chapter twenty-three (finale)

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Selena’s POV

I woke up happy today. It was the day of the winter dance. I was really excited. Over the last week Taylor and I have gotten really close and gotten to know each other more. He was really nice and easy to talk to. But he wasn’t no Justin.

I got out of bed, took a shower and changed my clothes, then curled my hair. I walked down stairs grabbing a banana and Acacia and I got in my car heading to school.

“So you ready for the dance tonight Sel?” She asked.

“Yeah. Of course!” I smiled. I was happy, but at the same time I wasn’t. I had to see Justin tonight with Jasmine. I still couldn’t believe he went back to her. After all that she has done to him.

I pulled up in front of the school, Acacia and I walking our separate ways, and I walked towards my locker seeing my friends already at theirs.

“Hey chicas.” I said.

“Hey.” They smiled at me.

“Ready for tonight?” Ariana asked.

“Yep.” I said popping the ‘p’. We walked to English class taking our usual seats in the back. The bell rung about 5 minutes later and Justin and his crew walked in sitting in their usual seats.

“Goodmorning class.” Mr. Greenwell said. “I know you all are excited for the dance tonight, so today will be an easy day. All you have is one worksheet.” He smiled. “Ms. Gomez can you pass them out for me?” He asked. I nodded my head grabbing the papers from him. I walked to each person giving them a paper. When I got near to Justin I felt my nerves work up.

Calm down Selena. I told my self.

When I got to Justin I gave him a paper and was about to pass one to Miley when the papers were knocked out of my hands.

“WHAT THE HELL!”  I yelled. I turned around seeing Jasmine smirking.

“Oops. Sorry Selena.” She smirked. She surely knew how to work someone’s nerves. I bent down picking up the papers hoping my shirt wouldn’t pull up.

“Slut.” I heard Jasmine mumble. I looked up at her and she smiled. I got up handing out the rest of the papers walking back to my seat.


It was now lunch time and I was glad. Cause I was really hungry. I walked through the lunch line, and then was walking to my seat when Jasmine knocked down my lunch tray all over my clothes.

“JASMINE WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!” I yelled grabbing everyone’s attention.

“Oh, I don’t have a problem sweetie. Maybe you should just stop being such a clumsy slut.” She smirked.

“I’m not a slut unlike you whore!” I yelled back.

“Whatever. At least I don’t wear a thong to school, hoping to get laid. You dropped them papers in English class on purpose so you would have to bend over to pick them up! You did it on purpose so your little thong could show so you could get Justin’s and Ryan’s attention. When will you realize Justin and Ryan never wanted your slutty ass! You were just an easy target for Ryan! And as you can tell Justin came back to me! So just leave them alone whore!” She yelled.

I felt a tear run down my cheek. I was about to say something, but I couldn’t. Everyone started laughing and I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran out the lunch room, out side to our court yard. I sat under a tree and cried. I cried for about 2 minutes when I heard someone ask if I was okay. I looked up seeing it was Taylor.

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