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*1 year later*

Justin’s POV

“Justin, I’m gonna miss you so much.” My mom said.

“Mom, I’m only an hour away. Okay?” I smiled. I put the last of my bags in my trunk of my Range Rover.

“We sure are gonna miss you bud.” My dad said trying to hold back tears.

“I’m gonna miss ya’ll too. Now where are my favorite brother and sister?” I said. I bent down holding out my arms and Jazzy and Jaxon ran into them, giving me a hug.

“I’m gonna miss you Bieber.” Jazzy said.

“Don’t go.” Jaxon cried.

“Don’t worry squirts, I’ll come visit every weekend.” I smiled trying to hold back tears.

Selena’s POV

“Sweetie do you have everything?” My mom said as I came down the stairs.

“Yep.” I smiled.

“We’re gonna miss you Selena.” Dad said.

“I’m gonna miss ya’ll too.” I smiled.

“Who is gonna help me with my problems?” Acacia said.

“Keesh, I’m just an hour away. I’ll come and visit as often as I can, and I’m just a phone call away.” I smiled. I gave my family a hug.

*beep beep*

“Well that’s Justin. I better go.” I smiled trying to hold back tears. I grabbed my bags, my dad helping me, and my family came out with me. I got into the passengers side of Justin’s truck.

“Justin, take care of my baby.” My mom cried.

“Don’t worry Mama, I will.” Justin smiled.

And that was it. We pulled out of the drive way onto our new lives as college students. Luckily Justin and I were going to the same college.

“So Ariana is gonna meet us there?” Justin said.

“Yep. She wanted to get there early so Jai could help her unpack.” I smiled.

“What about Ryan?” I asked.

“He’s gonna meet us there too. I think it’s cool that Ryan and I will be in the same dorm and you and Ariana will.” Justin smiled.

“Yeah, it is.” I smiled back. I reached over and grabbed Justin’s hand and we locked fingers. “This is just the beginning.” I smiled.

“The beginning of everything.” Justin said.

Ever since the winter dance and Justin and I became a couple we have been inseparable. We were always together no matter what. Yeah we’ve had our fights, but we never broke up. Justin, Ariana and I all got accepted in California State University of Long Beach which happened to be the same school Jai attended. Miley got engaged to Liam, right after graduation. Bethany decided to go to NYU, which we all were upset about but we managed to stay in touch always.

When Justin and I pulled up in front of our new college, he walked over to my side and hugged me. We smiled up at each other and that’s when we saw our friends. This was just the beginning of starting a new chapter in our lives.

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