chapter seventeen

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Selena’s POV

Why did I come to Ryan’s party? Why? Now I’m alone in a room with a guy a barely know. Oh, and not to mention I’m wasted. I could barely keep myself up. I was leaning on the dresser for support, when Josh came walking closer to me.

“Aww, Selena, why so nervous babe?” he said trying to be all nice.

“Don’t come closer to me.” I tried to say seriously. But I kept slurring my words. Damn alcohol and your consequences.

“Selena, we both know you want me too.” He smirked. And to think I thought he was a nice guy. Eveytime he took a step closer to me I backed away, only to be backed into a corner. Trapped. He put his left arm against the wall, while his right hand was going up my leg.

“Please stop.” I cried. He inched his face closer to mine.

“You know you don’t want me to.” He smiled. He soon crashed his lips on mine. What a sloppy ass kiss. Gross. This is the worst kiss I have ever had. He ran his hand up my thing quickly, making me gasped, allowing his tongue in. Ew. I was able to bring my hands up to his chest and push him away and I wiped my mouth. I maybe wasted but I’m not doing anything tonight. I saw Josh furrow his eyebrows at me. I walked, well stumbled towards the door about to leave when Josh grabbed my arm tightly.

“Ow.” I said.

“You’re not going any where Selena.” He said.

“Yes I ammmmm.” I slurred. “I’m going back to the party.” I said. For some reason I didn’t even have to pee. I tried walking away, but his grip got tighter.

“I said NO.” He said. And I actually got scared by the tone in his voice. I was frozen. He yanked me towards the bed.

“Sit.” He demanded. I shook my head no, but I regretted doing that. As soon after I shook my head a felt something cross my face. Josh slapped me, making me fall back on the bed. He got on top of me, straddling me so I couldn’t move. I looked in his eyes and boy did he look pissed.

“So it’s okay for Ryan to use you only for sex but not me?” He said through gritted teeth. The he hit me. No slapped, but hit. I was able to bring my hand up to my mouth, seeing I was bleeding on my lip.

“Please let me go.” I cried and pleaded.

“No.” He said. He began feeling up my legs. I shut my eyes tight not wanting to be here. I missed Texas. I missed Demi. I missed being invisible. I just want my old life back.

Justin’s POV

I was keeping my eye on Selena until I lost her. It was Jasmine’s fault. She asked me to go up to the rooms with her, which we all know I was not doing. When will she get through her head, I will never have sex with her at a party?

I was on my way towards the bathroom when I heard two voices a girl’s and a guy’s. I decided to listen through the door. I heard the guy to tell the girl to sit, and then I heard him mumble something, only being able to hear “for sex but not me?” Wow, I didn’t want to listen anymore. Those two was about to get busy but before I left, I heard a girl say “Please let me go.” Why did the voice sound so familiar? I shrugged it off walking towards the bathroom, but before I went in I realized whose voice it belonged to; Selena’s.

I ran back towards the room carefully opening it so the guy couldn’t hear me. I saw Selena under some guy, and I saw Selena’s dress lifted up a little.

Hold still” the guy said.

Please stop.” Selena whimpered.

“NO.” He said.

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