chapter twenty-one

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Selena’s POV

Did I just hear Justin clearly? He just asked me to the winter dance. Wait maybe he just wants to go as friends? Right? I didn’t realize I was starring off in space and didn’t answer Justin’s question until he cleared his throat.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I said.

“It’s okay. It was a mistake. I get it you don-“

I cut him off. “I’ll go.” I smiled.

“You-you will?” He smiled.

“Yeah, I mean two friends go to the dance together all the time.” I smiled re-assuring. I say Justin’s smile fade a little.

“Okay, so see you at school?” Justin smiled a little.

“Yeah.” I said. I got out of the car walking into my house. I said goodnight to my mom and dad, Acacia then I walked into my room. I took off my volleyball out fit, hopped in the shower taking a nice hot shower. I got in bed just thinking about everything. Justin and the dance. I decided to call Ariana.

{Selena talking, Ariana talking}


“Hey Sel. What’s wrong?”

“Why does something have to be wrong?”

“Because you’re calling me and it’s almost midnight.”


“So what’s wrong? What do you have on your mind?”

“Justin asked me to the winter dance tonight.”

“OH-EM-GEE SEL!!” Ariana squealed.

“Ha-ha. I know. I think I kind of scared him for a little bit cause it took me a while to reply.” I laughed.

“Aww. So ya’ll officially date now?”

“What? No. We’re going to the dance as friends.” I said. I heard Ariana sigh.

“Sel, when are you just gonna reveal your feelings for Justin?”

“I don’t like Justin.”

“Selena now we both know that’s a lie. You told me Sunday you liked him. For God’s sake everyone knows you like Justin, everyone except Justin himself.”

“I don’t like him anymore. I-I just want to be friends.”

“Selena Marie Gomez. DO NOT LIE TO ME.”

“I’m not.”

“Selena, I see the way you look at him. I see the way you hug him. I even know you probably fantasize about him.”

“Ariana okay, I do like Justin. But what am I suppose to do? What if Justin just wants to be friends.”

How do you know that? I see the way Justin looks at you.”

“He’s a hormonal 16 year old guy Ari. I bet every guy looks at a girl with desire and lust.” I laughed.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that girl. Tell me one thing. The truth.”


“Why won’t you come clean about your feelings for him Sel?”

“Truthfully. I’m scared I’ll get hurt. I had one bad relationship with my first boyfriend Nick, when I found him on top of another girl. And then what happened between me and Ryan. I just don’t want to get hurt again.”

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