.” I said.

“Are you drunk?”


“Go away! I don’t want to talk to you! Just leave me ALONE!” She said.

“Sel, please!” I begged. I heard her sigh and she held up her finger. I waited for a while then I heard her front door open and she came out in her pajamas. Who knew a girl could look extremely sexy while wearing pajamas? Her pajamas showed her amazing legs, and I could see her cleavage a little bit. I felt my self growing a little bigger down there. I was interrupted when I heard Selena clear her throat.

“What the hell are you doing here Justin? Its 2 in the morning!” She said through gritted teeth.

“I need to talk to you!” I said frustrated.

“No you don’t. There’s nothing to talk about! You obviously still have feelings for Jasmine, so why don’t you take her to the winter dance?” She said while a tear rolled down her cheek. Why did she care so much?

“Why do you care so much Sel?” I asked. I needed to know she liked me. If she cared I knew she did.

“I don’t!” She said.

That broke me. Selena doesn’t like me. She doesn’t care. All she really does is see us as friends. I had nothing else to say. So I just walked off to my car and drove home.

Selena’s POV

I just told Justin, I didn’t care. I could tell that really hurt him too. What have I done? I ran into my house and ran upstairs and cried. I needed someone. I called Ariana.

“Selena what’s wrong? It’s 3 in the mor---wait are you crying?”

“Ari, I need you.” I cried into the phone.

“I’ll be right over.” Ariana said and we hung up.

No more than 5 minutes Ariana was over. I hurried down the stairs wrapping myself in my blanket.

“Selena what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Ariana said. I just sniffled. “C’mon, let’s go in the kitchen.” She said.

We walked into the kitchen and Ariana fixed some hot tea. We sat there quiet for a few minutes.

{Selena talking, Ariana talking}

“So are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?”


What about him?”

“He kissed Jasmine.”

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