chapter eleven

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Selena’s POV

Yep. You heard right. Ryan and I are officially dating. Eeep. I’m so excited. It was nothing romantic but he gave me a bracelet saying “Ryan’s girl.” It was really cute. After our dinner he took me home. I told my parents and they were really excited for me. I was laying in bed when Acacia came in.

{Selena talking, Acacia Talking}

“Hey Lena. How was dinner?”

“It was good.”

“I heard he asked you to be his girlfriend?”


“And you said yes?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I dunno maybe cause you hardly know this guy?”

“Keesh, we hung out for a while, and I’m starting to actually like Ryan. Can’t you be happy for me?”

“Lena, I AM happy for you. As your little sister I’m just telling you to be careful. I got a bad feeling about Ryan. It’s a sister’s intuition. Promise me you’ll me careful?” Acacia said holding out her pinky finger.

I wrapped my pinky around hers saying “Promise,” and giving her a hug.

Ryan’s POV

Yep I asked Selena to be my girlfriend. I know I said I was gonna wait until Thursday, but I decided to ask her now, so I know Friday at my party, Selena would HAVE to say yes to hooking up with me. Now I was just laying in bed hoping Friday would hurry up and come.

*Ring, ring*

{Ryan talking, mystery person talking}

“Who the hell is calling me,” I groaned to myself.


“Ryan it’s me.”

“Oh hey.”

“So, I heard Selena is finally your girlfriend.”

“Yes she is.”

“Good. So you’re still doing this for me?”

“The only reason I asked her out is because you told me in the first place so you could have Justin to yourself Jasmine.”

“And I want to still thank you for that.”


“Aww c’mon be more excited then that! Do I need to tell Justin that it was you I hooked up at the party with?”

“No Jasmine you don’t.” I said through gritted teeth.

“Okay good. Well I gotta go, I’m in the bathroom and I don’t want Justin wondering what I was doing.”

“Wait Justin’s there? Wouldn’t he think it’s weird you went to the bathroom to talk on the phone?”

“No, he’s sleep.”

“Why is he slee--. Wait never mind. I don’t want to know. Bye.”

With that I hung up the phone. So let’s recap here. Yes Jasmine told me to ask Selena out, so Selena could be off limits toward Justin and she could have him to herself. And I know it’s wrong to hook up with your bestfriend’s girlfriend, but I was totally drunk and didn’t know what I was doing. Yeah, I know it’s not an excuse, and I was going to tell Justin, until Justin threatened whenever he found out who the guy was him and the football team was gonna kick the guy’s ass. Yeah I don’t want my ass kicked.

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