chapter six

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Selena’s POV

Ryan and I were enjoying our lunch until we were greeted by a jealous looking Justin.

Hey Ryan, hey Selena.” Justin said through gritted teeth. It is just me or is Justin jealous? And Justin looks really hot by the way. Nice swag. “He’s got more swagger than you do”. Wait Selena what are you thinking? You’re hanging out with Ryan. Exactly. It’s just hanging out. It’s not like we are officially dating. I was to busy arguing with my self mentally that I didn’t even notice Justin had sat down next to be. Wait did I even scoot over for him to sit? Wow. I need to pay attention more.

“So,” I began, “what are you doing here Justin?”

“Yeah Justin, what are you doing here?” Ryan repeated. And boy did Ryan look pissed.

“Oh, well this is my favorite diner. I was bored and hungry, so here I am.” Justin answered. He looked my way and smiled at me. And of course I blushed.

“Oh well dude, if you don’t mind me and Selena here are on a date.” Ryan said kind of angrily. I felt like him and Justin was hiding something. And wait he said date? I thought we were just hanging out. I shifted uncomfortably. “Um, excuse me,” I said, “I need to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” I said reassuring. I needed time to think and process what was going on.

“Okay.” Ryan and Justin both said. I got up and quickly walked to the bathroom.

Ryan’s POV

I cannot believe Justin interrupted me and Selena’s hang out date. Of course I didn’t mind him saying “hello” but he sat down next to Selena. And it seemed Selena didn’t even notice. She was to busy thinking about something else. But what? Selena got up and went to the bathroom.

“Dude, what are you doing here?” I said to Justin.

“I told you, I was bored and hungry. And you KNOW this is my favorite diner.”

Justin did have a point there.

“Oh, well can you leave? I’m trying to enjoy my time with Selena.” I said. I never told Justin about my “plan” I had because I didn’t want him to ruin it.

“Fine whatever man.” Justin said getting up.

Justin’s POV

Wow. Ryan had the nerve to tell me to leave him and Selena alone. For some reason, I just couldn’t leave Selena alone. I felt like she was mine. As soon as I was getting up to leave Selena came out.

“Where are you going Justin?” She asked.

“Oh, um my mom called and said she needed me home.”

“Oh. Well bye Justin. Drive careful.” She said.

Gosh she was cute. Before I could walk away she pulled me into a hug. She actually hugged me. She touched me. I am so freaking out. Play it cool Justin. We finally pulled away.

“Bye Selena.” I said. “Bye Ryan.” And with that I was gone. I got in my car and drove away. “Wow” was all I could say. I felt like me and Selena could have a good future together.

Selena’s POV

I came out the bathroom, seeing Justin was about to leave. For some reason I didn’t want him to go.

Where are you going Justin?” I asked. He just replied saying his mom needed him. And I didn’t believe him not one bit. Ryan must have said something to him. I told him to be careful driving. Even though I only lived in L.A. for a couple days, I know how L.A. traffic is. Before he left I pulled him in a hug. I don’t even know why I did it. I totally forgot Ryan was there, watching. And I already knew he was pissed.

After Justin left, Ryan and I finished our food and Ryan took me home.

“So have you got your schedule yet?” Ryan asked.

“No. Since I was a late transfer they’ll email mines Sunday.”

“Oh, well I hope we have classes.”

“Me too.”

“Bye Selena.”

“Bye Ryan.” When I was about to get out his car, he kissed me on the cheek, leaving my cheeks really red. I put my hand up to my cheek, hiding myself because I was blushing, and went up to my house. Ryan honked, pulling out the driveway, leaving.

I went inside and went straight to the kitchen seeing I was alone. I walked over to the counter and saw my mom left a note.

            Dear Selena,

                     Dad, Acacia and I went out shopping for some food and anymore school supplies needed. Hope you had fun on your date. Talk about it later (:

Oh and we will remember to get your 5 jars of pickles.

                                    xoxo mom.


PIIICCKKLLES. I thought to myself. I love pickles.

Next Day

Selena’s POV

Sunday already? I was so not ready to start school tomorrow. Ryan already told me I would love Lawndale High School. My family finally came home last night with bags of food, Chinese take out, and my pickles. I got to have my pickles. After dinner I told them how my ‘date’ went with Ryan.

Now I’m just laying in my bed enjoying my ‘lazy’ Sunday eating my pickles watching “The Notebook.”

            If you’re a bird, I’m a bird


Justin’s POV

Tomorrow was the first day back to school. I am dreading it. Then Friday was our first football game. All I could think about is Selena, and the way she hugged me yesterday. Gosh I miss her touch. I wonder if she and I would have any classes together. More important her and Ryan.

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