chapter nine

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Selena’s POV

Now its 6th period and final period of the day. Today was my first day of junior year in a new school, and already crazy drama. I still couldn’t get Ariana off my mind? What the hell was she hiding from me? I got to gym class changed into my shorts, and low cut v neck shirt and sat on the 3rd row of the bleachers. Guess what? To my luck Jasmine, Miley and Barbara was in the class. Well I actually didn’t mind Miley and Barbara, it was Jasmine I didn’t wanna see. I was playing with my fingers when I felt weight beside me. I looked up and saw Jasmine sitting next to me.

{Selena talking, Jasmine talking}

“Um hi,” I said.

“Hey. It’s Selena right?”


“So you’re dating Ryan?”


“Well it seems like you two are dating.”

“Well we’re not. He hasn’t officially asked me out.”

“What if he does?”

“Then I’ll say yes?”

“Oh, okay good.”

Okkkkay. This is the most weirdest and awkward conversations ever.

“Why is that good?”

“Because that means Justin is mine.” Jasmine smirked.

“Well I don’t like Justin.”

“Then we are on the same page.”

I left it at that. I had nothing else to say at that point. Nothing at all. I looked up and saw Justin and Ryan walking this way.

“Ladies,” Justin said while giving Jasmine a kiss. Oh not just any kiss. A kiss on the lips. And I think I saw tongue? Gross.

“Hey Selena,” Ryan turned to me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey” I replied back. I looked at Ryan and saw him just staring my chest. When I was about to say something the gym teacher blew his whistle.

Ryan’s POV

Well this should be fun. Gym I mean. I have it with Selena, and plus I get to see her in some booty shorts? BONUS. I was walking in gym class with Justin and Chaz and I saw Selena on the bleachers with Jasmine. Jasmine looked cute I thought. Well Jasmine always wears slutty clothes. I looked over to Selena and saw she had on some shorts and a low v neck shirt. Justin went over to Jasmine giving her a kiss. Yeah Jasmine and Justin date again. Blah blah blah. I went over to Selena and gave her a kiss on her cheek and she blushed. She kinda bent forward so of course me being a guy I couldn’t help but stare at her chest. I was about to ask Selena to hang out after school but coach blew his whistle signaling us to come huddle around.

Justin’s POV

Yeah me and Jasmine date again. She just wouldn’t leave me alone, and since I have to get my feelings over towards Selena, since her and Ryan were becoming a “thing”. Even if would be a couple of days thing. I still was anxious about this bet though. I still had 2 weeks, but I felt Ryan had a plan he wasn’t telling me about. In gym I walked over to Jasmine giving her a kiss, she wanted tongue, but I didn’t, not in front of Selena anyways and I looked over to Selena seeing she had a low cut v neck shirt on. Oh my gosh. Her boobs. Call me immature but any guy would not turn this opportunity to stare. Of course me being a little bit of a gentleman I only stared for a couple of seconds, while Ryan on the other hand was full on staring.

Selena’s POV

After gym ended and I changed my clothes coach wanted to talk to me.

{Selena talking, Coach Talking}

“Hey Selena! Come her for a sec.”

“Yeah coach?”

“I saw your transcripts, and it said you used to play volleyball? And you were the best on the team.”

“Yeah, I was.”

How would you like to play for our team?”

“Are you serious?? I thought try outs were over? That’s why I didn’t try out.”

Well try outs are over, but I called your old coach and she said you were an amazing player. So what do you say? Wanna join the team?”


“Okay good. The next practice is Tuesday right after school.”

“Okay thanks!”

I was so excited at this point. I loved volleyball. I was too excited to even realize a pair of arms grabbed my waist from behind.

“Hey cutie” it was Ryan.

“Hey Ry.” I smiled. I turned around and he gave me a kiss on the forehead. Even though we weren’t “officially” dating, he has been giving me kisses a lot today.

“Why you so smiley Selena?”




“Oh my gosh that’s great!”

“I know!!”

“How about I take you out later for a congrats dinner? I have football practice so I’ll pick you up around 7 ish?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Great. See you later.”  Ryan gave me a last kiss on the cheek and walked off. Ryan is a really sweet and nice guy. I got out my phone texting Acacia telling her to meet me at my car. On my way out towards my car I heard a girl’s laughter around the corner. I walked around quietly being sure not to be caught. At that moment, I wish I didn’t see what I was seeing. It was Justin. And he was with Jasmine. Justin was leaning against the building and Jasmine was leaning against him. They were full on making out. Like really? GET.A.ROOM. Jasmine hands were gliding down Justin’s shirt, down to the zipper of his pants. Oh no. I need to get out of here.

“Jasmine stop.” I heard Justin say.

“Oh c’mon babe, you know you want to.” Jasmine replied. Jasmine started kissing his neck, Justin leaned his head back then turning his head my way. He saw me. I quickly got out of there. I hope he didn’t know it was me. I ran to my car seeing Acacia waiting for me. “What took you so long Lena?”

“Nothing Keesh, just get in the car.”

Justin’s POV

After class, Jasmine said she had a little “gift” for me before football practice. She took me to the side of the school building and started making out with me. Of course I didn’t mind. But she started going down to the zipper of my pants.

“Jasmine stop” I said. I felt like someone was watching. I mean we were outside.

“Oh c’mon babe, you know you want to,” Jasmine said. She started kissing my neck, I tried my best not to make a moan, and I turned my head to the side opening my eyes, seeing a face. It looked like Selena. I didn’t get a good look because the girl ran off to fast. I started ran to the corner of the building, but saw no one. I turned back to Jasmine, and she just had a smirk on her face.

“I’m going to practice now.” I said blankly.


 hey guys ! I decided to upload a new chapter now bc the last one sucked!

 and btw I’m also working on 2 new Jelena fan fics and I think they are better than this one forreal. if you have any questions or comments leave them in my inbox on here or tweet me - @igomezfever

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