chapter sixteen

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Selena’s POV

It was only 8:45 and Ariana and I have already ate 6 pieces of pizza EACH, went through 2 tubs of ice cream, had 2 bags of popcorn, and I had 5 jars of pickles. Yeah we’re fat. Now we are watching Norbit.

“Hey Ariana, I’ll be back, I’m gonna go pop some more popcorn.” I said.

“Kayyy.” Ariana replied.

I went into the kitchen going to the cabinet seeing there was one bag of popcorn left. I got on the counter top, because it was too high up. After I reached it, I looked in the back of the cabinet and saw my mom had some of her alcoholic drinks up there. Mhmmm. Might as well have some fun I thought. I grabbed the drinks and pulled out to red cups.


“COMING!” She said while skipping into the kitchen. “What’s up?”

I held up the drinks. “BINGO.” I smirked.

 “This movie is hilarious!” Ariana said.

“Ha-ha. I know right?” I said. Ariana and I decided to watch another comedy, which so happened to be, Haunted House. We both have had at least 3 cups of our drinks we mixed, but we weren’t drunk. I wasn’t really thinking about the movie because I was to busy thinking about Ryan’s party tonight.

“Sel, what are you thinking about?” Ariana said, pausing the movie while turning to me.

“Oh nothing I said.”

“You’re lying Sel. Tell me.”

“Fine. I was thinking about Ryan’s party. And maybe how we should go.” I finally said.

“Are you sure?”


“Then let’s go.” Ariana said. Wait? Did she agree to go?

“You want to go?” I asked serious.

“Yeah. I’d be fun to crash Ryan’s party.” She smirked.

“You’re right.” I said. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was already 10:30. “If we are gonna go, we might as well get ready now.” I said.

“Okay, lets get ready then.” Ariana hopped off the couch. We both went up to my room getting ready. I let Ariana burrow one of my outfits that I couldn’t fit, cause lets face it, Ariana is one petite girl. First Ariana got dressed, then me.

“We look gooooooooooooooooood.” I said.

“Yeah we do.” Ariana agreed. We walked down the stairs. We arrived at the party around midnight.

“Ariana, are you sure you wanna do this?” I asked.

“YEP! Now lets go.” She said perky. We walked into his house, having all eyes on us and some people whispering things.

“Hey you two need a drink?” A guy asked. I turned around seeing it was Josh from my science class. He was holding 2 red cups in his hands.

“Don’t mind if we do.” I said while Ariana and I grabbed the cups. “We’re gonna need it.”

Justin’s POV

I was sitting on the couch with Jasmine on my lap, sucking on my neck when I saw to girls walk in. It was Selena and Ariana? What where they doing here? Ryan said Selena wasn’t going to be here. 

“Justy, what’s wrong?” Jasmine asked.

“Nothing.” I said. She of course didn’t believe me and turned around seeing Selena and Ariana. I heard her mumble something and she got off my lap. I was getting off the couch about to go try to apologize to Selena, when Josh went up to them two holding 2 red cups, Ariana and Selena, gladly taking them. The entire time Selena was here, I didn’t take my eyes off her. I had a feeling something was gonna happen tonight.

Selena’s POV

Ariana and I have been at the party for almost an hour now, and we are already drunker than the people who where here before us. We had at least 9 cups each. Hey we needed it since we were at Ryan’s party. I’m surprised Ryan hasn’t even come to us telling us to leave. I didn’t even think he knew we were here. Well obviously Justin did because I knew he was following me around the entire time I was here. Stalker much?

“BODY SHOTS!” I heard someone yell. I turned around seeing it was Jai. Ooooo Ariana’s crush. I had an idea.

“ARIANA WOULD LIKE TO DO IT!” I blurted out. Ariana took off her heels getting on the counter, laying flat on her back. Jai gave Ariana the body shot and I already knew Ariana was blushing. After Jai was done, Ariana jumped down, yelling “SELENA’S TURN!” “OKAY!” I said a little quickly. I took off my heels jumping on the counter laying on my back, when Josh came up to me. So I guess he was gonna give me the body shoot. Okay, cool.

Ryan’s POV

I was in my backyard talking to this annoying blonde chick who was now my science partner when I heard yelling coming from my kitchen.

“DO IT! DO IT!” I heard chanting. I walked into my kitchen seeing a very drunk Selena on my counter getting a body shot done to her by Josh. I don’t know why, but I felt anger and jealousy.

“OFF HER NOW!” I yelled.

“WHAT THE HELL RYAN!” Selena yelled at me getting down.

“Dude we were just having some fun!” Josh said putting his hands up in the air.

I didn’t care. Selena shouldn’t be here. I walked over to her, smelling the alcohol. I wonder how much she has had to drink. “Selena you need to leave now.” I snapped at her. She placed her finger on her chin like she was thinking then said,

“No thank you. Now if you will excuse me, Ariana and I are gonna go dance.” And with that she grabbed Ariana’s hand and another cup walking into my living room. Great. So Ariana was here too? I followed Selena to the dance floor, seeing her and Ariana were already grinding on each other. Yep, they both was shit faced drunk.

Selena’s POV

Yep, Ariana and I were totally drunk. We were now grinding on each other. What pissed me off was that Ryan actually told Josh to get off me. What the hell? He ain’t my boyfriend. I was dancing with Ariana when I saw Jai coming over.

“Excuse me Selena, but is it okay if I take Ariana off your hands for a little bit?” He asked like a gentleman. I nodded my head yeah, and he took Ariana who knows where. I knew Jai was a nice guy so I knew he wouldn’t try to hurt her in anyway. I walked, well more like stumbled back to the kitchen and was about to pour me another drink when I heard someone speak.

“Want another drink?” he asked. I turned my head. It was Josh. I smiled walking my way over to him slowly making sure I didn’t trip over my own feet. I took the drink from his hand gulping the entire thing in seconds. “Wanna dance?” he asked. I nodded my head and we went back to the living room. We began dancing, him grabbing my hips. All the memories came back. I was reliving the moment I had with Ryan. No Selena. Stop thinking about him. I began grinding myself against Josh feeling the rhythm of the song. After about dancing for like 30 minutes I needed a break.

“I-I’m going to the bathroom,” I stuttered and slurred at the same time. My head was spinning.

“Here, let me take you, so I know you won’t hurt yourself.” Josh chuckled.

We were walking to the bathroom when we took an unsuspected turn. We wasn’t in the bathroom, we was in a bedroom.

“Josh-this-this isn’t the bathroom.” I said. My head was really spinning now.

“I know.” Josh smirked. Oh no.

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