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Author's Note: Hey, this is my first story so please be nice!
This story is about the Benedict boys only sister (my own character). Enjoy!


Unknown POV

Brum... Brum... Brum... "Why do we have to keep doing this?" I questioned my father, slightly annoyed as I drummed my fingers on the table. This 'operation' will get us into a bigger hole than we already are. And second, what we do is just not right. Doesn't he realized that? Is revenge and illegal things all my dad thinks about?

"Why?!" he repeated angrily as he banged his clenched fist on the table. "Because we're Savants, that's why! And some Savants like to look down at others like us with disappointment!"

I just stared at him coldly, trying to control my sizzling power. Ignoring my cold look, he carried on. "Now, I have a special case for you as your powers are most useful here and you have enough skills and practice to properly start getting involved in the family business." He slid a file across the table so it was directly in front of me. I started flicking through the document to find papers and images of a particular family. "This is the youngest child," Dad said, pointing to a picture of a girl my age, "who hasn't found her soulfinder yet so she will be an easier target than the rest of the family; they will pay for putting your Uncle Phil in jail." I can't believe we're doing this just because Uncle Phil is in jail. He bloody deserved it for what he did, he had it coming!

He laughed evilly but stopped as soon as the words slipped out of my mouth "I won't do it."

"What did you just say?" he hissed.

"I won't do it! Others look down at us with disappointment because we're not doing the right thing! It's people like you that give us a bad name! Maybe Mum was right to leave with the twins from this madness and crime even if part of the reason was to be with her soulfinder; they're probably having a good life away from all this! I wish I listened to Mum and went damn with them!" I shouted. Seconds after the words came tumbling out, I found myself slammed against the wall and not being able to access my powers- which I knew the reason as to why.

"Do you know why she didn't take you with her, huh?" Dad breathed on my face. "She left you because she didn't love you as you were following in my footsteps. That bitch you called Mum wasn't worth it anyway; she knew that if she told anyone about us she would have to kiss life goodbye along with the rest of her new family.

"The twins were annoying anyway as your mother rubbed 'good' things onto them. I would have found your mother easily if she ever gave away information about us! You will never leave crime because 1) you are exactly like me. We both live for crime and revenge." I will never be exactly like him, I thought. He spoke on, "And 2) if you leave and go live on the streets, you will still have to steal and kill just to get by! But sadly, you won't get a chance as I would have killed you by then as I know that you might tell on our little community." He paused, staring into my eyes threateningly before continuing "Are you going to stay?"

I stared intensely at him, debating about the situation and and the outcomes- I knew what he was capable of. I'm surprised he hasn't got caught yet. "No!" I spat in his face and jerked my knee up which came into contact with his lower region. He groaned as he loosened his grip on me. I quickly escaped from his grasp and twisted Dad's arms so he was in an arm lock before crashing him against the wall, with his back and arms to me. "I will NOT become YOU!" I seethed in his ear, putting emphasis on those certain words.

"Tut tut, Jace: that's not how you treat your father. I know all your moves... remember who taught you?" he tutted. He jerked his head back so it collided with my face. I instantly let go, stumbling backwards as I clutched my bleeding nose. Dad launched himself at me causing us to tumble to the floor, rolling around as we threw punches at each other. The grunts and the crashes attracted two of my cousins into the room. They managed to pull us apart, with both of us struggling to get free so we could rip the other's throat out. I glared at him, taking in the damage I had done to him. I managed to bust his lip, bruise his right eye, and cause a few scratches. I on the other hand, had both my eyes bruised and a bleeding nose.

"You know the consequences," he said breathlessly as we were both released from my cousins' hold. I nodded before looking at the floor with scattered paper which fell from the table. "Now that you've seen reason, let's get down to business..."

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