chapter thirteen

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Selena’s POV

“SELENA!” My mom yelled from outside my door. I pulled my covers on top of my head placing my head flat in my pillow.

“SELENA MARIE!” She yelled again, this time coming in.

“Yes mom?” I groaned into the pillow.

“Sweetie, can you run to the store and pick up some things for me please? Acacia called me earlier saying she wanted me to make cookies for her and her friends for their sleep over.”

I sat up, pushing my hair out of my face. “Wait, I thought Acacia was staying at her friends house for the entire week?” I said.

“No, just last night. Tonight they are coming over here.” 

“How many?” I groaned.

“About 5 of her friends.” Mom said.

“UGH!” I said throwing my hands in the air. I didn’t wanna be bothered for the rest of the weekend. Especially by some annoying 14 year olds. “Okay, leave the list on my table. I’ll go to the store after I take a shower and change.”

“Thanks sweetie. Oh and dress nice. It’s like 92 degrees outside.”

“Okay mom.” I replied. Mom left my room shutting my door. I got in the shower thinking about last night. The party; how I grinded on Ryan, had a body shot done to me, and having sex with Ryan. I felt like Jasmine; a slut. I got out the shower getting dressed checking my phone. I had a lot of new messages; some where from people I didn’t even know. Ariana texted me saying get on facebook ASAP. When I got on facebook, I saw I was tagged in a video. It was of Ryan taking body shots off me. Oh No. I looked at the comments.


Who new Selena could have some fun?

Who is this chic? She’s fucking hot!

I wanted to do one off her!

Slut. She just wants attention.

Aye Selena, when is it my turn?

There were at least 50 comments. Of course girls were calling me a whore. Why? I don’t even know. I’m pretty sure they have done it to. And to my surprise some of the girls were actually commenting asking if next time if that could be them doing it to me instead of Ryan. Um, okay? I had to tell Ryan to get that off facebook. I saw who uploaded it. It was Christian. I guess I would talk to Ryan later asking if he could get Christian to take it down.


“OKAY!” I yelled back. I grabbed my purse and my moms list, running down the stairs to my car. I drove off to the store. I turned on my radio and Bruno Mar’s “Treasure” came on. And of course, I sung along to it. I arrived in front of the store making sure I had my moms list. 

“Ugh, who knew chocolate chips were hard to find?” I said to my self. I felt a tug at my pants. I looked down seeing a little blonde boy. “Why hi there cutie.” I said.

“Hi.” He said shyly. 

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Jaxon.” He replied.

“Hi there Jaxon. Where is your mommy?” I asked squatting down to his level.

“At home with daddy.” He said.I picked him up.

“Well, then who are you here with bud?”

“My brother and sister.” He kind of smiled.

“Let’s go find them.” I said. I walked carrying Jaxon on my hip trying to find his family. 

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