chapter twenty

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Justin’s POV

{Justin talking, Selena talking}

“So you ready for class?” Selena asked.

“Nah, not really.” I replied.

“What happened between you and Ryan?”

“I really don’t know at the moment. I haven’t talked to him since the party, and I really don’t want to talk to him until I know if I can forgive him or not.”

“Wanna know what I think?”


“You should forgive him.”


“He’s been your best friend for how long?”

“8 years.”

“Exactly. I know what he did was wrong Justin, but you and Ryan have been best friends for a long time. I could tell by the way he looked at you when you found out at the party, he really looked sorry. I’m pretty sure he wanted to tell you as soon as it happened, but he couldn’t. Maybe because he didn’t know how you would react, maybe Jasmine threatened him not to say anything like how she did to Ari. Now Justin I’m not saying you HAVE to forgive him, because it’s just my opinion. But if I was in the same situation with my best friend Demi, back in Texas, I would forgive her, because I know she would never mean to hurt me on purpose.”

“You got a point Sel. You’re right.”

“I’m always right.” She said while flipping her hair.



“So what you gonna do about your seat in Science?”

“Oh shoot, I forgot Josh is my partner.”

“Don’t worry, hey we got like 8 minutes before class starts, and Mrs. R’s class isn’t far, wanna go tell her for a heads up?”


Selena’s POV

I could tell Justin was really hurt about what Ryan did. I told him my opinion hoping he makes the right decision. We were walking to class when Justin asked me what was I gonna do about my seat in science. Shoot. I forgot I sat by Josh. We walked to Mrs. R’s room since we had like 8 minutes until class.

“Hey Selena, Justin, what can I do for you two?” Mrs., R asked.

“Is it okay if I switch my seats?” I asked.

“Selena, this is your second time switching.” She replied.

“I know. It’s just something happened between me and Josh and I don’t feel comfortable sitting next to him.” I said. The good thing about Mrs. R was she was understandable. And when you asked her something, she didn’t ask questions, or get annoying.

“Ah, I see. But Ms. Gomez, I’m sorry to say there are no open seats. I would have to switch you with someone.”

“She can switch with me.” Justin spoke up. What? Is he crazy! He punched Josh and knocked him out cold and he wants to sit next to him?

“Okay then. Selena you now sit next to Miley, and Justin you sit next to Josh.” Mrs. R smiled.

Justin and I walked out the classroom.

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