chapter two

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Selena's POV

"Sel, honey, wake up, we're here." Brian said.

I instantly woke up and saw we were in a pretty decent neighborhood.

"Where's our house?" Acacia asked.

"Right here." Mom said as we pulled up in front of our new house.

"WHOA THIS IS OUR HOUSE?" I pratically screamed. It was a whole lot nicer than the house we had back in Texas.

"Yep, sure is," mom interrupted my thoughts, "it has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms a---"

"4 BATHROOMS?!?!?!?!" Acacia screamed, interupting mom.

"Well," dad began, "are you two gonna stay in the car or go see ya'll new home?"

Acacia and I jumped out the car and ran towards our new house. We opened the door, to see the house was already fully furnished.  

"There's more, go check out ya'll rooms." mom said.

Acacia and I went our separate ways. I saw that my room was towards the right of the stairs, I also noticed I practically got the whole entire right side to myself. I opened my door and saw my beautiful new room.  I also noticed I had my own bathroom. I could get used to this I thought. 

"Like it?"

"YES MOM I LOVE IT!! THANK YOU SO MUCH" I ran up and gave her and Brian a bear hug. 

"How about you go see Acacia's room?" Brian asked.

"Okay." I walked towards Acacia's room, knocked, heard a short "come in" so I walked in. No surprise her room was pink. 

"Hey sis!! Like my room?" Acacia gestured around her room.

"Of course Acacia!" Even though I really wasn't a big fan of pink, I had to admit, I did like her room.

"Girls," our dad walked in, "how would you two like to go get some ice cream? It's a nice day out today, and plus mom and I have a surpise for the both of you."

"YES!" We both yelled in unison.

"Well then, hurry up, and get changed. Mom and I will be waiting down stairs. You both got 20 mintues."

"Okay." I walked off to my room and took a quick shower. What was the surprise I was wondering. Hmmmm. What were they up to? When I got out I left my hair down naturally wavy, and threw on a pair of shorts, and oversized sweater, and some sneakers and ran down stairs. 

Justin's POV

"I want cookies and cream Bieber," Jazzy said.

"Okay Jazz." I smiled. I looked at the lady at the counter and told her I wanted cookies and cream, and vanilla ice creams. 

"Is that all sir?" she asked nicely.

"Yes ma'am" I relplied.

She nodded and I handed her a $10 bill. She handed Jazzy and I our ice creams, and we walked towards the back of the ice cream shop towards a booth near the window .

"Is it good?" I asked Jazzy while laughing. Not even 2 seconds and Jazzy already had devoured half her ice cream and had a ice-cream-stach. 

"hmmmm", Jazzy hummed, which ment yes. I mentally laughed. I was enjoying this alone time with my sister until I was rudely interuppted.

"Well, hello there hot stuff."

I paused. I knew this voice. Great. Just great. I looked up.

"Hey Jasmine," I said acting nice.

"THATS MY NAME!" Jazzy yelled happily. I laughed. Jasmine just rolled her eyes putting her attention back on me.

"Hey boo," Jasmine said, slidding in beside me in the booth. Then I saw she wasn't alone. She had her 2 bestfriends. Miley and Barbara. They both slid in next to Jazzy, Miley picking up Jazzy, and carefully putting her on her lap, making sure not to get ice cream on her outfit. 

"I'm not your boo anymore" I snapped. God she was annoying. I dumped her ass over 3 weeks ago after I caught her cheating on me at a party and it's like she doesn't get that we are over for good.

"Of course you are Justin," she said rubbing her hand along my thigh, while trying to talk all "seductive". It wasn't working. I wasn't turned on, I was more disgusted. 

"Bieber," Jazzy interuppted.

"What Jazzy?" I looked at her. She saw I was uncomfortable. That's another reason I love my sister next to her cuteness. 

"I want more ice-cream!" 

"Okay let's go," I tried getting up, giving Jasmine the hint I was leaving, but she didn't take it. Jasmine grabbed my wrist.

"Don' t worry about it Justin." Jasmine pulled out her wallet and gave Miley a $20 bill. "Miles, Barbs, go get this cutie another ice cream. And I don't mean Justin" she winked and smiled. Miley and Barbara nodded. Miley picked up Jazzy and went back to the counter. She looked so nervous and shy. I just gave Jazzy and assuring look that they wouldn't hurt her.

Selena's POV

While in the car Acacia and I sung at the top of our lungs to Taylor Swift's 22, "IT FEELS LIKE THE PERFECT NIGHT TO DRESS UP LIKE HIPSTERS AND MAKE FUN OF OUR EXES"

I was slowly beginning to like L.A., until you know, school starts Monday. (It was Friday by the way). Other than that the weather was really nice. It wasn't too hot where you felt like you was gonna melt, like the Texas heat. We left texas yesterday and I missed Demi alot. A WHOLE LOT. I decided to get out my phone and text her.

To: Dems <3

hey dems!! i made it to L.A. safetly and I miss you tons! Te amo <3  *send*

We all got out of the van and walked inside the ice cream shop. "Cute place," I said outloud. 

"I know," Acacia agreed.

We walked up to the counter and I saw there was already 2 older girls who looked my age, and one of them was holding a little girl who seemed to be around 5. The little girl was so cute. I saw she was staring at me with the cutest brown eyes.

"Hey cutie." I said.

"Hi." She said back shyly.

I saw both of the girls turn around, and I just stood there smiling like an idiot. (I know my parents and sister was lauging at me.)

"Hi" I managed to say.

"Hello," the shorter one said. I could tell she was country, cause she had a country accent. 

They walked away with the little girl. When I saw where they was going I saw this guy just.......staring at me. Like full on creepy staring at me. And OMYGOSH HE WAS THE SEXIEST GUY I EVER SAW. (Actually Channing Tatum is the sexiest guy I ever saw.....). But why was this dude staring at me? Did I have something showing that shouldn't be? Then I saw her. The girl next to him. Trying to get his attention. Must be his girlfriend I thought, and sighed. That girl was absoutely gorgeous. I broke eye contact and focused back on my family and getting my yummy ice cream. 


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