chapter eight

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Ariana’s POV

Now it was my turn. My turn to stand up in front of the entire class and introduce myself. Well everyone knows me, well thinks they know me anyway. After what happened before summer break I was dreading to go back to school. Actually dreading going out in public anyway. I can’t believe my used to friends did that. They turned their backs on me. After they did, everyone else did. I’m hoping Selena doesn’t. I could really use a friend at this point.

When I got up I could already hear people calling me names, and snickering. I turned around and saw Selena’s face and saw confusion.

“Hi, um I’m Ariana, as you all know.”

“Of course we do.” I heard someone say.

“Well I like art, singing, and hanging out with friends.”

“What friends?” Jasmine snickered.

She was gonna make my life hell.

“Ummmm,” I had no words. She was right. What friends?

I heard the entire class erupt in laughter except for Selena and Bethany of course. I just hung my head down and walked back to my seat and put my head down. This was gonna be the longest and roughest first day ever.

Selena’s POV

As Ariana was telling us about her, she said she loved to hang out with friends and Jasmine said, What friends? I could tell that really hurt Ariana. I was about to get up and say something when I saw Ariana coming back to her seat. She just put her head down.

When the bell rung everyone rushed out of class especially Ariana. I chased her to the bathroom. I heard Ryan calling my name but I didn’t turn around. I needed to find out what happened back there in class. I walked into the bathroom and saw it was empty until I heard a faint whimper. I knew it was Ariana. I opened the bathroom stall and saw blood coming from Ariana’s wrist. What the?

“Ariana, what the hell are you doing?”

“Just stop Selena. Please. Just go away.” Ariana said through cries. I was not leaving. She needed a friend.  I took the little pocket knife she had and threw it in the near by garbage while talking her out of the stall towards the sink. She winced in pain as I rinsed her new cut.

“Does it hurt?” I asked.

“No, just stings a little.” She replied.

“How long has this been going on Ari?”

“Can we not talk about it right now please?”

“Sure. But we WILL talk about this later Ari. I can’t have you do this to yourself.”

She just gave me an assuring nod. We walked to our lockers together grabbing things we need for our next class. I slightly turned my head towards the right and saw Ryan and Justin staring at me. Creepy much? With that we walked towards our 2nd period. Sadly I had Spanish 2nd and Ariana had French. I walked towards the Spanish room and I saw a seat empty near the window so I gladly took it. Again I was like the 4th person in the class and there was still 3 minutes before class started. When the bell rung the rest of the class came in. Including Jasmine. You’ve got to be kidding me. Luckily 2nd period went by fast, and I didn’t hear a word from Jasmine. Next class was Science, so I sped walked to my locker and exchanged books, but didn’t see Ariana. We had already seen each other schedules and I knew she had history this period. When I shut my locker I felt some muscular arms around my waist and felt a pair of lips on my cheek. I instantly blushed. I turned around seeing Ryan.

“Hey Ryan.” I said giving him a hug.

“Hey Selena. So want to walk to Science with me?”

“Sure.” I smiled. I still wondered where Ariana was.

We walked in science class and I saw Miley and Justin was also in that class. Thank god Jasmine wasn’t. Me and Ryan took a seat next to table that was beside them.

The rest of my classes went fast, so did lunch. I sat by Ryan and his crew, which also icnluded Jasmine. Ugh. She basically sat on Justin’s lap the entire time. Wait why am I even worried? I’m with Ryan. Right? Well when 5th period came, luckily Ariana showed up, when I asked her where she was she just shrugged it off like no big deal. Why was Ariana locking me out?


 hey readers! sorry for such a short chapter. um I’m really kinda stuck on like what should be Ariana’s “big secret” but for now on I’m gonna mainly focus on Selena, Ryan and Justin (:

Thanks for reading! if you have any comments or want to share opinion send it in my inbox or tweet me (: @igomezfever !!! 

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