chapter four

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Justin’s POV

I had somehow convinced Jasmine I had to go home. She actually bought my lie. Soon her, Barbara, and Miley left, and Jazzy and I walked outside to make it legit. When I looked over I saw what must have been the two girls’ parents who were waiting inside their van. I had a plan how I was gonna talk to that girl. I turned to Jazzy and told her what to do.

“So Jazzy, you’re just gonna ‘accidently’ bump into her, okay Jazz?”

“Why Bieber?”

“So Bieber can talk to a pretty girl.” I smiled at her. Jazzy just shrugged her shoulders and left it at that. I was determined to get that girl to talk to me. Then eventually I would get her number, hang out with her, kiss her, and you know one thing leads to another ;). She wouldn’t deny me. I mean NO GIRL DENIES JUSTIN BIEBER. And I literally mean NO GIRL.

“BUTLER!!” Jazzy yelled, interrupting my thoughts.

“JAZZY!!” My best friend, Ryan Butler, yelled back. He came up and gave Jazzy a hug then we did our handshake.

“What’s up bro?” I asked.

“Nothing much, just about to walk in the ice cream shop and get me a smoothie.” Ryan said. I nodded and he went inside.

No more than 2 minutes later I saw the girl’s younger sister walk out, but I didn’t see her. Well, I spoke to soon. Here she came, coming out, laughing…..with Ryan. I tried to act cool, when I saw them both coming my way.

“Hey man, who is this?” I said gesturing towards the mystery girl. She smiled. Wow her smile is even more perfect up close. Actually she is just more flawless up close. “I don’t know your name, but I love your smile,” new song lyrics,I thought.

“This is Selena Gomez. Her and her family just moved here from Texas.” Ryan said. “And Selena, this is my best friend Justin Bieber.”

“Hi Justin.” Selena said shyly. “Girl don't be shy, you won't know if you never try-try-try
When you walk by you're the only one that catches my eye-eye-eye”
Selena keeps inspiring me. She’s just perfect. Plus she’s an, “Out Of Town Girl.”

I was interrupted by a car horn.

“Umm, sorry, I have to go. My family is waiting for me.” Selena said.

“Oh okay. Can I have your number so we can text later?” I heard Ryan say. Wait what? Since when did Ryan get all this courage? Not to put down my best friend, even though he’s popular, Ryan is usually shy around girls.

“Sure.” My head shot up. Did she just say yeah? Ryan handed her, his phone, and she typed in her number.

“There you go.” She said. She turned around and started walking away, until she turned back around. “Oh and Justin?”

“Yeah?” I asked. Hopefully she wanted my number.

“Cute kid.” Okay that hurt. A lot. She turned back around to her family.

Wait; did she just say ‘cute kid’? Oh, she must have been referring to Jazzy, who was wrapped around my leg. Wait, does that mean she thinks I’m her father?

Selena’s POV

Ryan was really nice. We just laughed off the smoothie accident. Luckily I had on shorts, so it was fairly easy to wipe my legs. Not to mention he helped wipe off my legs. I was kind of uncomfortable when he did so, but I just shrugged it off. When we walked outside I saw the same guy that was inside the ice cream shop standing there staring at us. Like he was waiting for me and Acacia to come out. Okay now we are on a whole new level of creepy. Ryan and I walked over to the guy. I found out him and Ryan is best friends, and his name is Justin. My dad beeped the horn for me, and I was about to leave when Ryan all of a sudden asked for my number. I was on the fence about it, but I said sure. I don’t know if it was just me or what but, Justin looked, hurt that Ryan asked me that.

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