chapter eighteen

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Justin’s POV

I could not believe what I just heard. First Jasmine was lying about Ariana aborting our baby. Instead she had a miscarriage? Then I found out from a very drunk Selena that Jasmine and Ryan hooked up? My head is spinning right now. I don’t want to be near any of these people. I just stood there in shock looking right at Jasmine.

“Justin pl-“ Jasmine tried to speak up, but I cut her off.

“Save it Jasmine. You really are a hoe. You know I really cared about you. After I heard you cheated on me at Ryan’s party over summer break, and all the stuff we’ve been through, I still gave you a second chance. And I regret it.” I said through tears.

“But you kissed Selena!” She yelled with a sad face. I wasn’t buying it.

“AT LEAST I DIDN’T HOOK UP WITH HER JASMINE! THERES A DIFFERENCE!” I yelled angrily. I turned to look at Ryan, who looked like he was gonna cry. I walked right up to him.

“And to think you were my bestfriend. How could you do this to me? We are like brothers. Tell each other everything. Why couldn’t you just tell me what happened?” I said. I didn’t yell at him. Cause yelling would just give me a bigger headache.

“I’m sorry man.” Ryan said. And he looked sorry.

I looked around seeing all eyes were on us. I couldn’t, I didn’t want to be here. I ran to my car driving off. I went to my favorite place where I knew I could think.

Ryan’s POV

So Justin knew. Now he knew about me and Jasmine hooking up over summer break at my party. I feel like a bestfriend. *sarcasm*. I knew I should have told him right after it happened. He would have still been hurt, but I doubt as bad as it is now. The truth would have come out sooner or later anyways. But I was hoping from either Jasmine or I, not a totally wasted Selena, who had another cup in her hand. I also couldn’t believe Selena kissed Justin.


Selena’s POV

“Ugh,” I groaned to myself as the sun shined through my windows. Wait my windows? I’m home? I rolled over, accidently hitting someone in the back of their head hearing an “Ow” come out their mouth. I pulled down the covers seeing Ariana faced down next to me on my pillow.

“My bad dude.” I chuckled.

“Whatever. Let me sleep. What time is it anyways?” Ariana groaned into the pillow. I sat up looking at my phone.

“Almost two in the afternoon.” I said. “I’m going to take a shower I’ll be back.” I told her. Ariana just laid there. Well someone isn’t in a good mood, I laughed to my self. I walked, actually stumbled into the bathroom. Gosh I was totally hung over. And it was a bad one. I took out 2 aspirins from my bathrooms cabinet, popping them in my mouth while drinking down some water. I looked into the bathroom mirror seeing how horrible I looked. I still had on my dress from last night, and my hair was all over the place. I used the bathroom, because I really had to pee. “Great,” I mumbled to my self. Not only was I hungover, but Mother Nature came and gave me my monthly gift. After I took a shower, and put on some comfortable clothes, I put my hair up in a messy bun, walking into my room seeing Ariana was finally getting up. Well not really, she kind of stumbled trying to stand herself from my bed.

“Ugh, this freaking sucks!” She yelled.

“Yeah, being hungover, is not a good thing.” I chuckled. “How did we get home?” I asked. Ariana just shrugged her shoulders. Well, at least we got home safe.

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