chapter nineteen

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Selena’s POV

“But what if I don’t want to talk to him?” I said groaning.

“Well you are!” Ariana said arguing.

Ariana and I have been arguing for over an hour now, whether or not if I was going to talk to Justin. She told me yesterday how he wanted to apologize to me. I told her he could apologize from a distant. I didn’t really want to see Justin. It’s not because I hate him, it’s because he kissed me. I was confused about the kiss. I felt something when he kissed me. Like, feelings. To be truthful, I’m scared to like any guy at this point because of what happened with Ryan.

“Sel, please, just talk to him.”

“And why should I?” I said with a little attidue.

“Because you like him.”

“Pfft, wha—whaaat? No, I do not.” I said trying to sound convincing, but failing miserably.

“Selena Marie Gomez.” Ariana said.

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaat mom?” I said laughing.

“Look me RIGHT in the eyes and tell me you don’t like Justin.” Ariana said.

“I can-can’t do that!” I said frustrated.

“SO YOU DO LIKE HIM!” Ariana yelled.

“YES. YES I LIKE JUSTIN! What you gonna do about it?” I said.

That’s when the door bell rung and Ariana and I looked at each other.

“I’m gonna tell him!” Ariana said running out my room towards the door. Luckily I caught her before she opened the door.

“Listen to me Ariana, YOU are NOT gonna tell Justin I like him!”

“But Sel-“

“NO BUTS ARIANA! Pinky promise?” I said while holding out my pinky. Ariana hesitated but wrapped her pinky around mines.

“Fine. I won’t tell Justin you are madly in love with him.” Ariana smirked.

I gave Ariana the “shut up” look and went to open the door seeing a very handsome Justin. Oh my gosh this boy is sexy as he-.

“Are you gonna say hi?” Justin said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Oh, hi Justin. Come in.” I said. I looked over to Ariana seeing her smirking.

“Hi Ariana.” Justin said.

“Hi Justin.” Ariana replied. “Well I’m just gonna be up in Selena’s room, leaving you two to talk about, whatever.” Ariana smiled while walking away. This girl was gonna tease me about my crush on Justin for the rest of my life. I know it.

Justin’s POV

I couldn’t believe it. I was over Selena’s. I was really excited. Now I’m hoping she would forgive me.

“Soooooo.” Selena began. We were sitting on her couch on her family’s living room.

“So, I came over here to apologize to you Selena.”

“For.” She said.

“For first off, staring at you like a creeper at the ice cream shop when I first saw you.”

Selena chuckled. I continued.

“And for making the bet with Ryan and for kissing you at the party.”

“Is that it?” She asked.

“Yep.” I replied.

“Okay.” She said getting up from the couch.

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