chapter fourteen

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Selena’s POV

I don’t even know why I invited Jasmine over. I guess I was bored and wanted to avoid going over her house tomorrow. I took a seat on my bed near the headboard while Jasmine sat on the other end.

{Selena talking, Jasmine talking}

“So what made you want to invite me over?”

“Oh I was bored, didn’t want to deal with 6, 14 year old teens by my self.” I laughed.

“Ah, I see. So what did you do after you left the store?”

“Well I came home, then went over my boyfriend’s house.”

“You mean Ryan’s?”

“Yeah. He is my boyfriend.”


“And what?”

“What did you two do?”

“Jasmine, that is NONE of your business!”

“Aw, c’mon! We are practically friends now!”

Someone help this bitch please. We are NOT friends. Just two people who talk. “Um, sure.”

Ryan’s POV

Fuck. I forgot to wear a condom when me and Selena fucked. I’m screwed. I’m praying hard that she doesn’t get pregnant. I know lying to her about not wearing a condom was bad, but I couldn’t risk her not being able to trust me. I was lying in bed now just thinking about Selena. And I mean not just sexually either. I think I was actually was starting to have real feelings towards her.

Justin’s POV

I was bored at home so I decided to call Jasmine.

{Justin talking, Jasmine talking, Selena talking}

“Hey babe.”

“Hey what you doing?”

“Nothing, just hanging out with Selena.”

Selena? “Oh, what you girls up to?”

“We are totally having sex Justin.”

“Really? Can I join?” I smirked.


“No Justin. Selena said no. haha.”

“Aw whatever. I was calling to see if you wanted to come over. I’m home alone and bored. But since you’re hanging out with Selena…..”

“I’ll be over soon. I was about to leave anyways.”

“Okay.” We hung up the phone. Jasmine was hanging out with Selena? Knowing Jasmine she was up to something not good.

After about 25 minutes Jasmine finally came over.

{Justin Talking, Jasmine talking}

“Hey babe,” she said taking a seat next to me on my bed.

“Hey, so why were you over Selena’s?”

“Oh she messaged me on facebook asking if I wanted to come over, because she was bored and her sister was having a sleep over and didn’t want to deal with 6, 14 year olds alone.”

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