Chapter 5- Dance Class Too?!

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Chapter 5

Zhalia's POV

After school today, me, Elana and Cleo went to our hip hop/street dance club. On our way there, we talked about all the savant cases our families were involved in and funny moments within cases! As we got to the studio where we dance, Cleo slowed down and stared in the direction of the studio car park. "Hey, Zhalia? Isn't that Zed's bike?" she said as she nodded towards a parked motorbike. I looked at it and then shook my head.

"No, it isn't. I guess it's someone else's. Maybe someone new to the club or something." I replied.

"Hang on! Isn't that Jace's bike?" Elana questioned. "Is he joining our class?"

"I'm not psychic; how am I supposed to know?" I said.

"Let's go find out!" Elana said eagerly as she dragged us towards the door.


Turns out Elana was right: it must have been Jace's bike because as soon as we walked into the studio room, we saw him leaning against one of the walls casually on his phone as if he had no other care for anything else in the world. As we walked in, he looked in our direction and frowned before looking back down at his phone.

"Right, my little students! Gather round." instructed our dance teacher, Molly. "As you can see, we have a new student joining our classes, Jace." she said as she looked at him. He just have gave a nod before looking down again but at the floor this time. "As we have just recently started a new dance routine we can easily change some bits slightly to fit him in." When we sorted out the dance routine to fit Jace in, we started practising whilst Jace learnt. Jace wasn't as bad as I expected him to be; he was actually quite good! He was a quick learner as well. Soon I could feel eyes on me, watching my every move, studying the way I move. The eyes felt like they were learning everything about me.

When the 10 minute break came along, me, Cleo and Elana went to where our bags were on the floor. "WOW! Man, can that guy move or what?!" exclaimed Elana.

"Why don't we go over and speak to him?" suggested Cleo.

"No flipping way are we going to go speak to him!" I groaned. "All you guys will do is try to embarrass me and hook me up with him! I am no way going over there. He's a rude, arrogant dick!"

"You're no fun, Zhalia." teased Cleo.

"We won't embarrass you in anyway." said Elana with a smirk.

"Ah, ah! No way; I know you guys way too well to know that you are." I said, backing away.

"Have you got a phobia of hot guys, Zhalia?" mocked Elana.

"No; I'm just afraid of you guys embarrassing me in front of hot guys!" I exclaimed. "Although, him being rude takes his hotness away."

"Well, now is the time to face your fears and learn from the mistakes you make!" said Cleo as she and Elana dragged me over to where he stood amongst some other boys.


Jace's POV

The way she danced was incredible; she moved easily around the room with energy and emotion. Her steps and movements were in time with the music; everything about her was flowing but striking. When the 10 minute break came along, I headed towards where the other guys stood and picked up my bag and got my water bottle out. Soon, Zhalia and her friends came towards me. I smirked when I saw that Cleo and Elana dragging Zhalia in my direction. When they came over, Zhalia stood behind the other two, trying to hide. But she failed as she was slightly taller than them.

"Hey, Jace." Elana said casually. "You're really good at dancing."

"Thanks! You guys aren't bad yourself!" I said as I looked at Zhalia. She looked embarrassed and awkward to be here; she looks cute when she is embarrassed. Wait, what? Jace get a hold of yourself, you can't think about her like that! I thought; I mentally kicked myself as I remembered what I have to do- my duties. Plus I hated her guts.

"Thanks! But Zhalia's better than me and Elana!" Cleo said. Zhalia opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Cleo "OMG! When Molly gets us to do pair work with the opposite gender, Jace and Zhalia should totally work together!"


Zhalia's POV

"OMG! When Molly gets us to do pair work with the opposite gender, Jace and Zhalia should totally work together!" Cleo said, stepping aside so I wasn't hiding behind her and Elana.

What?! I mentally screamed at her.

"Mmmm... Maybe. Only if she can keep up with me!" he smiled at me whilst winking. I looked away blushing. Damn, why did he have to have a sexy smile. And why the hell do the two dimwits have to try and hook us up?

Whoop! Whoop! He is sooo flirting with you, Zhalia! said Elana telepathically to me and Cleo.

Cleo mentally smiled in agreement.

Now all we have to wait for is them to have mini Zhalia's and Jace's so we can be Godparents! said Cleo.

Oh, shut up! What don't you understand of the fact that I hate him? I said.

The part where you hate him... Elana smirked.

Ignoring her, I focused back on Jace.

Elana said "Oh, she can keep up! Every partner she has ever danced with has been left trailing behind with a broken heart!" Did she seriously have to say that, especially the last bit? Man, why am I even friends with these two?

"Yeah, maybe. We'll have to see, don't we. I don't think I'm gonna be left behind; I'm too good looking!" smiled Jace again. I used up all myself control on trying not to slap him; he has a bigger ego than my brothers! And maybe including Cleo and Jeff too.

"Right, break over. Get back into positions people." said Molly loudly above the chattering students. Saved by the bell- or more the teacher.


Jace's POV

She's in my dance class as well? God, I had to deal with and keep an eye on her at school. Once my dad, John, finds out she's in my dance class as well, he'll be thrilled. I was going to dance to at least be free for a couple or hours from my 'duty' for our 'community'. Now I won't even have a break there.

When we finished the session, I went to get my bag and pulled out my phone. 1 unread message it said. I opened it to find a text from my dad:

Jason will be waiting for you at home. He needs help with some details.


Great! Jason was my cousin, also part of the 'community'. He absolutely loves being in the community- to be able to use his powers, creating illusions, to trick and mentally torture innocent people. Me and him do not get along. I decided to take the long way home, not wanting to see him anytime soon.


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