chapter fifteen

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Selena’s POV

Ariana and I laid out in the middle of the floor, Ariana laying on her back, while my head was resting on her stomach. I cried, and cried. Ariana just listened. I told her everything. What happened at the party, and how I thought Ryan forgot to put on a condom, and what happened at school. Ariana was a good listener. She told me I didn’t deserve a douche like that. What really surprised me is Ariana knew where I was. I sat up, crossed my legs and looked her. Ariana sat up also, crossing her legs facing me.

“How did you know where I was Ari?”

“Well, I remember you told me how dance helped take you away from all your stress and stuff, so I knew you would be here.” She smiled.

“Ah, good friend you are my dear.” I smiled.

“Oh and by the way, you owe me 20 bucks.” She said.

“What? Whyyyyyyyyyyy?” I said holding out the ‘y’.

“Because I took your sister home.” She said.

Fuck. I forgot about Acacia. “OH MY GOSH.” I groaned. “Thanks for taking her home.”

“You’re welcome. She was sitting on the front steps to the building, and she looked familiar and I remembered you posted a picture of you and her on your instagram. I just told her you had something very important to take care of.”

“Thanks again Ariana.”I said. Ariana is really a good friend. No, now she’s my bestfriend. Well, 2nd next to Demi of course.

“Really it’s no big deal.” Ariana said. We both went to our previous positions, this time; I was laying on my back and Ariana’s head rested on my stomach. We laid like that for a good 10 minutes until Ariana spoke up.

{Selena talking, Ariana talking}

“Selena.” Ariana spoke up.


“Um, I think I’m ready.”

“Ready for what?” I asked confused.

“To tell you- tell you why I cut and stuff.” She said quietly. We stayed still.

“Okay Ariana, I’m all ears.” I said.

“Promise you won’t judge me, or tell anybody?” She looked up at me.

“PROMISE.” I said.

“Well, it was a week into summer break, Ryan had a party and I attended.” She began.

“You went to a party?”

“Yeah. Ryan, Justin, Jasmine, Barbara, and I used to be real cool. Like friends.” She said. I nodded my headed telling her to go on.

“Well, at the party we we’re all drunk and I had to go to the bathroom. Jasmine was mad cause Justin wouldn’t have sex with her. I had gone to talk to Justin and he said he didn’t want to talk about it at the moment. So I went to the bathroom cause I really had to pee, and on my way there, I heard laughter coming from Ryan’s room. Knowing Ryan, he’s usually shy to talk to girls, so it was quite exciting for him to actually have a girl in his room. I opened the door slowly, to see what was going on, and no I wasn’t gonna watch them I was drunk so I was curious. Well I opened the door and I saw him with Jasmine. Jasmine was half naked on top of Ryan. I hurried up and closed the door running out the party. I didn’t tell Justin, I didn’t tell anybody what I saw except Miley.”

“Wait,” I spoke up. “Jasmine cheated on Justin, with his bestfriend?” I was shocked. “And Justin is still with this whore?” Ariana just nodded. “Did Justin ever find out?”

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